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Autodesk Autocad 2018





I have created an appstack of Autocad 2018. When the appstack is assigned to a user Autocad is stuck on splashcreen with loading for approx 5 minutes.


I have tried to copy appdata, local and roaming, as well as the Autocad registry settings from the capturing user envrionment, but still no change. Subsequent startups have the same behavior.


Anyone seen similar behavior?


Windows 10 1709, App Volumes 2.13.2. Horizon 7.4.1



No PXE Boot from VM with EFI. Using Microsoft WDS




I have the problem, that I am not able to get a VM on our ESXi 6.0.0 to boot over PXE from our WDS if I choose EFI as start option. If I choose BIOS instead, everything works fine.


When I use EFI I get this screen when starting up:

After that I am presented the Boot Manager and can select EFI Network manualy, then I get the following screen. Nothing happens there. After a few seconds I get back to the Boot Manager where I can select another boot media.

Unfortunately I dont have access to our WDS-Server to view any log, but I will ask for this if I cant solve the problem otherwise. If you need any more information feel free to ask.




Server 2016 PVSCSI Driver


Hi All


I'm trying to build a Server 2016 template, but keeping running into a problem the PVSCSI driver.


I'm prompted at the start of the installation that a media driver is missing, so I mount the Vmware tools installer and locate the PVSCSI driver. The Windows installer sees the driver but when I click Next it tries to load, but I eventually receive: 'No new devices drivers were found....' and can't proceed.


I'm running ESXi 6.0 u2, but I've tried multiple versions of the tools iso and floppy images and always the samething.


What am I doing wrong?

vSphere Web Client SUCKs so bad that my experience managing and supporting VMware has turn to SH**!


Purpose of this post is simple and obvious...  bring back development to thick client.  THANKS!

VCSA 6.5 - Update Manager acting a bit odd




I have upgrade to VCSA 6.5 and I'm using it's Update Manager to try and "Scan for Updates" and checkmark in Upgrades. I have attached the baseline a Cluster level.


When doing so for an already upgraded Host I get the error: Cannot deplay upgrade agent on Host.


When doing so for a not yet upgraded Host I get the error: VMware vSphere Update Manager has an unknown error. Check the network connectivity and logs fiies for details.


The list shows 2 Compliant, 3 Non-Compliant and 3 Unknown.


One of our Hosts are Out Cold and awaiting a systemboard change. NSX is installed but only for use for Guest Introspection and McAfee MOVE AV. Both show Installation Status Failed. The one Host is probably the problem there.


If I de-attached the baseline from Cluster level and attach it to a yet to be upgrade Host I get "VMware vSphere Update Manager has an unknown error. Check the network connectivity and logs fiies for details."


Scan entity stops at 17%, I see no errors in Event Console


Repeat this for the upgraded server I get: "Cannot deploy host upgrade agent. Check the network connectivity and logs of host agent and vpxa for details." Scan Entity stops after two seconds.


Any ideas?


Best Regards


Installing JMP


Has anyone got this to setup, I am trying to setup a test lab with


vsphere 6.7

horizon 7.5

appvolumes 2.14

uem 9.4


but I can't get the jmp server to register, it keeps saying



and I can't figure out the logs to see more. If I go to the jmp server with a webbrowers I see a 404, which I can't figure out is expected or not, I think so since this is probably just an server to make api calls to. I am using all self signed certificated, but I copied each of the verts  to the folders listed in




but I can't seem to get it to work. Any suggestions would be great


vCenter 6.7 Joining enhanced linked mode after cert replacement fails (Failed to validate sso.(log_info() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given))


I just deployed a new vCenter 6.7 server with embedded PSC. I'm planning on adding four other additional sites using enhanced linked mode. I'm also using a hybrid certificate replacement approach in order get rid of the certificate warnings. By that I mean I'm replacing the machine SSL certs with my internal enterprise CA and utilizing VMCA for the solution users certificates.  Here is what I have done:


1. Created a custom template on our internal CA for vSphere purposes.

2. Followed the process to replace the machine certificate on my first vCenter/PSC (vcenter-site1.domain.com)

3. Imported the Root and Intermediate Certs to complete the trust chain (We both have a root and issuing CA)

4. Verified that I am no longer getting invalid certificate warnings and that the site now shows green.

5. Integrated vCenter/PSC with AD and added groups to allow domain login.


With that, everything works as expected.



Now I'm trying to deploy another site (vcenter-site2.domain.com). I'm on stage 2, step 3 which is the SSO configuration. I'm asked to provide the existing PSC FQDN, the single sign-on domain, and password. When I hit next, I see the validation of the connection and it correctly identifies the that the vCenter server has an embedded PSC. I am then presented with the following error


I presume this has something to do with the certificate replacement but I'm not sure where to look next. I came across a KB 2121701 ,but I checked and the thumbprints match so everything looks OK so I'm not sure if that KB applies. The only thing that struck me as odd was the following output when running echo | openssl s_client -connect localhost:443



Certificate chain

0 s:/C=CA/ST=CA/L=SanJose/O=Company/OU=VMware Engineering/CN=vcenter-site1.com

   i:/DC=com/DC=company/CN=Company Issuing Certification Authority

1 s:/DC=com/DC=company/CN=Company Issuing Certification Authority

   i:/DC=com/DC=company/CN=Company Root Certification Authority

2 s:/DC=com/DC=company/CN=Company Root Certification Authority

   i:/DC=com/DC=company/CN=Company Root Certification Authority


That could be a red herring but I thought I would include it.


Does anyone have any idea what this error could mean?

Setting Default printer based on Zero client ip?


We have users that have multiple homes with zero clients placed at each location.  How do you set the default printer to the printer that is local to that zero client?  I'm thinking of using task scheduler to trigger a script when a user unlocks the vdi using a registry key that reflects the current IP of the zero client but would love to hear other ideas. We have horizon advanced license. 



Workstation Pro 14.1.2 Update for 7-Zip (7za.exe) Planned?


Hi everyone,


I hope this message finds you well. As you know two security updates were made available for 7-Zip this year:






Is VMware affected by the issues raised in the above mentioned blog posts? If so, is this older .exe file likely to be replaced in an upcoming update to VMware? Apologies if the appropriate actions for updating this file in a future update are already in progress. Many thanks in advance for your time. Have a good day.


Other vendors have already updated their installations:





Directory Opus 12.8.1 Beta: and 12.9:



Directory Opus news: Directory Opus 12.9


FSC-2018-2: Remote Code Execution in F-Secure Windows Endpoint Protection Products


Cloning failed version 12 to 14.1.1


tried to clone a version 12 windows 7 pro image to a version 14.1.1 image and get the message.

"the requested operation could not be completed due to a file system limitation"  What needs to be done to fix this errror

Networking Problems with VMware Workstation 14.x running Ubuntu 18.04


Howdy, I have a liitle problem for setting up a server for tests.

I'm currently running an Ubuntu 18.04 (desktop) machine for hosting the famous Technic Solder API (this don't matter).

However, I can access with no problems with ssh using my private IP address, but when I try to access to it with my external IP it will not work.

I'm trying to run a bridged connection replying my phisical network. I've also disabled my firewall (and the only one that I have in addiction is my Avast Firewall that do not touch my VMware).

So, in order to make it work, before using a VPS I need to know why this is happening, also because I made it work (without knowing why) with my public IP while I was setting up a static IP.

I tried to reinstall Ubuntu and updationg all the packages and do some tests... however, as you can imagine, this don't work...

Have you any ideas?

Changing default file copy location for VMware workstation 14 pro


When I copy a file from my VM to my main computer, it initially copy's the file to a folder in C:\Users\my_name\AppData\Local... and then to the destination I desire. How can I change the initial copy location to something else?





I have a valid VCP6 and it will expired in 3 months. If I take exam VCP 6.5 DCV Delta this will renew my certificate expired date ?

Because I plan to take exam VCAP6.5 -DCV DESIGN too.


Thank you,


Datastore missing v6.5.0


Brought the server up after replacing a RAID disk last night. All seemed to be working fine but this morning we could not access either the VM or the Host server. After a reboot, the host comes back up, but the datastore is missing.


I can see the drive under storage devices. Is it possible to reattach the datastorage without losing the data\\\\\\\\\/


Thank you

ESXi powered down abruptly, one VM has problems


My ESXi 5.1 host lost power abruptly.  all VMs came back except one.   Attached is what the Datastore looks like.   I tried renaming the LCK file as you can see, but no dice.  I also tried creating a brand new VM, and pointing back to the original VMDK flie, but that yields, "Cannot open xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, or one of the files it depends on..."  I'm worried about all the files I have sitting around, that shouldn't be there, like the vswp files etc etc...   NOTE:  The VM that you see is powered-OFF....  also, this is the original directory that housed the vm that used to work, this is not the directory for the 'new' VM I created.....



volumes/4f122be4-27fcbd3c-ccea-6805ca16bc02/CentOS6_64-DNS #

/vmfs/volumes/4f122be4-27fcbd3c-ccea-6805ca16bc02/CentOS6_64-DNS #

/vmfs/volumes/4f122be4-27fcbd3c-ccea-6805ca16bc02/CentOS6_64-DNS # ls -ltr

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             0 Mar 25  2017 CentOS6_64-DNS.vmsd

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          3331 Mar 25  2017 CentOS6_64-DNS.vmxf

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root        126781 Mar  4 03:28 vmware-4.log

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root        106062 Mar  4 13:43 vmware-5.log

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root        126686 Mar  5 05:17 vmware-6.log

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root        126778 Mar  6 05:06 vmware-7.log

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root        126780 Mar 10 18:28 vmware-8.log

-rw-------    1 root     root      96468992 Mar 10 18:57 vmx-CentOS6_64-DNS-4239319221-1.vswp

-rw-------    1 root     root             0 Mar 10 18:57 CentOS6_64-DNS.vmx.lck.666

-rw-------    1 root     root     4294967296 Mar 10 18:57 CentOS6_64-DNS-fcaee0b5.vswp

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root        106069 Mar 10 18:58 vmware-9.log

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          2947 Apr  4 22:25 CentOS6_64-DNS.vmx~

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          2947 Apr  4 22:25 CentOS6_64-DNS.vmx

-rw-------    1 root     root           501 Apr  4 22:26 CentOS6_64-DNS.vmdk

-rw-------    1 root     root          8684 Apr  4 22:26 CentOS6_64-DNS.nvram

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root        105833 Apr  4 22:27 vmware.log

-rw-------    1 root     root     21474836480 Apr  4 22:27 CentOS6_64-DNS-flat.vmdk

/vmfs/volumes/4f122be4-27fcbd3c-ccea-6805ca16bc02/CentOS6_64-DNS #

/vmfs/volumes/4f122be4-27fcbd3c-ccea-6805ca16bc02/CentOS6_64-DNS #

/vmfs/volumes/4f122be4-27fcbd3c-ccea-6805ca16bc02/CentOS6_64-DNS #

Ovftool modify network target ovf


Hello everyone,


I'm trying to get "ovftool" to modify the resulting ovf (starting from a vmx) with a few parameters like:

  • --net:'nat=VM Network'
  • --memorySize:vm1=2048
  • etc.

but none of them is working. The resulting ovf is every time exactly the same. Here below the probe of the ova file:


Header 1

ovftool ubuntu.ova

OVF version:   1.0

VirtualApp:    false

Name:          ubuntu



Download Size:  801.99 MB



Deployment Sizes:

  Flat disks:   16.00 GB

  Sparse disks: 1.86 GB




  Name:        nat

  Description: The nat network



Virtual Machines:

  Name:               ubuntu

  Operating System:   ubuntu64guest

  Virtual Hardware:

    Families:         vmx-09

    Number of CPUs:   1

    Cores per socket: 1

    Memory:           512.00 MB




      Index:          0

      Instance ID:    6

      Capacity:       16.00 GB

      Disk Types:     SCSI-lsilogic




      Adapter Type:   E1000

      Connection:     nat


As I said the resulting ovf is always the same. I've tried with different examples from the official "ovftool" doc but nothing seems to work. I've even tried to look in the logs but no errors are displayed and no information about my argument / properties are printed.


Could someone please let me know if I'm doing something wrong or is "ovftool" not made for that?


Best regards,



esxi 5.5 to 6.5 upgrade method


what is the easiest way to upgrade your esxi hosts from 5.5 to 6.5? Update manager or a CD/DVD? Is it easy to roll back an upgrade? And how to you rollback an esxi upgrade?

OVFTool Error "Unexpected Tag Element GPUPassthroughType"


New to using OVFTool and I'm trying to import an appliance but keep running into an error message unexpected element tag seen "sharedGPUPassthroughTypes".  Is there any way to get past this? 

Thanks for the help.

ovftool and signing

Currently I have an automated process in place where I create a signed ova file using the ovftool.  My private keys for signing are all moving to an HSM.  Anyone know if there a way for me to accomplish this task still using the ovftool, or am I going to have to come up with an alternate process?

Was mem.hotadd deprecated but not mentioned in the release notes?


Trying to deploy an ovf fails due to an extra config where mem.hotadd is disabled on the example OVF/OVA and I'm using OVFTool 4.3.

OVFTool 4.2 does not error in the same fashion, using the same syntax (--allowExtraConfigs).

The two configs I see in the VM are:

<vmw:Config ovf:required="true" vmw:key="memoryHotAddEnabled" vmw:value="false"/>
<vmw:ExtraConfig ovf:required="true" vmw:key="mem.hotadd" vmw:value="false"/>

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