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STAF Trust Level incorrect for the following machines: 1 machines [VM reboot may be required] : Client0


After failed run, exiting and starting a new run results in:
STAF Trust Level incorrect for the following machines: 1 machines [VM reboot may be required] : Client0

No other detail, the STAF file looks fine and I have rebooted the VM twice.

Configuring a PowerShell workflow in vRO and then having it as a blueprint in vRA




I'm currently running vRO/vRA 7.3.1.  I've created a blueprint in vRA which has been nice, but I'd like to do more with it.  I have some PowerShell scripts that I'd like to setup as a workflow in vRO and then have them as a blueprint somehow in vRA (if possible) so anybody on my team or in the company if needed could just click and run a script.  I have created a PowerShell machine (2k12 R2) that has PowerShell 5.1 on it.  I've run the New-VICredentialStoreItem on there for a particular vCenter to test with.  Below is the code I'm using for the script:


$creds = Get-VICredentialStoreItem -File C:\vicredentials.xml

Connect-VIServer -Server $creds.Host -User $creds.User -Password $creds.Password

$log = Read-Host "Enter log name i.e. VRM.txt"

$GetVM = Get-VM -location VRM | sort Name

$GuestCredential = Get-Credential #Provide Guest OS credentials

$obj = foreach ($vm in $GetVM)


   $string = "query user /server:$vm"

   Invoke-VMScript -vm $vm -ScriptText $string -ScriptType Powershell -GuestCredential $GuestCredential | Format-List | Out-File $log -append


Basically I'd like to setup a workflow somehow to just list the particular vCenter this would apply to, then ask the user for the name of the log file they want and then have it pass that into the script.  They would also pass the credentials for the machines (a service account, or maybe that's in the workflow, but hidden somehow).  The script would run and somehow (I'm not sure if this is possible in vRO/vRA) the file is created and the user can access it somehow after vRA has completed it..  Perhaps I create a share they can get to that the script puts it there.  I tried looking around on google for this, but whatever I tried really didn't work, so I'm stuck.  I'm not sure if this is possible or not, but since this is the simplest script I have I want to try it first before moving onto ones that require more input from the user.  Any help is appreciated.



ESXI - AMD Threadripper Testing - Having Issues.


Hi All,


I have been playing with a new Threadripper 1950X build and was thinking about seeing if I could get ESXi working. So far I haven't been having much luck and my build keeps getting stuck at the following place:




I have tried all kinds from disabling all sata ports, disabling SMT, disabling USB3 and generally messing about with stuff in the bios but as yet I simply can't get it past this loading screen. I realise that this chip is not on the supported chips list yet and that its a long shot but figured if anybody would know it would be the good people in here.


Any help you can give me would be very much appreciated. I'm also fairly noob so go easy on me lads.




Latest Manjaro updates broke the VMWare Console


One of the more recent Manjaro updates (At earliest the April 22 17.1.8 stable update) has left the remote console behind. A few upgrades ago I was able to prevent the breakage by adding librsvg to my package ignore list, but after this update, I have no way to track back through every package to figure out what broke the remote console.


Here's where it broke:



2018-05-21T10:22:48.839-05:00| appLoader| I125: Loading shipped version of libfreetype.so.6.

2018-05-21T10:22:48.840-05:00| appLoader| I125: Loading system version of libfontconfig.so.1.

2018-05-21T10:22:48.841-05:00| appLoader| W115: Unable to load libfontconfig.so.1 from libfontconfig.so.1: /usr/lib/libfontconfig.so.1: undefined symbol: FT_Done_MM_Var

2018-05-21T10:22:48.841-05:00| appLoader| W115: Unable to load dependencies for /usr/lib/vmware/lib/libvmrc.so/libvmrc.so

2018-05-21T10:22:48.841-05:00| appLoader| W115: Unable to execute /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmrc.



It looks like the remote console doesn't recognize the symbol listed. Additionally, the installer is unable to launch the GUI.


Is there a way to get the console compiled from the latest source and get the dependencies fixed up?

VCenter 6.7 appliance is 1.6TB?


upgrading my vcenter appliance from 6.5 to 6.7 has increased sized from 300GB to 1.6 TB, thats pretty steep, anybody know why?

XFS file system on RAW mapping or VMFS partition?


I am working on setting up a file system to handle millions of small files that will be randomly accessed. They will be served up via web servers using either NFS or SMB to access them. I like what I have been reading about XFS and some of its features such as parallelism. I want to have this be very high performance and that made me think about some things: are there any penalties or benefits of using either RAW mapping or putting the XFS partition on a VMDK stored on a VMFS partition? The back end storage is a Compellent SAN with tiered storage. Basically, does anyone know if it will make any differences in the way XFS performs if its built directly on the disk, or built onto of a VMFS partition?


I would be happy to accept any suggestions as well, I am in the designing phase now, so any thoughts or input would be helpful.




Eduard Teiseler

Guest VM can't resolve DNS on VPN of host


I have a WIndows 7 Host that has a standard windows PPTN VPN connection to my workplace.  If I run the guest (also Windows 7) with NAT networking, I can ping hosts on the VPN, but i cannot resolve any DNS over the VPN, but I can resolve DNS over the internet connection of the host (I have the default gateway turned off for the vpn connection).  DNS resolution works for the host over the VPN.


I also tried to configure the guest to use the VPN directly, using both NAT and Bridged, and I have a huge problem with frequent VPN disconnects.  I stay connected on the HOST and do not have those disconnects.


Can anyone help me to get DNS resolution for the VPN as well as the internet working?  I'm using Workstation 7.1.

Upgrading From vSphere 5.0 to 6.5 - Sanity Check From The Community Please


Hello community peeps!


It's been a while since I have done an upgrade so I am reaching out you all for a sanity check. I am about to upgrade I am planning.

I am upgrading from 5.0 running on 2 HP Prolient DL380 servers to 2 Dell Power Edge R720 servers running vSphere 6.5. Since I am

jumping from one server brand to another (I know VMs are hardware agnostic) and jumping from 5.0 to 6.5 in the same breath I want

to make sure I do  this right.


Current production cluster that needs to be upgraded

2 HP Proliant DL380

vSphere 5.0

vCenter server 5.0 (Windows server 2008 R2)

SAN: Dell Equalogic


Future Production Cluster

2 Dell Power Edge R720XD

Planning to upgrade to vSphere 6.5

SAN: This cluster will use the current Dell Equalogic SAN


Migration / Upgrade plan


Note: I am planning on taking backups of all of the VMs prior to the upgrade.


Step 1 Upgrade current (soon to be decommissioned) production cluster from 5.0 - 5.5

            a. upgrade vCenter server from 5.0 to 5.5

            b. upgrade VMware tools on the VMs

            c. upgrade VMFS datastores


Step 2 Connect new host to SAN

            a. configure new Dell hosts to connect to the Dell Equalogic SAN


Step 3 Migrate VMs from the current production cluster to the new production cluster (5.5) 

Step 4 Upgrade the vCenter server from 5.5 and migrate to the vCenter 6.5 server appliance  - Performed on the new production cluster

Step 5 Upgrade vSphere 5.5 to 6.5 - Performed on the new production cluster

Step 6 Apply new license, since this is a major upgrade - Performed on the new production cluster



1. Does the license for vCenter server windows version allow you to migrate to the vCenter server 6.5 appliance

2. Am I correct in saying that I only need to apply a new license when i do a "major upgrade" from one version to another. For example: 5.5 to 6.0 requires a new lic key but 5.0 to 5.5 does not?

3. From a very basic level does this plan seem ok

vCenter 6.5 Datastore unable to delete some files


vCenter 6.5


Today I received an alert that one of my datastores was running low on disk space.


The datastore contains VM's and replicas from Veeam B&R


I found several folders named the same with a _# so I reviewed them and found they are no longer needed  I failed replication job here and there


So I went to delete the folder and most deleted but I have 3 or 4 that just will not delete


I tried powercli but only got as far as listing the datastore get-datastore   then get-datastore DataStore-3T  with some info


How can I delete those unused files?


Thank you


VSA unable to Backup


vCenter 6.5

I am trying to use the backup process in VSA to FTP to my NAS device.


Keep getting error VMware-statsmonitor is not started


I ssh; to my VSA and issued this command service-control --start VMware-statsmonitor    then it went to StartPending


I need a backup because I made a terrible mistake the other day cleaning up my data store I accidentally delete the wrong folder.

It would not delete the folder because it has a lock on the files but it did delete some files from the folder.

If I shutdown the VSA I will loose it because the files will be deleted once the lock if freed


Can I build another VSA then delete the original one?


I can not even take a snapshot of the VSA  I get error Detected an invalid snapshot configuration.


Any ideas?


Thank you



iSCSI Network Port Binding Path Status Not Used vCenter 6.5



I have vCenter 6.5 with six ESXI 6.5 Hosts

Two Hosts have 4 plus network adapters installed.

I run Windows 2012 R2 and Windows 2016 Cluster Servers using iSCSI from my NAS Device which has iSCSI support al working well

I am trying to set up MPIO on the Windows server I run SQL Cluster servers.


I installed the iSCSI Software Adapter on Both Host 1 and Host 3


On Host 1 and Host 3 I created two VMKernel's  VMkernal-iSCSI-1 and VMKernal-iSCSI-2  they both have one network adapter assigned.

After creating the VMkernels I went to the storage adapters hit the green + sign and added the two VMKernels.

Selected the target tab and entered the ip address on my NAS device

On the iSCSI Software Adapter I saw 24 Targets 0 Devices and 0 Paths

on the Network Port Binding tab the Path Status in NOT USED all others look good.


I tried to do a Dynamic Discovery on the ip address 10.x.x.x:3260 I saw nothing when I do a Static Discovery I see all my targets.



This is the same on both Host 1 and Host 2







Any ideas what I might be missing here?


Thank you,



A dmp file vpxd-2.dmp is generated in the vCenter Server directory c:/ProgramData/VMware/VMware VirtualCenter/Logs/. As a result, the C drive is full and the vcenter Inventory service is abnormal. How does this dmp file be generated?


A dmp file vpxd-2.dmp is generated in the vCenter Server directory c:/ProgramData/VMware/VMware VirtualCenter/Logs/. The vpxd-2.dmp file is approximately 22G in size.As a result, the C drive is full and the vcenter Inventory service is abnormal. How does this dmp file be generated?

VCSA 6.7 Download Missing




not sure if I missed a memo but upon logging into my VMware portal i'm only seeing a download for the 6.7 Hypervisor and "VMware vCenter Server and modules for Windows", but the VCSA appliance is not listed. Did this get pulled back?


I was facing issues preventing me from upgrading to 6.7 with the initial release, but was told a new version was published that should fix my issue. Doesn't do me much good if I can't find or download it!

Time Zone no ESXi 6.7


How I change time zone in vmware esxi 6.7?

By the graphical interface it only allows to change the date and time

When I change the time via SSH, it returns to the default when I reboot the server

I saw in some forums that one can change the localtime but the esxi 6.7 does not have the folder / usr / share / zoneinfo


Has anyone ever had this problem?

How to force users to choose only from a list of hosts, datastores, VLANs, etc


So it seems I'm never done with this script.  I want there to be default answers in some areas, and if a user passes something that's invalid it asks again until they pass a proper bit of info.


$type = Read-Host "Enter Host or Cluster"

if ($type -eq "Cluster")


Get-Cluster | Select Name | sort Name | Format-List #Gets a list of clusters in the vCenter#

$Cluster = Read-Host "Enter Cluster Name"

$myCluster = Get-Cluster -Name "$Cluster"

Get-VMHost -Location "$myCluster" -state "Connected" | sort Name | Select Name,ConnectionState,PowerState | Format-Table #Lists the host from the cluster specified earlier#




Get-VMHost | where {$_.state -eq "Connected"} | sort Name | Select Name,ConnectionState,PowerState | Format-Table


$vmHost = Read-Host "Enter host name"

Get-Datastore -VMHost $vmHost | where {$_.type -eq "NFS"} | Select @{N="Cluster";E={$cluster.Name}},Name,CapacityGB,FreespaceGB,@{N='UsedSpace';E={$_.FreeSpaceGB/$_.CapacityGB*100}} | Out-Default #Lists datastores and capacity#

$datastore = Read-Host "Enter Datastore Name"

$myDatastore = Get-DataStore -Name "$datastore"

$ovfhost = Read-Host "Enter path to OVA/OVF"

$vmName = Read-Host "Enter a name for the VM"

$diskStorage = Read-Host "Enter Thin, Thick or EagerZeroedThick for disk format"

Import-vApp -Source "$ovfhost" -VMHost $vmHost -Location $myCluster -Name "$vmName" -DiskStorageFormat $diskStorage -Datastore $myDatastore #Imports the OVA/OVF into vCenter#

Sleep 10

$VMmove = Read-Host "Enter folder to move VM to"

Move-VM -VM $vmName -Destination $VMmove #Moves VM to the appropriate folder#

Get-Cluster -Name "$Cluster" | Get-VMHost -Name "$vmHost" | Foreach-Object {$strClusterName = $_.Parent.Name; Get-VirtualPortGroup $_ | Select-Object @{N="Cluster";E={$strClusterName}},Name,VLanId} #Gets available VLANs from the host#

$VLAN = Read-Host "Please enter the VLAN name to use"

$NIC = Get-NetworkAdapter -VM $vmName


So for the first part for $type it defaults to Host which I'm fine with.  After that I get a list of only hosts that are in the Connected state.  I'd like it if someone could just only type a name from the list provided, and if they don't provide one it prompts again.  Same thing would be fore the rest really, for the datastore, disk storage, folder path (hoping they put in a valid path) and VLAN type.  I'm new to all of this and have been googling around, just haven't found what I need yet.

Internet Sharing over VMWare Adapter




I have installed VMWare Fusion into my MacOS High Sierra 10.13. It's created two virtual network Adapter called vmnet1 and vmnet8. But I can't find how to share my MacOS internet connection (from Wi-Fi) through those adapter with my VMWare guest machine. Under Internet Sharing Menu in System Preferences, there is no option for vmnet1 or vmnet8. My Wi-Fi adapter shows as en0 with 'ifconfig' command. So I actually want to share Internet connection of en0 inteface (wi-fi) with vmnet1 or vmnet8 interface.


Thanks in advance.

Skype Popping Up and Unable to Search


Having issues with Windows 10 and Skype 2016 opening up constantly on floating pools.  Skype just keeps popping up in front of everything at random intervals.  It's really annoying.  If I remove the App Volume agent then it stops happening.  Also, if the App Volume agent is installed I can not search the Skype Address book.  No errors or anything.  Just blank.  Same resolution.  I remove the App Vol agent and I can search just fine.


My environment ....


Horizon 7.2.0

App Vol 2.12.1

UEM 9.2.0

VCSA 6.7 on ESXi 6.5u1 - Installation failed


Hi All,


We are trying to build a new VMWare environment for evaluation, currently we have a ESXi 6.5u1 hypervisor where we are attempting to deploy VCSA 6.7. Stage 1 of the deployment completes successfully, the stage 2 wizard runs and is completed at which point the setup runs however, early on in the setup process we are having trouble.



We get this unrecoverable error message:


Behind the unrecoverable error message, it seems the process stops somewhere around this point.



I have downloaded the logs and attached what I believe to be the relevant components below:



{    "finalStatus": "failure",    "stepsCompletedList": "visl-support-firstboot,vmafd-firstboot,vmidentity-firstboot,pod_firstboot,soluser_firstboot,vmon-firstboot,rhttpproxy_firstboot,analytics_firstboot",    "stepsStarted": 8,    "failedSteps": "analytics_firstboot",    "totalSteps": 38,    "stepsCompleted": 8,    "runTime": [        {            "visl-support-firstboot": "0:00:03"        },        {            "vmafd-firstboot": "0:00:53"        },        {            "vmidentity-firstboot": "0:00:43"        },        {            "pod_firstboot": "0:00:00"        },        {            "soluser_firstboot": "0:00:07"        },        {            "vmon-firstboot": "0:00:01"        },        {            "rhttpproxy_firstboot": "0:00:02"        },        {            "analytics_firstboot": "0:00:01"        }    ]



INFO:root:Register service with LS.
2018-05-10T14:59:56.955Z  Failed to register Analytics Service with Component Manager: SoapException:
faultcode: ns0:FailedAuthentication
faultstring: Invalid credentials
faultxml: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><S:Body><S:Fault xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"><faultcode xmlns:ns0="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512">ns0:FailedAuthentication</faultcode><faultstring>Invalid credentials</faultstring></S:Fault></S:Body></S:Envelope>
2018-05-10T14:59:56.969Z  Traceback (most recent call last):  File "/usr/lib/vmware-analytics/firstboot/analytics_firstboot.py", line 161, in register_with_cm    cloudvm_sso_cm_register(keystore, cisreg_spec, key_alias, dyn_vars, isPatch=is_patch)  File "/usr/lib/vmware-cm/bin/cloudvmcisreg.py", line 700, in cloudvm_sso_cm_register    serviceId = do_lsauthz_operation(cisreg_opts_dict)  File "/usr/lib/vmware/site-packages/cis/cisreglib.py", line 1044, in do_lsauthz_operation    ls_obj.register_service(svc_id, svc_create_spec)  File "/usr/lib/vmware/site-packages/cis/cisreglib.py", line 340, in add_securityctx_to_requests    with self._sso_client.securityctx_modifier(self._stub):  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/contextlib.py", line 59, in __enter__    return next(self.gen)  File "/usr/lib/vmware/site-packages/cis/cisreglib.py", line 240, in securityctx_modifier    self._update_saml_token()  File "/usr/lib/vmware/site-packages/cis/cisreglib.py", line 223, in _update_saml_token    self._uname, self._passwd, token_duration=120)  File "/usr/lib/vmware/site-packages/pyVim/sso.py", line 317, in get_bearer_saml_assertion    ssl_context)  File "/usr/lib/vmware/site-packages/pyVim/sso.py", line 256, in perform_request    raise SoapException(fault, *parsed_fault)
pyVim.sso.SoapException: SoapException:
faultcode: ns0:FailedAuthentication
faultstring: Invalid credentials
faultxml: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><S:Body><S:Fault xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"><faultcode xmlns:ns0="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512">ns0:FailedAuthentication</faultcode><faultstring>Invalid credentials</faultstring></S:Fault></S:Body></S:Envelope>

2018-05-10T14:59:56.970Z  Exception: Traceback (most recent call last):  File "/usr/lib/vmware-analytics/firstboot/analytics_firstboot.py", line 161, in register_with_cm    cloudvm_sso_cm_register(keystore, cisreg_spec, key_alias, dyn_vars, isPatch=is_patch)  File "/usr/lib/vmware-cm/bin/cloudvmcisreg.py", line 700, in cloudvm_sso_cm_register    serviceId = do_lsauthz_operation(cisreg_opts_dict)  File "/usr/lib/vmware/site-packages/cis/cisreglib.py", line 1044, in do_lsauthz_operation    ls_obj.register_service(svc_id, svc_create_spec)  File "/usr/lib/vmware/site-packages/cis/cisreglib.py", line 340, in add_securityctx_to_requests    with self._sso_client.securityctx_modifier(self._stub):  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/contextlib.py", line 59, in __enter__    return next(self.gen)  File "/usr/lib/vmware/site-packages/cis/cisreglib.py", line 240, in securityctx_modifier    self._update_saml_token()  File "/usr/lib/vmware/site-packages/cis/cisreglib.py", line 223, in _update_saml_token    self._uname, self._passwd, token_duration=120)  File "/usr/lib/vmware/site-packages/pyVim/sso.py", line 317, in get_bearer_saml_assertion    ssl_context)  File "/usr/lib/vmware/site-packages/pyVim/sso.py", line 256, in perform_request    raise SoapException(fault, *parsed_fault)
pyVim.sso.SoapException: SoapException:
faultcode: ns0:FailedAuthentication
faultstring: Invalid credentials
faultxml: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><S:Body><S:Fault xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"><faultcode xmlns:ns0="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512">ns0:FailedAuthentication</faultcode><faultstring>Invalid credentials</faultstring></S:Fault></S:Body></S:Envelope>

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/vmware-analytics/firstboot/analytics_firstboot.py", line 260, in main    fb.register_with_cm(analytics_int_http, is_patch)  File "/usr/lib/vmware-analytics/firstboot/analytics_firstboot.py", line 172, in register_with_cm    problem_id='install.analytics.cmregistration.failed')
cis.baseCISException.BaseInstallException: {    "resolution": {        "localized": "Please search for these symptoms in the VMware Knowledge Base for any known issues and possible resolutions. If none can be found, collect a support bundle and open a support request.",        "id": "install.analytics.cmregistration.failed.res",        "translatable": "Please search for these symptoms in the VMware Knowledge Base for any known issues and possible resolutions. If none can be found, collect a support bundle and open a support request."    },    "componentKey": "analytics",    "problemId": "install.analytics.cmregistration.failed",    "detail": [        {            "localized": "Analytics Service registration with Component Manager failed.",            "id": "install.analytics.cmregistration.failed",            "translatable": "Analytics Service registration with Component Manager failed."        }    ]

2018-05-10T14:59:56.970Z  VMware Analytics Service firstboot failed




Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated!



Error Tunnel server Horizont Client


Hello Guys


In a installation of Horizont with Load Balancer in a F5, when I connect to Client show me the following error post connection,



The F5 to use wilcard certificate *.domain.cl.


Is necessary change the CA in the Connection Servers?


Thanks for your help





UEM 9.4 With Windows 10


Ok here goes we are currently using Horizon 7.4 with Zero client devices with a Windows 7 environment along with roaming profiles.  I am in the process of looking to upgrade our VDI desktop from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and looking for a solution for the roaming profile.  We are using non-persistent desktops and I was thinking about trying UEM to see if that will work better than trying to create new roaming profiles or trying Microsft UE-V solution. We have in the past using many GPO to force a certain desktop environment for our end users.  Our users are not very savvy and the windows 7 roaming profiles worked ok except for the long login time.  So I was wondering if anyone was using UEM and how well it is/was working for you?


Thank You Advance,


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