I know this has probably been discussed a lot, but I have been browsing and having trouble getting a clear answer. It sounds like with CPU scheduling that it is fine to go ahead and make you base VM templates with 1 socket, 2 cores. I have always thought by starting with 2 cores, it would be easier to add more. According to the web site below, it sounds like if your hosts have 2 sockets and 8 cores, that a single socket, 2 core VM will still have a vNuma of 1. It also sounds like you should not enable Hot-Add for your vCPUs. Does anyone have any newer references that say with that it is still highly advisable to go with only a single vCPU in your templates? Thanks, https://blogs.vmware.com/performance/2017/03/virtual-machine-vcpu-and-vnuma-rightsizing-rules-of-thumb.html
Should you still really only have (1)vCPUs in 2012R2 templates?
Datastore Alarm Override
Hi All.
At the vCenter Level has a default alarm to monitor datastore disk usage. I'd like to configure an specified trigger and action to a specific datastore, to override default configuration.
How can I do that? I saw I cannot edit a default alarm at datastore level. I want to keep the default alarm to all datastores, except two that I'd like to override.
Valter Junior
VMmark STAX Errors
I've provisioned one tile and now that I'm attempting to run the benchmark, I'm getting some errors.
The first is an SSL handshaking error between the PrimeClient and 18 of the 20 VMs.
The second error I have no idea about.
Does anyone know what I can do to try and fix these? I've also attached the results folder from this run.
Create multiple vm in parallel using powershell runspace
I have a problem with creating multiple VM's from template in single VIServer. In following code when I choose if I put anything bigger than 1 in throttle script only executes one vm and don't create any other, it seems to have problem with keeping the session most likely just reset it or modify it in $global:DefaultVIServer.
Code below is based on question in this thread: Thread does not create multiple VMs (session issue) The answer is to keep the same session all the time but I couldn't get this to work
I wonder if anyone had working solution in using runspace in powershell to create multiple vms in vmware ?
#import csv
$VMs =Import-CSV 'filename.csv'-UseCulture
#connections array
$server =@()
$throttle =2
# Create session state
$sessionState =[System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState]::CreateDefault()
# Create runspace pool consisting of runspaces
$RunspacePool =[RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $throttle, $sessionState, $host)
#array for jobs
$Jobs =@()
#this contains all connected vSphere endpoints
$User ="domain\username"
$PWord =ConvertTo-SecureString-String"password"-AsPlainText-Force
$Credential =New-Object-TypeName"System.Management.Automation.PSCredential"-ArgumentList $User, $PWord
# SctiptBlock to execute for each job
$ScriptBlock ={
Param($VM, $ses)
Write-Host $VM.Name"Father session: " $ses.SessionSecret
Connect-VIServer $VM.VIServer-Session $ses.SessionSecret-wa 0
Write-Host $VM.Name"Child session: " $sessionf.SessionId
New-VM -Name $VM.Name-ResourcePool"..."-Location"Windows Servers"-Datastore"..."-DiskStorageFormat"..."-Notes"..."-Template"..."
# Starting script
Write-Host("Starting script: {0}"-f (Get-Date))
$startTime =Get-Date
$count =0
ForEach($VM in $VMs)
$count = $count +1
Write-Host"Current connections:"
$ses =Connect-VIServer $VM.VIServer-Credential $Credential -wa 0
$Job =[powershell]::create()
$Job.RunspacePool= $RunspacePool
$Job.AddScript($ScriptBlock).AddParameter("VM", $VM).AddParameter("ses", $ses)
Write-Host"Adding job to jobs list"
$Jobs +=New-ObjectPSObject-Property@{
RunNum= $count
Job= $Job
Result= $Job.BeginInvoke()|Out-Null
}While( $Jobs.Result.IsCompleted-contains $false)
$endTime =Get-Date
$totalSeconds ="{0:N4}"-f ($endTime-$startTime).TotalSeconds
Write-Host"All jobs finished in $totalSeconds seconds"
Unable to open "/dev/disk#": 16
I am trying to use this kb as a guide to create a 200G raw vmdk.
This is the command that is not succeeding:
/Applications/VMware\ Fusion.app/Contents/Library/vmware-rawdiskCreator print /dev/disk11
The error message is
Unable to open "/dev/disk11": 16
diskutil list confirms this is what I want:
/dev/disk11 (virtual):
0: Apple_HFS VM Data +958.8 GB disk11
What is error 16, and why am I getting it?
What can/should I do to resolve it?
Can we use vCenter 6.5 for ESXi 6.0 Servers ?
There are 2 VMware sites at our office - HQ and Remote. They are connected via FC.
Currently, we are using vSphere 6.0 Update 3 and there is only a single vCenter Server running 6.0 (Running on a Windows VM) at HQ.
We intend to upgrade the SAN (Infrastructure and vSphere) to run vSphere 6.5 at Remote Site.
Just wonder would there be any problem if we upgrade vCenter Server to 6.5 ? Is it desirable to use Virtual App for the vCenter Server (i.e. Instead of Windows VM) ? Is there any specific planning for the change of vCenter Server ?
Convert vSphere 6.0 VM to vSphere 6.5 ?
We are going to migrate our vSphere infrastructure to a new platform. We intend to make use of this opportunity to upgrade vSphere 6.0 to vSphere 6.5.
Consultant suggests us to make use of VMware Convertor to migrate VM from the old Data Centre to the new one.
Just wonder whether there is any change we need to work on the VM after migrated via VMware Convertor ? What will be the bottle neck for conversion (Network / CPU of the machine running VMware Converter or CPU of the destination ESXi Host) ? How many VM we can convert at the same time (It seems to be 4) ?
vMWare Player and Host hangs up with Host OS Windows Server 2016
I have tested some virtual machine running with vmWare Player with a Windows Server 2016 as OS host. The problem I have is that, randomly, the virtual machine hangs up and the Host also stops. The screen is freeze, the keyboard and mouse move but without any action and I have no access using RDP to the Host. Also the clock in the desktop is freeze. After some random time (20-25 minutes) I can recover the control of the system and all goes normally until it hangs again some time after. Which could be the problem? I can not detect it. I am using vmware Player 14.0
Thank you in advance.
Regards, Javier.
VMWare Converter: A file I/O error occurred while accesssing "" (from source machine discover)
I try to build a task to clone my virtual machine from one esxi to another by the power off type . I face the below error , while I try to discover the source mochine client3 on the source esxi.
As I try other virtual machine, it work fine. After I power off the virtual machine vnc-04 , I can discover the client3. But it find the wrong vmdk, which work for vnc-03 as below snapshot.
May you help me find the reason? Thanks a lot.
Horizon Client 4.8 on macOS Mojave 10.4 black screen?
I'm testing macOS Mojave Beta 1, and while the Horizon Client connects fine, it's just a black screen (PCoIP OR Blast).
Anyone else successfully test this config?
New a VM from a tempalte, boot this VM, can't get IP automatically
Hi Guys,
1. I installed a VM which IP worked well in ESXI6.0. Here, VM kernel is 2.6.32(RHEL6.9)
2. Made it as a template
3. New a VM based on above tempalte
4. Booted above VM, the VM can't get its IP automatically, need to restart network
Later, I repeated above all steps.
1. I installed a VM which IP worked well in ESXI6.0. Here, VM kernel is 3.10.0(RHEL7.5)
2. Made it as a template
3. New a VM based on above tempalte
4. Booted above VM, the VM got its IP automatically, and worked well
So, does anyone know or meet this case?.
Esxi host 5.1 ping response getting fluctuate
We have esxi upgrade activity from esxi 5.1 to esxi 6.0 u3 and in this case we are moving one by on esxi host from one VC to another vc which is version 6.
In this case we are moving VMs from distributed switch to standard switch and then adding this host to target VC.
One day we finishes adding all 8 esxi host all in standard switch with 5.1 version but suddenly on midnight one of the esxi host started loosing network connectivity.
We observed it was not consistent it comes online then again goes disconnected it happened for long time and then in the morning whenever the host comes online we moved all impacted VMs to other hots. later on the same host started working properly without doing anything from esxi end.
I dont understand why it was happened when we asked network team they said there is no issue from network end.
I have below questions:
1) why suddenly the host starred experiencing network connectivity and that is intermittently.
2)If there is hardware issue then how it solved when we upgraded to esxi 6 and moved to distributed switch.
3) Is there any issue if we move host from distributed (VSM) switch to standard switch.
4) Is there any challenges with network speed so therefore there was ping drop-out.
I feel there something wrong from network end but i cant prove, but yes we have snapshot where frequently ping response was down.
Please can you guys check and let me know something which can be identified.
Thank You,
p2v, redhat error can't find command ':'
I'm trying to do a p2v with vmconverter 6.2.0 from a Redhat 7.4 server. All goes well but at startup between the bios and grud I have the message:
error: can't find command ':'
I press the spacebar several times to get to the grub menu. Then the start of the vm is happening normally.
I'm using vCenter server 5.5.0 build 2183111
Where can this error come from?
Early Access: VMware Validated Design for NSX-T in a Workload Domain
As many of you may know, we opened this Early Access sub-community to provide you an opportunity to download and discuss pre-released design materials for the VMware Validated Designs. We want you discover the latest content for blueprints that are in development and learn about the direction of the next generation architectures.
Today I get to announce the fruits of the past few months of my labor, NSX-T in a Workload Domain. This early access design covers the architecture and design elements for adding NSX-T to a VMware Validated Design workload domain.
Got feedback?
We want to hear from you. So dive into this latest early access content and share your feedback directly with our architects and product managers!
new-snapshot command hangs in invoke-command scriptblock
I'm trying to create a new snapshot in a powershell script that is running on system(s) that don't have PowerCLI installed. My thought is to use a PSSession to connect to a server that does have PowerCLI installed and run the New-SnapShot command in an Invoke-Command scriptblock. (Note: this process works for running SQL, SCOM and other modules on remote servers)
The problem I'm having is that the New-Snapshot command successfully creates the new snapshot, but then the PowerShell connection/session just hangs and never processes the next script line.
The script section looks like:
Param (
$VCsession = New-PSSession -ComputerName "$PowerCLIServer";
$VCblock = {Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Core -DisableNameChecking;
Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -InvalidCertificateAction Ignore -Confirm:$false;
Connect-VIServer -Server $using:VCenterName -Protocol https;
New-Snapshot -VM $using:VMName -Name Test -Confirm:$false;
Return 1;
Invoke-Command -Session $VCsession -ScriptBlock $VCblock;
When I run the script, the snapshot is created, but the '1' is never returned and the PowerShell session just hangs (never returns to the prompt).
Xenmobile server vm lost the IP after vm reboots
Hello All,
I am running with standalone Exsi 6.5 Update1 with internal storage. Recently i am facing issue with Xenmobile server.
We have Xenmobile OVA template, Xenmobile is linux based OS. I do import the VM, After import vm comes up fine i do configure the VM with all the required configuration, Basically at first we configure i configure the Network and then Remote DB for server and then credentials, I finish the configuration successfully after all these configuration i am able to access the server URL in web browser.
But when i reboot the VM and when VM comes up it loses its network, IP configuration of vm will get wiped. Please help
How to format get-stat output on multiple metrics
I'm trying to format the output from get-stat with multiple metrics into a format I can graph easily in Excel. What I get from the command is in the format:
MetricId Timestamp Value Unit
-------- --------- ----- ---- --------
cpu.usage.average 6/19/2018 5:25:00 PM 4.77 %
cpu.usage.average 6/19/2018 5:20:00 PM 4.66 %
cpu.usage.average 6/19/2018 5:15:00 PM 4.76 %
cpu.usage.average 6/19/2018 5:10:00 PM 4.34 %
cpu.usage.average 6/19/2018 5:05:00 PM 4.3 %
cpu.usagemhz.average 6/19/2018 5:25:00 PM 2633 MHz
cpu.usagemhz.average 6/19/2018 5:20:00 PM 2569 MHz
cpu.usagemhz.average 6/19/2018 5:15:00 PM 2626 MHz
cpu.usagemhz.average 6/19/2018 5:10:00 PM 2394 MHz
cpu.usagemhz.average 6/19/2018 5:05:00 PM 2372 MHz
and what I want is something like:
Timestamp | cpu.usage.average | cpu.usagemhz.average |
5:25:00 | 4.77 | 2633 |
5:20:00 | 4.66 | 2569 |
5:15:00 | 4.76 | 2626 |
5:10:00 | 4.34 | 2394 |
5:05:00 | 4.3 | 2372 |
Can someone point me towards the cmdlets that would accomplish this?
Thank you!
카지노사이트- 【 FAFA82。CoM 】-식보사이트
카지노사이트-【 FAFA82。CoM 】-식보사이트바카라사이트추천 카지노사이트-【 FAFA82。CoM 】-식보사이트카지노사이트카지노사이트식보사이트모바일카지노주소카지노사이트식보사이트로얄바카라카지노사이트식보사이트카지노사이트카지노사이트식보사이트룰렛사이트카지노사이트식보사이트인터넷바카라사이트카지노사이트식보사이트카지노주소카지노사이트식보사이트바카라룰카지노사이트식보사이트모바일바카라카지노사이트식보사이트f1카지노카지노사이트식보사이트바둑이사이트카지노사이트식보사이트바카라하는곳카지노사이트식보사이트바카라사이트카지노사이트식보사이트카지노카지노사이트식보사이트온라인블랙잭카지노사이트식보사이트바카라하는곳카지노사이트식보사이트엠카지노카지노사이트식보사이트블랙잭사이트카지노사이트식보사이트온라인카지노카지노사이트식보사이트블랙잭사이트카지노사이트식보사이트온라인카지노사이트카지노사이트식보사이트카지노사이트카지노사이트식보사이트우리바카라주소카지노사이트식보사이트카지노사이트카지노사이트식보사이트트럼프카지노카지노사이트식보사이트슬롯머신추천사이트카지노사이트식보사이트카지노사이트카지노사이트식보사이트바카라사이트추천카지노사이트식보사이트생방송바카라카지노사이트식보사이트바카라보는곳카지노사이트식보사이트바카라사이트카지노사이트식보사이트생방송바카라카지노사이트식보사이트바카라카지노게임
우리카지노- 【 FAFA82。CoM 】-우리카지노먹튀
우리카지노-【 FAFA82。CoM 】-우리카지노먹튀인터넷바카라사이트 우리카지노-【 FAFA82。CoM 】-우리카지노먹튀마카오카지노우리카지노우리카지노먹튀바카라사이트우리카지노우리카지노먹튀로얄카지노우리카지노우리카지노먹튀인터넷바카라사이트우리카지노우리카지노먹튀식보싸이트우리카지노우리카지노먹튀호게임우리카지노우리카지노먹튀로얄바카라주소우리카지노우리카지노먹튀마이크로게임우리카지노우리카지노먹튀카지노바카라우리카지노우리카지노먹튀마이크로게임우리카지노우리카지노먹튀바카라보는곳우리카지노우리카지노먹튀필리핀아바타카지노우리카지노우리카지노먹튀모바일카지노사이트우리카지노우리카지노먹튀바카라사이트우리카지노우리카지노먹튀33카지노우리카지노우리카지노먹튀온라인카지노주소우리카지노우리카지노먹튀온라인블랙잭게임우리카지노우리카지노먹튀맥스카지노우리카지노우리카지노먹튀바카라하는곳우리카지노우리카지노먹튀바둑이사이트우리카지노우리카지노먹튀사다리사이트우리카지노우리카지노먹튀슬롯머신사이트우리카지노우리카지노먹튀룰렛사이트우리카지노우리카지노먹튀카지노사이트우리카지노우리카지노먹튀온라인카지노사이트우리카지노우리카지노먹튀엠카지노우리카지노우리카지노먹튀카지노싸이트우리카지노우리카지노먹튀노름닷컴우리카지노우리카지노먹튀라이브바카라추천우리카지노우리카지노먹튀노름닷컴우리카지노우리카지노먹튀라이브카지노우리카지노우리카지노먹튀엠카지노우리카지노우리카지노먹튀온라인바카라사이트
맥스카지노- 【 FAFA82。CoM 】-바카라규칙
맥스카지노-【 FAFA82。CoM 】-바카라규칙라이브카지노사이트 맥스카지노-【 FAFA82。CoM 】-바카라규칙모바일슬롯머신맥스카지노바카라규칙인터넷바카라맥스카지노바카라규칙바카라룰맥스카지노바카라규칙슬롯머신사이트맥스카지노바카라규칙우리카지노맥스카지노바카라규칙개츠비카지노맥스카지노바카라규칙우리카지노맥스카지노바카라규칙슈퍼카지노맥스카지노바카라규칙온라인다이사이게임맥스카지노바카라규칙온라인블랙잭게임맥스카지노바카라규칙바카라사이트추천맥스카지노바카라규칙인터넷바카라맥스카지노바카라규칙라이브바카라사이트맥스카지노바카라규칙라이브블랙잭맥스카지노바카라규칙카지노사이트쿠폰맥스카지노바카라규칙바카라추천맥스카지노바카라규칙맥스카지노맥스카지노바카라규칙드래곤타이거추천사이트맥스카지노바카라규칙식보싸이트맥스카지노바카라규칙바카라추천맥스카지노바카라규칙우리바카라주소맥스카지노바카라규칙33카지노맥스카지노바카라규칙바카라맥스카지노바카라규칙라이브카지노맥스카지노바카라규칙슬롯머신사이트맥스카지노바카라규칙온라인슬롯머신사이트맥스카지노바카라규칙모바일바카라맥스카지노바카라규칙우리카지노계열맥스카지노바카라규칙카지노사이트주소맥스카지노바카라규칙온라인카지노추천맥스카지노바카라규칙슬롯머신사이트맥스카지노바카라규칙온라인카지노사이트맥스카지노바카라규칙우리바카라