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CD/DVD Not Recognized in Virtual machine



I have a new (12/2008) Mac OS X 10.5.6 with VMware Fusion 2.0.1 (128865) running on the latest MacBook Pro.  I am running Windows XP SP3 on the virtual machine.  VMware Tools is installed and everything is working fine, except the DVD on the Mac is not recognized in the virtual machine.



In the XP Device Manager, you see the DVD/CD-ROM category with a line showing a yellow "!" followed by "NECVMWar VMware IDE CDR00".  The properties states, "Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39)"



I have tried uninstalling the device and reinstalling.  I have tried every option in Fusion settings, including automatic and specifiying the physical disk.  The physical disk shows as "Matshita DVD-R (UJ-868)".  I have look all over the blogs and found others with similar issues, but no responses that seem to resolve the issue. My guess is that this is a driver issuein the XP side, but I can't find a VMware driver for the DVD anywhere, short of installing the VMware Tools again.  I have gone so far as extracting the ISO and running the install directly in the XP system and that didn't work either.



So, is this a known issue and is there a solution?  Any help is appreciated.



Accessing Workstation 14 from a remote system using vSphere Client SDK 6.5


I have a client that I wrote that accesses a workstation and performs various actions on the VM (start/stop, copy file, execute program) using the VIX implementation.  Recently, I was asked to transition the VIX implementation over to a vSphere SDK implementation.  I'm able to handle the power operations just fine, but I can't get any of the guest operations to work using the vSphere Client SDK 6.5.  All of the examples I've found say to get the guestOperationsManager managed object reference.  However, when I attempt to do that, it comes back null.


Are there things missing in Workstation that exist in vSphere?  Is what they are asking for even possible?



Hey all, I have downloaded an iso image of the ESXi 6.7 and I installed on my machine. I got a Vmware web host that can build the virtual machine on it.  Is that if I upload my data to this virtual machine, is that  my data is secure in this web host? Is that anybody can see this data?

Modify vApp properties with VI Perl




I have some VMs I'm using as templates, with custom OVF properties, like shown below :


On this VM there is a script run at boot time that retrieves these properties and configure some stuff in the VM.

This way, to instanciate my template, I can clone the VM, change the properties, and restart the new VM. This is working fine.


I can run this entire process with ovftool , from a linux host.


However, I would like to change my current process, and do it using VI Perl api.
I can clone the VM, but I'm stuck at modifying these vapp properties. I'm able to display them but not update.


Does some one have any pointer on this topic?





6.7 SSO


I'm receiving this error during the vCenter 6.70a setup (the install screen goes to 80+% or so then):


Could not connect to VMware Directory Service via LDAP. Verify VMware Directory Service is running on the appropriate system and is reachable from this host.


Please search of these symptoms in the VMware Knowledge Base for any known issues and possible workarounds. If none can be found, please collect a support bundle and open a support request. “


I’ve also tried completing the operation via the web UI athttps://host-IP:5480to the same result.

I used the default of vsphere.local for the SSO hostname.

NTP and DNS are setup correctly. This is a new install of vCenter 6.70a on a new install of ESX 6.70a.

“Getting Started - vCenter Server Appliance with an Embedded Platform Services Controller (PSC)

This appliance cannot be used or repaired because a failure was encountered. You need to deploy a new appliance. Failure details “.

Any help is appreciated!



STAF Trust Level incorrect for the following machines: 1 machines [VM reboot may be required] : Client0


After failed run, exiting and starting a new run results in:
STAF Trust Level incorrect for the following machines: 1 machines [VM reboot may be required] : Client0

No other detail, the STAF file looks fine and I have rebooted the VM twice.

End-Point Operations Agent Plugins


End-Point Operations is going to completely substitute hyperic as this will go out of support at the end of year.

We're using hyperic to monitor some devices with SNMP and from what I saw epops agent seems to be able to do something similar but there's no "simple" configuration to do it out of the box.


Anyone have experience using epops agent for SNMP query?


I would also like to create a small script plugin to monitor my backup server. I'm able to get via a script all the data I need to monitor and to "discover" the list of backup configuration (server) that run on the backup.

What seems to be not possible via the script is to do the service discover to automatically create the Backup schedules as a service.


Anyone have experience on creating a discovery plugin that for example take a simple file with a list of service and pass return them as discovered to the plugin?

supported topology for 6.5 U2


Was checking the supported topology for vcsa 6.5 (link) At the bottom it says that embedded pscs is not supported, but just under that you see


"Note: With vCenter Server 6.5 Update 2, you can deploy by using the GUI or CLI installer up to 15 vCenter Server Appliance instances in Embedded Linked Mode, and manage these instances with the vSphere Web Client or vSphere Client from any of the instances. "


What should I make of this, which will be supported, Embedded or not embeded?

rolling restart of vSphere 6.5 VCSA using powercli


Any one know if there is an particular way of restarting vcenter using powercli.  And then verifying it is up before moving on to the next vcenter?  I manage 6 vcenter environments andwith a thought to myself there has to be a better way then rebooting via the appliance web gui, pinging, testing, and repeat for the next one.


I know I can do it easily a "Restart-VM -VM $vcenternames -RunAsync -Confirm" But is there a smart way of doing this? Is there a way to put vcenter HA into maintenance mode using powercli? Is there a way to create a "until" vcenter 1 is up before moving on to vcenter 2?

To Compress or Not to Compress...


We have been running UEM without compressing the .Zip files (via Group Policy) without issue.

I figured it would be faster to not bother compressing the .Zip files, since they are all so small.


I have recently noted that a couple of our applications have rather large .Zip files  (~32 MB)

I tested compression to see if it helped with the size, and to was about 50%.  32 MB --> 16 MB

Still trying to determine if it effects the speed of Logon...


I figured I'd ask everyone what they were using in production?

To Compress, or not to compress...that is the question.

Horizon View and PowerCLI


Hello everyone.


I'm a relatively new coder to the VM PowerCli enviornment.

And I am trying to code for automation the creation of a desktop pool and incorporate it into a Global Desktop Entitlement.


The pool, will be created from a virtual machine hosted in vSphere, and has GRID enabled.


Now, I do know the key to enable renderer3D, and what the value should be.

But, my problem comes along when trying to add this pool to a Global Entitlement.

I'm getting error thrown out that there is a mismatch with the with the 3D rendering setting between the desktop pool and the global entitlement.


Up until now, I have been using the lmvutil command, which is very clunky to use and very limited.

I'm trying to find a way to do this through PowerCLI without having to invoke lmvutil.


I know that I can get the Global Entitlement ID with the Get-HVPool cmdlet, and what it returns is not practical to use.

So I was hoping there was something similar for global entitlements, but I'm not seeing anything.


Hoping someone can point me in the right direction.





OK, so I was testing a PowerShell script that creates a manual desktop pool from a virtual machine on our vCenter and creates a Global Desktop Entitlement, and assigns a user to that as well as the newly created desktop pool.

The virtual machine does have the NVIDIA GRID GPU enabled.

When I run my script, it throws the following error:


Exception calling "Desktop_Create" with "2" argument(s): "ExceptionType : VMware.Hv.InvalidArgument

ErrorMessage : Machine Machine/NzA2ZjhkYWQtYWU2NC00Yjk4LTkxOGEtZjA1ODg1NGY0NTNj/VW5hc3NpZ25lZFZpcnR1YWxNYWNoaW5l/M2VkYzk3NTctZDcwNS00MWViLWJhODEtN2FlNT

E3ZGYyMDRi/L0RDMSAoQ2xpZnRvbiwgTkopL3ZtL1dvcmtzdGF0aW9ucy9Vc2VyL0lTL05ldE9wcy9NT05HRUxMUDAxREMx/dm0tMjU1 requires GRID, but the desktop is not enabledto support it

ParameterName : manualDesktopSpec.machines"

At C:\Users\*********\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\VMware.Hv.Helper\VMware.HV.Helper.psm1:3403 char:5

+     $desktop_helper.Desktop_create($services,$desktopSpecObj)

+     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException


Now, I see that it is coming from the the New-HVPool cmdlet from the module.

And the reason, because it is not enabled on the desktop, but it is.

So I am not sure where it is looking to determine if GRID is enabled on the desktop.


Through the GUI, on the Horizon Connection server everything works fine.


Thanks again.

Will vConvert fail if a directory is compressed?


I have a server that fails on the C drive. I have ran chkdsk and all seems fine. There is one folder that is compressed. Will vConvert fail if a directory is compressed?

SRM 8.1 and VMWare Tools on protected VMs




I'm looking to update our Site Recovery Manager to 8.1. I noticed at the bottom of the Compatibility Matrices for VMware Site Recovery Manager 8.1 page it says Site Recovery Manager 8.1 requires VMware Tools 10.1 and later written in red. I haven't seen a SRM compatibility matrix call out a necessary VMware Tools version like this before.


Is anyone running SRM 8.1 and protecting VMs with an older version of VMWare tools? We are grossly behind in updating VMWare Tools on our VMs and haven't needed to update vmware tools in the past for SRM to function correctly. I wonder if the VMWare Tools 10.1 or greater is a hard requirement.



64-bit VMware Workstation installs into Program Files (x86) - File Version




We are running 64-bit Windows 10 Enterprise workstations. We have installed the 64-bit version of VMware Workstaion 12 Pro (File Version as a trial. It has failed at the first hurdle.


When we start VMware Workstation, open the Task Manager, and we see that VMware Workstation (32 bit) is listed in the Apps Processes. Very Strange! Further investigation shows that VMware Workstation is installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\. Now, that's a very strange place for a 64-bit application to be installed - it should install into C:\Program Files\.


So, this leads to two questions:

1) Why does VMware install its 64-bit application into the Windows 32-bit installation folder?

2) Is VMware cheating us by claiming that their product is 64-bit while it is, in fact, only 32-bit?





win 1803 - waiting for service




anyone gets an answer regarding issue with win 10 "1803"? since the upgrade, we no absolutely no upload, it goes to 80% and then stops.. so no backup for at least 50 computers..

Any tricks on your side ? Even put back the base layer with an older version does not work, service stops after a while..so only way to solve is reinstall pc from scratch and make sure windows update is disabled..



Weird locker folder problem results in Fatal error: 33 (inconsistent data) when trying to remediate host


Hi All

I am having trouble remediating a host (a node in a vSAN cluster) running on 6.0.0, 5572656 (ESXi 6.0 Update 3a) with some updates but upon reboot ESXI fails to load with:


Error Loading /s.v00

Fatal error: 33 (inconsistent data)


If I do a cold reboot, the host successfully boots back into the hypervisor but the updates have not been applied.

I also got an error earlier today on this host:


The host returns esxupdate error code:15 (This seemed to sort itselft out)

I have a ticket with VMWare but it’s been open over a week and they haven’t been particularly helpful so far.


If I run: cd /vmfs/volumes

find / -name locker


The command takes ages and then eventually returns the image below



Navigating through the directories - ls /locker/packages/6.0.0/floppies


It seems to loop back to the locker folder contents. It looks like some weird symbolic link issue but I really don’t know how to fix it or if im on the right lines.


The host and VMS otherwise run perfectly and I don’t have any other issues. I have run df -h and there is plenty of disk space. Any help would be massively appreciated!

logon loop when trying to login.


trying to down OSR and I am getting login loop. this is the correct link - https://vcsa.vmware.com/skyline/osr-delivery.

i login with my.vmware.com login credentials and it takes me to VMware Skyline login page, i click on "log in" and it just keeps taking me back to login page.

2 dhcp scopes on DHCP server


Hi, wondering if this is possible.

I have a small lab running on vmware workstation that I want to put the VM's into the 10. range

I want my home devices to run in the 192. range

They will all run on the same lan

Is there any way to create 2 scopes in dhcp and VM's go to one scope and home devices go to the other ?






p.s. The reason i dont use Virtual networks is that I have to workstations on the Go and the 2nd one also has a VM that needs to be in the same network as the VM's on physical server 1.

What is the latest version of vmware?


I thought that the latest version is 6.7 but somehow my supervisor keep telling me version 7 some is out there.

Can someone give me the confirmation?


Thank you!

How to make a VM that runs DOS and the serial ports works?


I have made a VM that runs DOS (ms6.22) all fine, but the serial port is a challange.


I can recive all data send from the VM on the host's hw serial port, but when I send any data to the host's serial port only one or a few bytes get to my DOS application.


I am testing with a very simple comm. program Procomm (yes it is a DOS version) and from an other PC running windows Hyperterminal throu sthe serial port.


I see in the workstation log some "serial0: Overrun", old problem can be solve by putting serial0.tryNoRxLoss = "TRUE" in the VM's vmx file, but it only solve the failure in the log, it don't open for data to be present to my application running in DOS.


I see a few had addresed this issue before without any usefull answer, so is it possible, or not possible, to use the serial ports in DOS on a Vmware workstation?

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