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cannot find Vmware.* modules 6.5 after upgrading powershell to 5.1


powershell ISE cannot find the powercli modules after upgrading powershell to 5.1 from 3


any idea?




get-module -listavailable


does not show anything from vmware


also tried running


& 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\Infrastructure\PowerCLI\Scripts\Initialize-PowerCLIEnvironment.ps1'


but I am still not seeing the powercli modules in ISE

Import-Module : VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud module is not currently supported on the Core edition of PowerShell.


in powercli 10 on powershell version :

Name                           Value                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

----                           -----                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

PSVersion                      6.0.2                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

PSEdition                      Core                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

GitCommitId                    v6.0.2                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

OS                             Linux 3.10.0-862.3.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon May 21 23:36:36 UTC 2018                                                                                                                                                        

Platform                       Unix                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}                                                                                                                                                                                                    

PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3                                                                                                                                                                                                                        


WSManStackVersion              3.0

Please help, vm works fine but now wont open, no error message


Hi, i am using workstation 10, my vm was created using an older workstation version, i do not know which but it was from 2013 and is running windows xp. My host OS is windows 7 pro 64bit. I was able to open it after i rediscovered it and work in my vm just fine for a couple of times , but all of a sudden it no longer will open. I tried deleting the .lck file, no luck. I dont know what else to do, there are no error messages, it just wont load anymore. I have no backup of this or older version i can revert back to and i am still in the middle of retrieving import files from it. How can i diagnose what is wrong?

NAT connectivity issue


I'm running several win 10 VMs using VMWare Workstation 14.1.2


On some of them, when I select NAT in VM>settings>network adapter, they connect to my host but not to the internet. Others work fine. The ones that don't connect seem to be failing to create a new connection automatically. The icon in the system tray appears but with a yellow triangle on it, and if you hover over it the balloon says "unidentified network - no internet access".


I've tried restarting the VM and updating VMWare tools. I can't find any services running in the working VMs but not the others.


Can anyone suggest any other possible solutions, please? How can I delete the existing network adapters?


Thanks in advance

Host client won’t load on clean install of ESXi 6.5 U1


Hello everyone. I have a standalone server on which I’d like to build a virtual VMware lab. I’ve installed a fully supported, Lenovo customized image of vSphere 6.5 U1, build 7388607, on an internal USB flash drive.


Unfortunately, for whatever reason, the vSphere Host client refuses to load in any browser. Strangely, the blue background of the log on page itself loads, but that’s it. There are no errors, no logos of any kind, no fields for entering credentials…nothing. I’ve tried Firefox, Chrome, Edge and Internet Explorer via fully updated (web browsers included) Windows 10 and Windows 7 workstations. No joy.


While I’m able to reach the DCUI via the server’s remote console functionality, without the Host Client, I can’t do much else. Furthermore, since this server isn’t associated with a vCenter server, the vSphere Web Client (Flex) and vSphere Client (HTML5) aren’t available.


Can somebody please help me understand what I’m missing? Perhaps there’s another way I should be attempting to access the host? I’ve Googled the issue quite a bit, but haven’t found anything related to this specific scenario.


Thank you!

vm information script powershell


I am trying to write a script to get all of the information for my vm infrastructure. Using powercli and powershell I have all of my information and variables figured out thanks to this forum. I just figure out how to format and export them to csv in order to put into excel. These currently are my variables.

$VmInfo = Get-VM

$VMS = ($VmInfo).Name

$VMSysInfo = Get-VMGuest -VM $VmInfo

$Cluster_initial = &{foreach($vm in Get-VM){


Get-Datastore -RelatedObject $vm |


Select @{N='Cluster';E={Get-Cluster -VMHost $vm.VMhost | select -ExpandProperty Name}}}}

$cluster = $cluster_initial.cluster


$ESX_IHOST = ($VmInfo).VMHost.name

$VM_Name = ($VmInfo).name

$Power_Status = ($VmInfo).PowerState

$Memory_Allocated = ($VmInfo).MemoryGB

$CPU_Allocated = ($VmInfo).NumCpu

$StorageAllocated = ($VmInfo).ProvisionedSpaceGB

$DNS_Name = ($VmInfo).ExtensionData.Guest.Hostname

$Ip_Initial = Get-VM | Select Name, @{N="IP";E={@($_.guest.IPaddress[0])}}

$IP_Address = $Ip_Initial.IP

$vCenterServer = ($VmInfo).ExtensionData.Client.ServiceUrl.Split('/')[2].trimend(":443")

$cluster = $cluster_initial.cluster

I have encountered something new, anyone seen something like this?


I was handed a newly installed vRA platform to configure and while I was attempting to create some subscriptions I have encountered something I have not seen before and wanted to reach and see if any of you might have seen this and have a fix.


When I attempt to create a New Workflow Subscription, the event topics "Machine provisioning" and "Machine lifecycle" do NOT have any schema listed for these two events.  All the rest of the events presented have a schema.  So what am I missing and how do I get the schema back for these two events?


Thank for your time



App Stacks detaching with 2.14 agent


After the user is logged in for a while, the SVservice crashes and the Writable volume and the App Stacks detach. Same template, same servers same app stacks and writable volumes stay attached when using the 2.13.3 agent.


anyone else having this issue?

Issues with ovftool an machine import in WS 14.0


Hi all,

i have a serious problem with Workstation 14 and import of OVA´s  uing VirtualSCSI Adapter.


In workstation 12 and earlier, OVA´s with VirtualSCSI got installed with warning and get´s translatet to lsilogig.

 ==>C:\Users\KarstenBott\Sources.labbuildr\OVA found
 ==>found Nested_ESXi6.5d_Appliance_Template_v1.0.ova in C:\Users\KarstenBott\Sources.labbuildr\OVA
 ==>Importing from OVA Nested_ESXi6.5d_Appliance_Template_v1.0, may take a while
 - The specified operating system identifier 'VMware ESXi 6.5' (id: 104) is not supported on the selected host. It will be mapped to the following OS identifier: 'Other (32-bit)'.
 - Hardware compatibility check is disabled.
 - Line 52: Unsupported virtual hardware device 'VirtualSCSI'


In Workstation 14, the same import leads to an error:


==>Importing from OVA Nested_ESXi6.5d_Appliance_Template_v1.0, may take a while
 - Line -1: Unsupported value 'vmware.tools.internalversion' for attribute 'key' on element 'ExtraConfig'.
 - Line -1: Unsupported value 'vmware.tools.requiredversion' for attribute 'key' on element 'ExtraConfig'.
Error: Invalid target disk adapter type: pvscsi



So why does Workstation 12 utilize lsilogig during OVA Import where 14 tries to use (unsupported ? ) pvscsi ?

PVSCSI is still. available in 14, i have machines successfully booting with it.


the machines i tried to import are lamw´s NestedESXI OVA´s that worked pretty well prior 14.

Bridged Connection not working via Thunderbolt port on Dell Laptop


Bridged connection is not working for my Test Windows VM as soon as I connect my laptop to Thunderbolt port for internet connection. It works, if I am on Wireless Connection....

Is there any settings needs to be changed on VM?


I would like to use only the bridge connection for some testing purpose

Unable to add vCentre endpoint.


I am attempting to configure Skyline. I am in the vCenter configuration section. I have put in the vCenter address and filled out the RO user credentials. When I click Continue I see: The certificate provided by your vCenter is not valid (Certificate Thumbprint [1c1e2085ca8fa309e5dcad61b145ec89964e3a99]).

Press "CONTINUE" if you would like to continue using an invalid certificate



I press Continue and I get: Endpoint test failed. Error message: Couldn't create PropertyCollector facade for getting the VC UUID -> java.lang.RuntimeException: Couldn't login the client. -> Couldn't login the client. -> General failure. -> org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to [/] failed: Connection refused (Connection refused) -> Connect to [/] failed: Connection refused (Connection refused) -> Connection refused (Connection refused)



I have an separate VM with the  PSC/SSO. I have tried using the Custom SSO configuration both on and off with the same results.


Error received when FQDN of VC and PSC was used.


Endpoint test failed. Error message: Couldn't create PropertyCollector facade for getting the VC UUID -> java.lang.RuntimeException: Couldn't login the client.

-> Couldn't login the client. -> Error communicating to the remote server ->

Error communicating to the remote server -> HTTP transport

error: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: java.security.cert.CertificateException: No subject alternative names matching IP address found -> java.security.cert.CertificateException:

No subject alternative names matching IP address found -> No subject alternative names matching IP address found.


Any assistance is greatly appreciated.




vCenter Support Assistant Appliance vs. Skyline Appliance


Having just deployed the Skyline VA I noticed there were issues with my existing vCenter Support Assistant VA.  Before I began troubleshooting I wondered if Skyline is VMware's replacement for the Support Assistant product and if I really needed to.  Other than Skyline being in the early access release phase is there a reason to continue using both products?

Does 'Collect from all Datacenters' take Forver ?


Was going through the wizard. Entered vcenter fqdn.. entered vcenter Read only account.

I clicked ADD on the 'Collect from all datacenters'.. Got the Invalid Cert warning.. like normal.


Now the thing is either locked up.. or Gathering Data.. not sure.. I cant move on to the enxt stem.


F5 just shows me the continuous twirling Circle of fun.


thank you ,




Now i cant run the Wizard again.. getting    "There's already an existing registration."



Unable to Deregister :

Collector : Couldn't deregister due to: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: https://vcsa.vmware.com/skyline/registration/collectors

unable to register Vcenter with skyline


It would be helpful to post the solution so that others with this issue know the resolution.


I am also having this issue. Here is the error I receive:





Endpoint test failed. Error message: Couldn't create PropertyCollector facade for getting the VC UUID -> java.lang.RuntimeException: Couldn't login the client. -> Couldn't login the client. -> General failure. -> org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to vcenter.corp.xogroup.net:7444 [vcenter.corp.xogroup.net/] failed: Connection timed out (Connection timed out) -> Connect to vcenter.corp.xogroup.net:7444 [vcenter.corp.xogroup.net/] failed: Connection timed out (Connection timed out) -> Connection timed out (Connection timed out)


High Sierra and Fusion "stuck" keys


Hi to all,

inside the Windows VM, sometimes when I strike Ctrl+c, some seconds after I release the key combination it results in typing repeatedly "cccccccccccccc..." or after having struck Ctrl+v it results in "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv..." and it doesn't stop until I press another key. It happens with the delete key or the tab key, too.

This happens very frequently (an average of once every 2 - 3 minutes, but it can happen twice in a minute or more) but randomly and in combination with a "special key" (i.e. Ctrl, Delete, End, Backslash, etc.) and is VERY, VERY annoying.

Almost every time that this happens, I noticed that when I press the ESC key, it opens up the Windows Start Menu.

To "re-enable" a (temporary) correct working state of the keyboard, I have to repeatedly press ESC, then repeatedly press CTRL, then repeatedly press the Windows key, then repeatedly press the ALT key. After that, I can continue working for a couple of minutes befor it happens again

It started happening as I upgraded to High Sierra (from El Capitan) and to Fusion 10.0.0 (and it's upgrade to 10.0.1) from fusion 8.x.

I later downgraded to Fusion 8.5.8 (ev. upgraded to 8.5.9) to resolve the CAPS LOCK issue, but this one remained, unfortunately.

In the meantime I have upgraded Windows 10 on both my VMs to version 1709 (OS build 16299.64) from Version 1703 (OS build 15063.674), but the issue remains.

This is making me NUTS, I cannot work anymore and I am a bit desperate.

This issue seems only to happen inside the VMs, not in the Mac host.


I already tried switching keyboard with a Mac one (usb), but the problem stays the same.

I already tried uninstalling and reinstalling last version of vmware Tools, with no success

I already tried searching on the internet for a solution, but until now, no tweak has worked for me.


Can someone help me, please?



Mac (27-inch, Late 2013), 3.4 GHz Intel Core i5, 32 GB 1600 MHz DDR3

Osx: 10.13.1 High Sierra

Fusion: 8.5.9 (7098239)

VM: Windows 10, Version 1709 (OS build 16299.64)

Register vRA embedded vCO as vCenter Server extension?


Hi all - I have a dev vRA environment that I'd like to leverage the embedded vCO/vRO of in order to expose some workflows from within vCenter.


I've tried the process under "Register Orchestrator as a vCenter Server Extension" in documentation for vRO but not entirely sure what the URL would be considering it's an embedded vCO in vRA.


Any help?


I guess I could install a standalone vRO, register it to vCenter, register vCenter to it, and then still manage the vCenter from the embedded vCO but that gets messy and confusing.



ESXi 6.5 - maxView Storage Manager


Has anyone had any luck getting the maxView Storage Manager to work with ESXi 6.5.0 (Build 4887370)?


I've tried installing the latest version maxView Storage Manager v2.03.22476 vibs which either caused a PSOD or rendered the system into a totally unusable state.


I was able to get the 1.08-21375 version of the maxView vibs to install correctly however upon logging in to the maxView console, it states "No controllers were found in this system."

i want take exam2V0-620 vSphere 6 Foundations Exam ?


want please an explain clear fully about when i take  exam 2V0-620  vSphere 6 Foundations Exam

can provide me to take 2V0-622    VMware Certified Professional 6.5 - Data Center Virtualization Exam
please provide me with correct exam please ?

Horizon View - Connection server high avalability



How i can achieve full high avalability for Horizon View


Currently i have :

2 connection servers,

In dns two entry  for same name with two different ip ( two connection servers)

eg. viewserv

eq     viewserv


Zero client terminal has set connection server name "viewserv"


And this is working fine, when one connection server is down, then clients are connecting to second.


But from Horizon Administrator panel if go put one connection server in state Disabled, then clients are connecting to server and displaying info that connection server is disabled.

And cant logon.

How to avoid it?

Path trace in vRNI without VMware tools


I have a couple live linux VMs without vmware tools I am using to test NSX. VRNI cannot do a path trace between them since VMware tools is not installed. I enabled IP Detection so at least I can use dynamic security groups with them. Can VRNI do path trace without VMware tools or do I need that? Is there some config option I am missing?


Thank you.

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