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Is it possible to extend vmdk via REST api?




Only found "add new vmdk" (post/vcenter/vm/{vm}/hardware/disk ) and"change existing vmdk" ( post/vcenter/vm/{vm}/hardware/disk )  in API Explorer.


Also get another hint from other post, but it doesn't work.

Update/resize a disk in a VM:

PUT /vms/{vmid}/disks/{diskaddress}




So is it possible to extend current vmdk? (vCenter 6.5)


Many thanks.

vcp 5 dcv expiring


i got vcp 5dcv expiring in july 08.


what do i need to do to upgrade to 6.5 vcp?


what if i let it expire what do i need to take to recertify in 6.5?


hat do i need now to upgrade to 6.5 before it expire next month

guest info failures for elasticappa0 elasticappb0 elasticdb0?


as shown in fig. attached below:


before this happened, i did re-provision all the tiles(from 0 to 3),

And also tried rebooting PrimeClient, Client VMs and all the workload VMs before executing the VMmark run.

(the IP mapped each VM in the primeclient's /etc/hosts file correctly and i could manually staf ping ping to the VMs via terminal)

but this strange issue occurred, which prevents the test from succeed.

"staxprocessstarterror signal raised. continuing job.", "full status unknown state", "guest info failures for the following machines"


basically the logs only tell the errors but not the reasons(neither stx_job or guestinfofiles...etc)

the test result folder is zipped and attached,

can anyone help???

Maintenance on SQL Server hosting App volumes


Hi All,


We have maintenance schedule for our SQL server hosting App volumes database. Its going to be a restart process, I would like to know if there is any steps need to be followed on the App volumes end.


Also would like to know if there is any disconnection for users as we have App volumes mapped to RDS hosts.


Below is the environment


Horizon 7

App volumes 2.12

UEM 9.1

SQL Server 2014 SP1 Standard

RDS Hosts with App Stacks


Please Advice.

Issue using rdpvcbridge-sdk-3.2.0 to build 32 bit client dll and run on 64 bit client box


Evaluating the VMware-rdpvcbridge-sdk-3.2.0 we found that the 32 bit client dll built using this SDK will not work on the 64 bit client box with installed VMware Horizon View Client 4.8.0 (including sdk sample).

Firmware Type Cannot Be Changed


Author : John Domenichini

URL : http:////docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Fusion/10.0/com.vmware.fusion.using.doc/GUID-4219647D-7736-4F25-8B1F-6B2799A03477.html

Topic Name : Configure a Firmware Type


Publication Name : Using VMware Fusion

Product/Version : VMware Fusion/10.0

Question :

Per the documentation, I should be able to change the Firmware Type for a VM in VMWare Fusion 10.  However, the option does not appear as the documentation indicates.  In fact, there is no "Firmware type" menu, selection, etc.  Am I missing something or has this feature been eliminated?


I am trying to change my firmware selection from UEFI to Legacy BIOS which should be a, relatively, simple thing.

windows7をvCenter Converterで仮想化しようとすると権限が足りないとエラーになる


windows7にvCenter Converterをインストールして、そのローカルマシンを仮想化しようとしてますが、変換ウィザードを進めて実行するとInsufficient permissions to access the sourceのエラーが表示され止まってしまいます。ドメイン参加のPCですが本作業はローカルのビルトインadministratorなのでどこの権限不足なのかわからずログからも特定できておりません。ログにも同じように[LRO] Unexpected Exception: converter.fault.ImportSourceNoPermissionと出力されやはり何かしらの権限が足りてないように見えるのですが、お分かりになる方ご助力願えますでしょうか。よろしくお願いします。

Need to gather information about VMs in specific datacenters in environment


I need to pull up a bunch of information for the VMs living in specific datacenters within a vCenter (5.1, ugh) environment right now. There are three datacenters with clusters within each (plus some hosts not in clusters, but still within the datacenter items). With about 4000 VMs total, I really need a solid way to pull the information from just one datacenter, or even from a single cluster/host within each set. The first target is the smallest, with only 18 hosts and 111 VMs listed in the summary of the DC.


I've found some scripts to pull the information (or a good chunk of it) but I really need it to be more specific (instead of shotgunning to everything).


Information I really need to pull:

VM name (obviously)

vNIC with portgroup connected to, plus how many of them (if more than one at least) along with the adapter type selected (e1000, etc.)

VMDK information including how many and which datastore it's on as well as what the type of datastore it is (VMFS, NAS, etc.).

Snapshot if present (I'd also prefer to have the total snapshot size if easy, but I can always gather that later).

Affinity rule(s) applied against the VM(s). If this can include which rule is applied, that would be great.



IMO, easy stuff to add would be the OS inside the VM, IP address, and power state. I'd also like to have the location information for the VM. Such as which datacenter, cluster and host. Or at least have that available and either enabled or disabled easily (add/remove # in front of the lines).


I've been asked to get all of this for the first target before end of the week. I'd like to have it sometime before EOD tomorrow. One of the scripts I found earlier today is still runnning.


Get-VM | Select-Object Name, Powerstate, NumCPU, MemoryGB, @{N="Noofdisk"; E={($_ | Get-HardDisk).count}}, HardDisks, @{N="Datastore"; E={($_ | Get-Datastore).Name}}, @{N="DiskState"; E={($_ | Get-HardDisk).storageformat}}, ProvisionedSpaceGB,  @{N="Snapshot"; E={($_ | Get-snapshot).count}}, VMHost,   @{N="OS"; E={$_.ExtensionData.summary.config.guestfullname}} | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture -Path "C:\powercli_reports\Inventory4Result.csv$(Get-Date -f MM-dd-yyyy-H-mm-ss).csv"


The above script just finished and pulled up all the info listed in it (good sign). Can I simply add "NetworkAdapter," to the list to get the adapter type for each VM?? I'd still like to narrow down the target to just the DC/cluster I need to focus on (at each run time). Even if it means altering the script to be target specific. I'm also going to still need the rest of the info I listed above added to this. With each run taking over an hour (around 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 hours) it would be better. Especially when I can target a smaller group and get the results faster.


Hopefully someone will answer up soon (like LucD).


update: added the "Get-Datacenter ="<datacenter>" | " at the start to narrow it down. I can change it to a cluster later when I start hitting the one with over 3000 VMs in it (so it takes less time).

Still trying to figure out how to get the Network Adapter Type added to the list. I've tried added "@{N="NetworkAdapter"; E={($_ | Get-NetworkAdapter)}}" but it's not giving me the desired result...


Update2: changed the NIC line to "@{N="NetworkAdapter"; E={($_ | Get-NetworkAdapter).type}}" and that pulls the info needed for that section... Need to figure out how to add a NIC count line to this too (hope what I'm thinking will work, but will see).


Update3: I've managed to get almost everything needed. Except for a way to get the DRS affinity rule for any VMs they are applied against. Since this is going against a DC, is that just not possible? I'll consider pushing the script against a cluster tomorrow.


Message was edited by: golddiggie

How to force users to choose only from a list of hosts, datastores, VLANs, etc


So it seems I'm never done with this script.  I want there to be default answers in some areas, and if a user passes something that's invalid it asks again until they pass a proper bit of info.


$type = Read-Host "Enter Host or Cluster"

if ($type -eq "Cluster")


Get-Cluster | Select Name | sort Name | Format-List #Gets a list of clusters in the vCenter#

$Cluster = Read-Host "Enter Cluster Name"

$myCluster = Get-Cluster -Name "$Cluster"

Get-VMHost -Location "$myCluster" -state "Connected" | sort Name | Select Name,ConnectionState,PowerState | Format-Table #Lists the host from the cluster specified earlier#




Get-VMHost | where {$_.state -eq "Connected"} | sort Name | Select Name,ConnectionState,PowerState | Format-Table


$vmHost = Read-Host "Enter host name"

Get-Datastore -VMHost $vmHost | where {$_.type -eq "NFS"} | Select @{N="Cluster";E={$cluster.Name}},Name,CapacityGB,FreespaceGB,@{N='UsedSpace';E={$_.FreeSpaceGB/$_.CapacityGB*100}} | Out-Default #Lists datastores and capacity#

$datastore = Read-Host "Enter Datastore Name"

$myDatastore = Get-DataStore -Name "$datastore"

$ovfhost = Read-Host "Enter path to OVA/OVF"

$vmName = Read-Host "Enter a name for the VM"

$diskStorage = Read-Host "Enter Thin, Thick or EagerZeroedThick for disk format"

Import-vApp -Source "$ovfhost" -VMHost $vmHost -Location $myCluster -Name "$vmName" -DiskStorageFormat $diskStorage -Datastore $myDatastore #Imports the OVA/OVF into vCenter#

Sleep 10

$VMmove = Read-Host "Enter folder to move VM to"

Move-VM -VM $vmName -Destination $VMmove #Moves VM to the appropriate folder#

Get-Cluster -Name "$Cluster" | Get-VMHost -Name "$vmHost" | Foreach-Object {$strClusterName = $_.Parent.Name; Get-VirtualPortGroup $_ | Select-Object @{N="Cluster";E={$strClusterName}},Name,VLanId} #Gets available VLANs from the host#

$VLAN = Read-Host "Please enter the VLAN name to use"

$NIC = Get-NetworkAdapter -VM $vmName


So for the first part for $type it defaults to Host which I'm fine with.  After that I get a list of only hosts that are in the Connected state.  I'd like it if someone could just only type a name from the list provided, and if they don't provide one it prompts again.  Same thing would be fore the rest really, for the datastore, disk storage, folder path (hoping they put in a valid path) and VLAN type.  I'm new to all of this and have been googling around, just haven't found what I need yet.

Chelsio t520-cr 10G nic not functional in ESXi 6.7




I recently purchased two Chelsio t520-cr 10G nics to connect my ESXi box to my FreeNAS box.  I installed both cards and connected them, but the card was not found in ESXi.  I downloaded the driver from Chelsio and installed the cxl driver per the instructions.


The card is listed by lspci:


[root@orion:~] lspci | grep Chelsio

0000:01:00.0 Network controller: Chelsio Communications Inc. T520-CR Unified Wire Ethernet Controller

0000:01:00.1 Network controller: Chelsio Communications Inc. T520-CR Unified Wire Ethernet Controller

0000:01:00.2 Network controller: Chelsio Communications Inc. T520-CR Unified Wire Ethernet Controller

0000:01:00.3 Network controller: Chelsio Communications Inc. T520-CR Unified Wire Ethernet Controller

0000:01:00.4 Network controller: Chelsio Communications Inc. T520-CR Unified Wire Bus Enumerator

0000:01:00.5 Mass storage controller: Chelsio Communications Inc T520-CR Unified Wire Storage Controller

0000:01:00.6 Serial bus controller: Chelsio Communications Inc T520-CR Unified Wire Storage Controller



and the driver appears to be loaded:


[root@orion:~] esxcli software vib list | grep cxl

cxl                           Chelsio  VMwareCertified   2018-06-17



and the kernel logs says it loaded the driver:


[root@orion:~] cat /var/log/vmkernel.log


2018-06-17T19:30:16.259Z cpu2:2099757)Loading module cxl ...

2018-06-17T19:30:16.265Z cpu2:2099757)Elf: 2101: module cxl has license ThirdParty

2018-06-17T19:30:16.337Z cpu2:2099757)Device: 192: Registered driver 'cxl' from 96

2018-06-17T19:30:16.337Z cpu2:2099757)Chelsio T5/T6 Native Network Driver - version

2018-06-17T19:30:16.338Z cpu2:2099757)Mod: 4962: Initialization of cxl succeeded with module ID 96.

2018-06-17T19:30:16.338Z cpu2:2099757)cxl loaded successfully.



However, when I list the nics, the chelsio card is not listed.  Only the onboard gigabit ethernet(s):


[root@orion:~] esxcfg-nics -l

Name    PCI          Driver      Link Speed      Duplex MAC Address       MTU    Description

vmnic0  0000:03:00.0 igbn        Up   1000Mbps   Full   ac:1f:6b:46:89:d0 1500   Intel Corporation I350 Gigabit Network Connection

vmnic1  0000:03:00.1 igbn        Up   1000Mbps   Full   ac:1f:6b:46:89:d1 1500   Intel Corporation I350 Gigabit Network Connection



I've rebooted several times with no luck.  The card itself has a steady red light which according to chelsio's documentation, just means that the card has power and it should go out when the driver is loaded.  The card that I installed in the FreeNAS box was detected and the light is out as they suggested it would be.


I'm really stuck. Any ideas are welcome!  Thanks!

How rename vSphere vStandard switch on the vSphere Web Client?


Create a new standard vSwitch on the vSphere Web Client, but, the virtual switch name cannot be named during creation process.


After create the vSwitch, how rename the vSwitch on the vSphere Web Client ?


Do I must to edit the esx.conf file ?

Can I rename vSphere vStandard switch on the vSphere Web Client?

Zero Client for Blast Extreme and Nvidia vGPU


We currently have HP T310 PCOIP clients and need some more.


We are not too happy with how PCOIP works with AutoCAD so are looking at moving over to Blast Extreme as it seems to be better and as VMware are phasing support for PCOIP out, i guess its a move in the right direction.

Can anyone recommend some good Zero Clients for Blast Extreme that work well with Nvidia cards (M60) for AutoCAD/Revit use?

Windows Server Failover Clustering in the vSphere environment


I have a vSphere environment.

Build a windows Server Failover  Clustering in the vSphere environment.

But validate configuration is failed.


Storage is failed.

Validate SCSI-3 Persistent Reservation

Node ClusterSvr01.itpro.local successfully issued call to Persistent Reservation RESERVE for Test Disk 0 which is currently reserved by node ClusterSvr02.itpro.local. This call is expected to fail.

Test Disk 0 does not provide Persistent Reservations support for the mechanisms used by failover clusters. Some storage devices require specific firmware versions or settings to function properly with failover clusters. Please contact your storage administrator or storage vendor to check the configuration of the storage to allow it to function properly with failover clusters.

Test failed. Please look at the test log for more information.


ClusterSvr01.itpro.local and ClusterSvr01.itpro.local is cluster Server Name.


what should I do?

ESXi 4.1 BIOS compatibility





I would like to check about compatibility for updating BIOS firmware, which our client was using Power Edge R210 II.


Is there any way that we can check the compatibility for ESXi 4.1?


Kindly assist.

NSX Edge


Is there any loopback IP address concept in NSX Edge ?

My understanding is no. Is there any similar concept of loopback in NSX edge ?

SSL VPN is using IP in SSL Connect


Hi all,


I have configured NSX 6.4 in my lab using my VMUG license and have successfully configured SSL VPN however whenever I connect to the Edge instance I get a certificate warning despite the certificate chain being valid. If I connect to the SSL VPN FQDN via a web browser the cert chains passes.


Is there a way to get the client to use the FQDN rather then the IP when it connects to SSL?

Workstation 12 Player - Trouble Enabling Bridged Virtual Connection


While trying to setup Kali-Linux-2016-vm-amd64 via Workstation 12 Player on a Windows 7 host PC, I was unable to get a workable connection using the Bridged(Automatic) setting for the Network Adapter. VM Settings7.png



My understanding is that the Player should set up 3 virtual adapters during VMware install as follows:


VMnet0 - Bridged

VMnet1 - Host-Only

VMnet8 - NAT

Source - http://pubs.vmware.com/player-12-windows/index.jsp?topic=  %2Fcom.vmware.player.win.using.doc%2FGUID-8FDE7881-C31F-487F-BEF3-  B2107A21D0CE.html


I am able to get a workable connection to internet via NAT (Ping, but not with Bridged option.


I tried reinstalling Workstation Player, and the Kali-Linux VM from scratch with the same results.


I've tried 'adding' another Network Adapter via Virtual Machine Settings with same no connection results


I checked Network Connections on the Win 7 Host, and I notice 2 VMware Network adapters labeled VMnet1 and VMnet8, but nothing relating to an expected VMnet0. So I assume VMware tried and maybe failed to create the appropriate adapter for some reason.
VM Settings6.png


Looking for suggestions or resources to fix this no-connection Bridged issue.


Thanks for taking time to read my post.

Schedule Snapshot with PowerCli


Hi All,


I there any way to use PowerCli to schedule a snapshot? I'm looking to built a script to take user inputs such as Vm name, snapshot name, snapshot date, etc. to schedule a snapshot. I'm hoping to create a simple webpage to take some user inputs and pass it to script. I saw some examples that use PowerShell to create schedule task but they are all about creating a windows scheduled task. I would like to create the task as you would create in vSphere.




How is the CDO Mode work


When CDO mode is enabled, a CDO logic switch is created and there is a Global VTEP list. But how the Global VTEP list works, and why the existence of this Global VTEP list, VMs on the host can communicate, do not understand.

AND What does the BUM traffic of the following figure mean?

Can you explain it to me?

SRM with Platform Services Controller High Availability (PSC HA)




I am looking to understand if SRM 6.5.x supports Platform Services Controller High Availability (PSC HA)? (VMware Knowledge Base)


I am deploying vCenter Server High Availability (VCHA) clusters with PSC HA using F5 LTM Load Balancers, but I am not 100% sure if SRM supports it?


I have attached a block diagram of my proposed final setup. There will be two VCHA clusters and two PSC's per SSO site, with 2 sites in the SSO domain. All vCenter Servers will be federated using Enhanced Linked Mode (ELM). Only 1 VCHA cluster in each SSO site will be using SRM to protect/recover it's workloads.


All vCenters & PSC's will be running version 6.5 update 1.


The PSC's will been deployed in sequence 1->2->3->4 and a final manual PSC replication agreement will be created between PSC 4 and PSC 1, to create a ring topology.


If I cannot use PSC HA with SRM:


  1. can I still use it for the workload VCHA cluster?
  2. which PSC's should I directly configure SRM to use?


Any advice or gotchas you can point out will be appreciated.




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