Enable the FailDiskRegistration config option on the host
Administrator password change using guest customization - "VMware Image Customization in progress" on every reboot
Hi to all,
I would appreciate help with following problem in vCloud Director environment we have.
Customer is asking for functionality to change password for default administrator in guest OS (in cases where end customers forgot password).
We were able to change administrator password using guest OS customization. It is same if we do that using vCloud Director GUI or from vRO worklow - behavior we experience is the same.
If we tick only "Enable guest customization" and "Auto generate password" (and untick "Change SID"), Power ON and force customization, password is changed but at every reboot cycle of VPS we see "VMware Image Customization in progress" screen. Beside that, we see in registry that sysprep was not finished, same like described here VMware Knowledge Base . Templates are created using correct operating system.
Here are settings which produce this behavior, like I sad, same is if we do that using vRO workflow.
Doe anyone saw this before? Changing registry on every provisioned VPS is not best option to solve this...
guestCustomizationSection.enabled = true;
guestCustomizationSection.adminPasswordEnabled = true;
guestCustomizationSection.changeSid = false;
guestCustomizationSection.adminPasswordAuto = true;
guestCustomizationSection.resetPasswordRequired = false;
guestCustomizationSection.adminAutoLogonEnabled = false;
guestCustomizationSection.adminAutoLogonCount = 0;
Environment consist of:
vCenter Server 6.0.0, 7037393
ESXi 6.0.0, 3825889
vCloud Director 8.2.0
I woul appreciate any help.
Thank you.
Shrinking Linux VM Created by Converter - P2V
Hello All,
I know this has been asked many times. But, every link/discussion I find has a different answer, and I'm not sure which one is the right one. And a lot of them depend on the VM being thin-provisioned, which this is not...
I recently moved to a Windows 10 machine from a OpenSuSE machine. Since Linux is my go to, I decided to convert my old laptop to a VM using the VMWare Standalone Converter and a Trail Version of ESXi 6. Now, I have the VM converted to a Virtual Machine within my ESXi trail VM. The end-game is to export the VM to Workstation Player.
The physical machine that I converted had 300 GB for '/' partition, which I don't need all that space anymore. I was able to get the used partition down to about 40 GB on the VM, and I was hoping to get the partition shrunk down to about, maybe 60 GB (*from currently 300 GB).
I read you can use the Standalone Converter to do v2v to shrink the partition, however in the converter I don't seem to have that option to shrink the disk, from what I can tell.
Here is what the disk looks like inside the VM:
*The partition numbers seem strange because the P2V was a dual-boot windows/linux laptop and I only wanted the Linux partitions...
sda1 = /boot
sda6 = /
sda5 = swap
Could someone help me out for what I need to do to shrink down the ' / ' partition, i.e. sda6?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in Advance,
standalone VRMC 10.x - can it be used to display VMWare Workstation VMs ?
Hi there...
I'm looking to use standalone VMRC to display VMWare Workstation VMs from command-line (Windows 10).
Looking at "vmrc --help", examples only show ability to display for vSphere Hosts (ESXi, vCenter), and the literature only mentioned vSphere.
Found an article via google whereby someone changed the default viewer for VMWare Workstation to use standalone VMRC instead:
Any comment would be appreciated!
PowerCLI snapshot reports
I'm struggling with two scripts that I would like to combine, but need assistance. Essentially one outputs html (this i need), the other has information that i also need:
VM | SnapName | DaysOld | Creator | SizeGB | Created | Description
Here are the scripts:
# HTML formatting
$a = "<style>"
$a = $a + "BODY{background-color:white;}"
$a = $a + "TABLE{border-width: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;border-collapse: collapse;}"
$a = $a + "TH{border-width: 1px;padding: 5px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;foreground-color: black;background-color: LightBlue}"
$a = $a + "TD{border-width: 1px;padding: 5px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;foreground-color: black;background-color: white}"
$a = $a + "</style>"
# Main section of check
Write-Host "Checking VMs for for snapshots"
$date = get-date
$datefile = get-date -uformat '%m-%d-%Y-%H%M%S'
$filename = "C:\Snaps" + $datefile + ".htm"
# Get list of VMs with snapshots
# Note: It may take some time for the Get-VM cmdlet to enumerate VMs in larger environments
$ss = Get-vm | Get-Snapshot
Write-Host " Complete" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Generating VM snapshot report"
#$ss | Select-Object vm, name, description, powerstate | ConvertTo-HTML -head $a -body "<H2>VM Snapshot Report</H2>"| Out-File $filename
$ss | Select-Object vm, name, description | ConvertTo-HTML -head $a -body "<H2>VM Snapshot Report</H2>"| Out-File $filename
Write-Host " Complete" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Your snapshot report has been saved to:" $filename
Other script:
# Load PowerCLI Module
if ( !(Get-Module -Name VMware.VimAutomation.Core -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) ) {
. “C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\Infrastructure\vSphere PowerCLI\Scripts\Initialize-PowerCLIEnvironment.ps1”
function Get-SnapshotSummary {
$InputObject = $null
if ($InputObject -and $_) {
throw 'ParameterBinderStrings\AmbiguousParameterSet'
} elseif ($InputObject) {
} elseif ($_) {
$mySnaps = @()
foreach ($snap in $_){
$SnapshotInfo = Get-SnapshotExtra $snap
$mySnaps += $SnapshotInfo
$mySnaps | Select VM, @{N="SnapName";E={[System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlDecode($_.Name)}}, @{N="DaysOld";E={((Get-Date) - $_.Created).Days}}, Creator, @{N="SizeGB";E={$_.SizeGB -as [int]}}, Created, Description -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Sort DaysOld
} else {
throw 'ParameterBinderStrings\InputObjectNotBound'
function Get-SnapshotTree{
param($tree, $target)
$found = $null
foreach($elem in $tree){
if($elem.Snapshot.Value -eq $target.Value){
$found = $elem
powershell vm cli not running as a CGI
I am running pwsh (PowerShell v6.1.0-preview.2) on Ubuntu 16.04.
VMware PowerCLI 10.1.0 build 8346946
VMware Cis Core PowerCLI Component PowerCLI Component 10.1 build 8377811
VMware VimAutomation VICore Commands PowerCLI Component PowerCLI Component 10.1 build 8344055
When I run my powerCLI script from a shell it runs perfectly, but when I run it as a CGI the vmware module aborts.
apache2/error.log says:
AH01215: Connect-VIServer : The type initializer for 'VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Util10.SettingsManager' threw an exception.: /var/www/html/vm.ps1
AH01215: At /var/www/html/vm.ps1:62 char:7: /var/www/html/vm.ps1
AH01215: + if(Connect-VIServer -Server $vmSphere -user $vmSphereUser -passwor ...: /var/www/html/vm.ps1
AH01215: + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: /var/www/html/vm.ps1
AH01215: + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Connect-VIServer], TypeInitializationException: /var/www/html/vm.ps1
AH01215: + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.TypeInitializationException,VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Cmdlets.Commands.ConnectVIServer: /var/www/html/vm.ps1
AH01215: : /var/www/html/vm.ps1
syslog contains the errors in the attached errors.txt file.
VM Inventory
How can I create VM inventory list with VM name and MAC address
App volumes 2.12 CutePDF installed in golden Image and appstack connected = PDF printer, fax and xps printer disconnect?
I did a clean install of App volumes 2.12 and recreated all my appstacks. I installed CutePDF in my base image Windows 8.1 pro and than everything works fine.
When I attach any appstack the PDF printer, XPS printer and the Fax are disconnected.
Any ideas?
Kind regards,
Changing windows VM MAC address issue
I have windows 2012 R2 VM for For some reasons I have to change NIC MAC address form windows
but when I change MAC VN lost network connection
anyone have idea how to solve this issue ?
Active directory authentication
I was trying to enable Active Directory authentication on my v1.2 skyline appliance.
It seems to take the settings (there is a weird UI bug on that settings page where I will change the values, Hit Save, and receive an error that nothing has changed on the page)
After applying the settings I attempt to login to the collector with a member of the AD group that I granted access and I get an invalid credentials error.
Does the appliance have the ability to connect to more than one DC?
Is there a log on the appliance I can look at to see what is preventing the auth?
EA 111957025
Message was edited by: Chris Bujak
Unable to download OSR
I am unable to download my OSR from https://vcsa.vmware.com/skyline/osr-delivery/report. I can get to that site but when I click the Download OSR button I get the following error:
Whitelabel Error Page
This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback.
Mon Jun 18 06:28:51 PDT 2018
There was an unexpected error (type=Internal Server Error, status=500).
could not login to ftp
Deploying and migrating to new vCenter Embedded Enhanced Linked Mode
We started deploying a new multi-site VM cluster earlier on in the year. We planned on two vCenter Servers in Enhanced Linked Mode and saw that the only way to do this was using an external PSC. We deployed vCenter Appliance with External PSC and are managing all the sites but have yet to deploy the second vCenter server. Now that 6.7 is out and ELM is supported on the embedded model, because we haven't actually deployed and linked our second vCenter server, is there a way I can deploy it in Embedded mode and migrate everything over and then re-deploy the first site? I understand there isn't a way to convert from external to embedded yet (if ever)...
We are using vSAN and vDS on the existing configration.
If this is possible, how much downtime should we expect (if any?) and can I deploy this new instance using the same SSO domain? Or do I need a brand new one?
Account not entitled for Skyline
I received an email this afternoon letting me know that my company was accepted into the Skyline program. I followed the instructions and deployed the appliance without issue.
When I try to link my "my.vmware.com" account with Skyline, it says that my account is not entitled. Can you please help me get entitled? We've been looking forward to testing out this feature.
The email was sent to my email address: carceneaux@thinksis.com and our EA number is: 115133220
Thanks for your help!
Generated date on OSR download page is always current date.
I would rather see my current report generated date not the current date and time in this field. For instance I come here and that shows the current (6/18) date and time but then I actually go to download the actual report was generated 5/29.
Splitting disk to 2gb chunks
I am attempting to split a disk to 2gb chunks. I am running Vmware Workstation 11 on ubuntu. The original is a single file vmdk, drive size is 500gb, of which 120gb is used.
I am running the following command.
vmware-vdiskmanager -r ./win7x64.vmdk -t 1 ./new/win7x64.vmdk
I am trying to get 2gb split files so that I can move the vm around on a usb3 drive. The problem I am having is that it is making 8gb files. Any thoughts on how to get this to work.
Problems running nested ESXi on top of NSX
I am running a lab made of 3 ESXi host with VSAN and NSX. Everything works fine, I'm running a whole bunch of VMs in there for testing purpose and all is well.
Recently, I ran into a weird problem when trying to nest three ESXi (I'll call them ESX1, ESX2 and ESX3) on a NSX logical switch that is connected to an edge gateway. Forged transmit and MAC address change are enabled on the dvs port group created for the logical switch. While trying to set them up, I realized that I am losing a whole bunch of packet when trying to communicate with these VMs from the outside (layer 3) and between them (layer 2). I lose up to 50-70% of the packets but not all.
And the whole thing is behaving weirdly:
- All the VMs were supposed to run on separate host (one on each physical host) with an anti-affinity DRS rule
- The VMs are reachable through an edge gateway and a physical router/firewall (Fortigate). Basically, from my workstation to one of these VMs, traffic goes like that: Workstation --> Fortigate --> Transit subnet --> Edge Gateway --> VMs. All of my labs are setup like that, without any problems so far. Even if there is firewall, there isn't any filtering between my workstation and the labs
- The edge gateway is running on another management cluster which is part of the same vCenter and NSX. All of my edges (4 of them) for all of my labs are running that way from that cluster and everything is running fine. As far as I know, there is no problem with my NSX installation.
- When pinging the nested ESX from the outside (my workstation, L3), ESX3 always has only 5-10% packets lost while the other 2 are around 50-70%. That VMs has always the same level of packet loss, no matter on which host it is located.
- When you ping between them (L2), there is always at least 50-70% packet lost, no matter where the VMs are located.
- If you place another VMs (ESX1 or ESX2) on the same host with ESX3 that has only 5-10% packet loss, automatically that VMs (ESX1 or ESX2) will start losing only 5-10% packet, same as ESX3
- If you place all the VMs on the same host, you get absolutely no packet lost when pinging them from the outside (L3), no matter which of the three hosts are running them. But you still get around 50-70% packet loss between them (L2)
- If I also ping from ESX1 or ESX2 to my workstation while pinging from the workstation to the ESX, I got a much lower packet loss (5-10%). No matter where the VM is located or if it is on the same host with ESX3. Packet loss goes back to 50-70% as soon as I stop the ping from the ESX to the workstation.
I tried a lot of things to pinpoint the source of the problems:
- Tried some capture using the available NSX tools, didn't get much except that when the ping doesn't work at L2, the VMs is actually search for the MAC address of the neighbour host it is trying to ping
- Tried removing the IP discovery functionality from the logical switch, thought it might have caused an ARP problem with the Forged transmit. Didn't change anything
- Moved the VM around and tried every possible combination of placement between the host to arrive at conclusion above
I also found two post depicting relatively similar problem with nested ESX on top of NSX:
From the dept of the knowledge arcane: NSX-v with nested ESXi | Telecom Occasionally
NSX and nested ESXi environments: caveats and layer-2 troubleshooting – vLenzker
The problem is, both of these article talks about running nested ESXi AND nested NSX on top of NSX, which cause a problem with the physical ESXi dropping packet from the VXLAN. The point is, I am not running NSX inside the nested ESXi, only simple vSwitch.
So, I'm kind of out of idea where to look next now and I am also getting of of idea/possible correlation.
Anyone with a suggestion?
Thank you!
Unable to link account with Skyline
My account id is itdahl00@aacounty.org. My account # is 111666797 for Anne Arundel County.
Connecting virtual network adapters to physical network adapters
Hello experts,
I have some experience with VMware Workstation and Player, but I'm a newbie regarging ESXi.
Now, I have a problem regarding networking in ESXi 6.5.
I succeeded in setting up a server (Dell PowerEdge R530) with ESXi 6.5.
I then created a VM with 3 virtual NICs and installed CentOS 7 64 bit.
This server is a stand alone machine and there are no plans to use vCenter, so I'm using the web client for configuration etc.
The server has 4 physical network adapters, and I would like to assign each of the virtual NICs to a physical network adapter:
(vmnic0 - management)
vmnic1 - Network adapter 1
vmnic2 - Network adapter 2
vmnic3 - Network adapter 3
I understood that I must use a virtual switch:
VM - Port group - vSphere standard switch - physical nic
If I assign a port group to a vSphere standard switch, the port group contains ALL 3 virtual NICs of the VM.
I don't understand how a simple 1:1 mapping is done.
Any hints would be very much appreciated.
vcenter 6.5 update2 to 6.7
Is it true I cannot upgrade from 6.5update 2 to 6.7?
if so is vmware going to fix this issue in the future?
I upgraded my vcenter to 6.5u2 all on windows vcenters. Now i am planning on going to 6.7 via a direct upgrade
Upgrade to ESXI 6.0.0 U3 from ESXI 6.0.0 U2 create complete connectivity loss in 10 giga bit NIC card due to incompatible ixgbe driver
When I upgrade to ESXI 6.0.0 U3 from ESXI 6.0.0 U2 on my supermicro server with 10 gigabit (SM X10SDV-TLN4F-B mother board) the network connectivity get lost. This was due to U2 contains ixgbe driver from intel whereas U3 contains ixgbe driver from vmWare. How to fix this issue?
I am attaching screen shot for U3 ( black part) and U2 (White part of image) showing different drivers.