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VMware player 14.* not opening any of my Vm's after Windows 10 Version 1709. upgrade.




Error: Error while powering on: VMware Player cannot connect to the virtual machine. Make sure you have rights to run the program, access all directories the program uses, and access all directories for temporary files. Failed to connect pipe to virtual machine: The system cannot find the file specified.


I was on VMware-player-14.0.0 before my windows upgrade last week for some time without issues. I need to eventually upgrade win so I can't roll back.

Something I tried that eventually worked was installing any v12 VMware-player-12.5.9. This cant be the long term solution I need to get 14 working.


I have windows 10 Pro. now v 1709 on my desktop and the vm's i run contain a windows 7 although I also have a windows 10.

Vm's are not corrupt, I have many vm's and backups on many different locations. Usb sticks, Nas device, Local Hd's and backups on external drives all give same error but can be run from my notebook with same windows version and also latest VMware-player-14.1.1.


Things that I have seen that are different to V12 or notebook V14 is :


  • VMware USB Arbitration Service is not running and I can not get it running after following all answers I have found -  works on V12 if i downgrade and must have worked before win upgrade

The registry key's some have mentioned to create exists nothing wrong, files also exist where they suggested (hcmon.sys)

  • The Network adapter bridge settings are empty. Was there on 14 and is there on 12 also on my notebook
  • I have seen this message "Failed to read vmware-authd port number: Cannot connect to VMX:" in logs but many people says they also have it, it is also there when i run 12 that works and also on my notebook v14 so I don't think it plays a role.
  • I have seen the intel cpu requirements but my v14 worked on this desktop for quite some time before my win upgrade. This is also not an old pc.


I do not think any of the issues I mentioned is the problem I am only mentioning the differences. They might be issues later but


What I have tried.:


  • Many Repairs in 14 with running in admin and without although my user has admin. No errors errors during repair
  • Complete uninstalls and re-installs with and without admin with reboots in between always. No Errors during install
  • I have also after some uninstalls manually cleaned out all i could find or what was suggested, made sure services are gone
  • After V12 works I tried upgrading again to latest v14.1.1 but same prob.
  • All services run except for USB one (VMware Authorization Service,VMware DHCP Service,VMware NAT Service,Windows Management Instrumentation)
  • I don't think folder permissions are at play here because I have so many vms' different places and notebook starts vm, I can also see one of 2 cache files and lock file created when trying to start
  • I have also tried with vm tools installed and without.


It seems like a permission error but where. I have read many similar threads but where they eventually find a missing file registry entry or a service that wont run mine are there and running and can be stopped started.


This is irritating because i have to continue some work i have so i need v12 installed to work and v14 to play and i don't thing i can have both concurrent.


Please Please help, any suggestions would be very welcome.


I will include log file after launching vmplayer and then one after launching vm and getting error.

vCloud Powercli New-OrgVdc 403 error



I've got strange situation with creating organization's VDC with powercli.

When i create Org in web i've got over-commit by CPU but i can go further to next options with clicking Yes.

But when i'm trying to create Org VDC with New-OrgVdc i've got 403 error - Forbidden:

If i go to another vCloud area without CPU over-commit and try to use New-OrgVdc to create Org VDC - it works fine.

Maybe there is any option to Force New-OrgVdc command to create Org VDC and dont check for over-commiting resources?


Thanks in advance.

What is the best vSphere 6.5 edition for a single server.


Hello Community Friends!


I need help understanding licensing for an upcoming deployment.


I have 3 locations that I am migrating from physical to virtual. Each location will have 1 physical Dell Power Edge R730XD servers with 2 CPU.

This project has a very small budget and that why I am only deploying one vSphere host at each site. However next year we will deploy an additional server and a SAN at each of the 3 sites.

but at the moment this will be one server using local storage for the Datastores. I am aware of the benefits we are missing out on such as vMotion and the like but again this is B movie level budget.


On to my questions:


1) Is vSphere 6.5 Standard edition appropriate for this single server setup? Keep in mind, next year with the new budget we are adding an additional server and a SAN?

2) If I go with 6.5 Standard edition and add the new server next year will my vSphere 6.5 SE support 2 host and 4 CPU (2 CPU per server)?   


Thanks in Advance

Implications of Expanding a setting


What exactly will happen when i click on "Expand" in the Import/Export tab?


Why i am asking is this: When i upgrade UEM to a newer version i assume that there will be new or updated templates for various components/settings. For example, in the latest v9.4 update the release notes mentioned:

  • Windows 10 Start Menu. You can use this new User Environment Manager built-in setting for the Start menu layout on Windows 10 Version 1703 and higher.


However when i take a look at the startmenu.ini file in my current setup that has already been upgraded to v9.3 and later to v9.4, this file is still mentioning v9.2:

  "This file was created using VMware UEM Management Console version"

Besides that, it looks like there are no changes inside the .INI file


This makes me believe that when i click the Expand button, the underlying template is not upgraded during a UEM upgrade and thus is missing the new settings for this new build? Is this the right assumption?

Error "operation requires an interactive window station" when using Invoke-VMScript


I have a Ranorex test which runs successfully when running it, directly, on a VM.

When calling this test remotly, by using Invoke-VMScript (running a batch file that calls the test), it fails with "operation requires an interactive window station".

I have administrator privileges on the computer.


Any idea what am I doing wrong?

guest info failures for elasticappa0 elasticappb0 elasticdb0?


as shown in fig. attached below:


before this happened, i did re-provision all the tiles(from 0 to 3),

And also tried rebooting PrimeClient, Client VMs and all the workload VMs before executing the VMmark run.

(the IP mapped each VM in the primeclient's /etc/hosts file correctly and i could manually staf ping ping to the VMs via terminal)

but this strange issue occurred, which prevents the test from succeed.

"staxprocessstarterror signal raised. continuing job.", "full status unknown state", "guest info failures for the following machines"


basically the logs only tell the errors but not the reasons(neither stx_job or guestinfofiles...etc)

the test result folder is zipped and attached,

can anyone help???

NSX-T 2.2 host VM has external connectivity but....


Cannot access anything HTTP/HTTPS through a browser.


All RDP to and from the VM is fine.


VM can ping externally. DNS works.


SSH/Telnet TO and FROM the VM works


INTERNAL and EXTERNAL 80/443 calls from a vm browser times out and returns nothing.


NSX distributed firewall is OFF


Also - not a proxy issue.


Anyone seen or heard of this?

Not Writing invoke output


I am trying to fetch the patch,AV and application service status using invoke cmdlet. Its failing to write the output.

If I try to get McAfee and Service status its displaying the output but for the third script which is failing to write output($hotfixinfo).

If I log in to the VM manually and execute it I can get the output.


$script = @' 
if([IntPtr]::Size -eq 8){    $text = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Network Associates\ePolicy Orchestrator\Agent\" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |        %{"$($_.AgentGUID)"}
elseif([IntPtr]::Size -eq 4){    $text = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Network Associates\ePolicy Orchestrator\Agent\" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |        %{"$($_.AgentGUID)"}
if(-not $text){    $text = Get-Service -Name "McAfee Framework Service" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | %{"$($_.Name) is $($_.Status)"}    if(-not $text){        $text = Get-Service -Name wuauserv | Select -First 1 |            %{"$($_.Name) is $($_.Status)"}    }
$cbout = Get-Service -Name "CarbonBlack" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select -first 1 | %{"$($_.Name) is $($_.Status)"} 
if(-not $cbout){     $cbout = Get-Service -Name wuauserv | Select -first 1 | %{"$($_.Name) is $($_.Status)"} 
$os = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem
$osName = $os.Caption
$s = "%systemroot%\system32\drivers\srv.sys"
$v = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($s)
If (Test-Path "$v")    {    Try        {        $versionInfo = (Get-Item $v).VersionInfo        $versionString = "$($versionInfo.FileMajorPart).$($versionInfo.FileMinorPart).$($versionInfo.FileBuildPart).$($versionInfo.FilePrivatePart)"        $fileVersion = New-Object System.Version($versionString)        }    Catch        {       $hotfixinfo+= "Unable to retrieve file version info, please verify vulnerability state manually."        Return        }    }
Else    {   $hotfixinfo+= "Srv.sys does not exist, please verify vulnerability state manually."    Return    }
if ($osName.Contains("Vista") -or ($osName.Contains("2008") -and -not $osName.Contains("R2")))    {    if ($versionString.Split('.')[3][0] -eq "1")        {        $currentOS = "$osName GDR"        $expectedVersion = New-Object System.Version("6.0.6002.19743")        }     elseif ($versionString.Split('.')[3][0] -eq "2")        {        $currentOS = "$osName LDR"        $expectedVersion = New-Object System.Version("6.0.6002.24067")        }    else        {        $currentOS = "$osName"        $expectedVersion = New-Object System.Version("9.9.9999.99999")        }    }
elseif ($osName.Contains("Windows 7") -or ($osName.Contains("2008 R2")))    {    $currentOS = "$osName LDR"    $expectedVersion = New-Object System.Version("6.1.7601.23689")    }
elseif ($osName.Contains("Windows 8.1") -or $osName.Contains("2012 R2"))    {    $currentOS = "$osName LDR"    $expectedVersion = New-Object System.Version("6.3.9600.18604")    }
elseif ($osName.Contains("Windows 8") -or $osName.Contains("2012"))    {    $currentOS = "$osName LDR"    $expectedVersion = New-Object System.Version("6.2.9200.22099")    }
elseif ($osName.Contains("Windows 10"))    {    if ($os.BuildNumber -eq "10240")        {        $currentOS = "$osName TH1"        $expectedVersion = New-Object System.Version("10.0.10240.17319")        }    elseif ($os.BuildNumber -eq "10586")        {        $currentOS = "$osName TH2"        $expectedVersion = New-Object System.Version("10.0.10586.839")        }    elseif ($os.BuildNumber -eq "14393")        {        $currentOS = "$($osName) RS1"        $expectedVersion = New-Object System.Version("10.0.14393.953")        }    elseif ($os.BuildNumber -eq "15063")        {        $currentOS = "$osName RS2"   $hotfixinfo+="No need to Patch. RS2 is released as patched. "        return        }    }
elseif ($osName.Contains("2016"))    {    $currentOS = "$osName"    $expectedVersion = New-Object System.Version("10.0.14393.953")    }
elseif ($osName.Contains("Windows XP"))    {    $currentOS = "$osName"    $expectedVersion = New-Object System.Version("5.1.2600.7208")    }
elseif ($osName.Contains("Server 2003"))    {    $currentOS = "$osName"    $expectedVersion = New-Object System.Version("5.2.3790.6021")    }
else    {   $hotfixinfo+="Unable to determine OS applicability, please verify vulnerability state manually."    $currentOS = "$osName"    $expectedVersion = New-Object System.Version("9.9.9999.99999")    }
#Write-Host "`n`nCurrent OS: $currentOS (Build Number $($os.BuildNumber))" -ForegroundColor Cyan
#Write-Host "`nExpected Version of srv.sys: $($expectedVersion.ToString())" -ForegroundColor Cyan
#Write-Host "`nActual Version of srv.sys: $($fileVersion.ToString())" -ForegroundColor Cyan
If ($($fileVersion.CompareTo($expectedVersion)) -lt 0)    {    $hotfixinfo+= "`n`n"    $hotfixinfo+= "System is NOT Patched"     }
Else    {    $hotfixinfo+= "`n`n"    $hotfixinfo+= "System is Patched"    }
$outputarray -join ';'
 $obj = foreach($vm in (Get-VM |  Where-Object {$_.PowerState -eq "Poweredon" -and $_.ExtensionData.Config.GuestFullName -like "*Microsoft*"})) {
 $out1 = Invoke-VMScript -VM $vm.Name -GuestUser "administrator" -GuestPassword "" -ScriptText $script -ScriptType Powershell -ErrorAction Stop | Select -ExpandProperty ScriptOutput     
 New-Object PSObject -Property (    [ordered]@{        Name   = $vm.Name        OS     = $vm.Guest.OSFullName        IP     = ($vm.Guest.IPAddress | Where {($_.Split(".")).length -eq 4}) -join (",")        Cluster=$vm.VMHost.Parent.Name        RP     = $vm.ResourcePool.Name        Out1   = $out1  })
#|Export-Csv -Path 'C:\My Data\CSV Output\report.csv' -NoTypeInformation -NoClobber

Help with output file, esxtop metrics


               I believe this script is from LucD, he always has some amazing scripts. I am new to powercli ise and have not had just about any training or skills in scripting. I am attempting to gather any metrics using get-stat for all available entries and getting ESXtop statistic points. Here is the script i found, I just need to be able to print this to a .csv. Please help!


Powering on a vm in VMware Workstation on Windows 10 host where Credential Guard/Device Guard is enabled fails with BSOD (2146361)


I followed this guide


VMware Knowledge Base


but seems like this is not the permanent solution? i need to repeat the command line in #4 every time i restarted the host!


is there any permanent solution for this?


my windows is Windows 10 17074. vmplayer 14.

Remove virtual machines from DRS group


I'm trying to automate my DRS VM Groups.  I am running a stretched cluster that operates between 2 physically seperated datacenters (dc1 and dc2).  My datastores and vm groups are named to reflect which datacenter that resource lives in. What I've done is I first have a script that goes out and finds all vm's that reside on dc1 datastores and outputs to vms. I then copied the script from vRO called "Remove virtual machines from DRS group" to then compare the dc1 vms to what is in the current dc2 DRS vm group. I want to remove any vms that may have migrated from dc2 to dc1.  It looks like this script fist copies what is currently in the vm group to preserve it and in the end never removes any vms. Do I need to add a compare somewhere in here?


Server 2008 loses network connectivity after reboot


So far, this is happening on 2 different Windows 2008 R2 servers on different hosts in different v5.5 clusters.


I can reboot these VMs all day and they always come back up on the network with no issues.

If I apply a Microsoft update (even one that doesn't require a reboot) and reboot, it comes up disconnected from the network.

When checking the NIC settings, everything looks normal. No missing IP addresses, no missing gateways.

I can't ping out from the VM either.


If I go into the OS and disable then re-enable the NIC, it comes back online.


If I clone the VM, the problem goes with the VM.



Here's what I've tried:


Upgraded VMware tools

Upgraded VM hardware version

Deleted VMXNET 3 Nic and re-added it

Switched to the e1000 Nic

Moved the VM to a new host (v6.0)

Rebooted the host

Beating the VM with a hammer



It's getting to be a pain because, with every monthly Microsoft patching, we have 2 VMs that we have to manually disable and re-enable the NIC.



Any thoughts?

Virtual Machine on Vsphere Client shows degradation in performance.




I have 4 ESXI hosts each managed individually by vsphere client. Sometimes one particular VM (windows server 2008 R2) hosted on ESXI, shows performance degradation. Machine becomes very laggy and pretty much unusable. Even ping results show higher and variable latency.  Other times it is  fast, does not lag and even when we do speed test it shows desired speed. what can be the issue as other VMs hosted on same ESXI host doesn't show such poor performance??


Note: We tried Increasing (doubled up) bandwidth but same result. we also shifted VM to other host.

It has RAM: 8MB


CPU: virtual sockets =1  and cores per socket =3



esxcli commands on esxi host through java


Hi i am using the vsphere sdk for java to administer my vcenter. I'm using methods such as the get clusters, add host to cluster..etc. However i want to be able to run esxcli commands on the esxi hosts, does the sdk provide such capability, if not then what other options do i have to programmatically run esxcli commands on the host.

Bootbank error on esxi 6.5 U1 G with HP SYSTEM and SD card


After recent upgrade of esxi to 6.5 U1G and with HP recent SPP upgrade we are seeing many host with bootbank error and vmkernal log with  Failed to update path "vmhba32:C0:T0:L1 (which is USB DISK PATH).


We used to see similar issue before the upgrade but we had opportunity to migrate the VMs from the host but NOT now, we are forced to reboot the system !! which obviously impacts underlying VMs.


Now one more challenge is to setup the alarm for bootbank event , we the bootbank event doesn't have a eventID unable to setup an custom alarm.


Anyone with similar situation,your thoughts and inputs are valuable and much appreciated


Thanks in advance

Strange CPU Consumed


We have a new vSphere/ESXi host, and I have been noticing that the guest CPU activity is often far below the host CPU activity.  Here is a representative screen shot from webgui:




As you can see, CPU 0 & 1 are at around 40-41%, while the combined guests are 26%.  While this is not yet a problem, as this server grows and sees more usage, this will become a problem.  I'd like to solve it before then.


From the notes below, Guest #1 is the only that is actively in use.  Perhaps there is something in its configuration that is leading to over-consumption of the host CPU...?


Any ideas?


The hardware / basic setup is below:


Running ESXi 6.5.0 U1 build 5969303

System Board:  Supermicro SYS-1029P-WTR

CPU: (2x) Intel Xeon Gold 6144 (8 physical cores each, 16 hyper-threaded)

Memory:  192 GB memory

Storage:  (2x in RAID-1) 1.6 TB SAS SSD via LSI 9361-8i, configured in single datastore

Network:  Single 10G network card, used for both management and guests


Currently only three guests.  All have the guest-tools installed and running.

#1 Win 2012 R2

#2 Win 2016

#3 Win7


Guest #1 was originally bare-metal, and was P2V using VMWare's tools.  It is used as a Remote Desktop Server.  It sees spurts of CPU activity, and is not disk or network bound.  It is allocated 28 vCPU's, 64 GB memory, 200 GB disk in a thick-provision.

Guest #2 is a new VM, and is currently in pre-production.  It is allocated 8 vCPU's, 64 GB memory, 200 GB disk in a thick-provision.

Guest #3 was originally bare-metal, and was P2V using VMWare's tools.  It is lightly utilized by our phone system for admin purposes.  It sees little activity for CPU, disk or network.  It is allocated 2 vCPU's, 4 GB memory, 220 GB disk in a thick provision.


Thank you in advance.

ELM vCenter deploy template - The vCenter server is unable to decrypt passwords stored in the customization specification


I have 2 ELM 6.5 vCenters build 8024368.


When attempting to clone a VM template from one vCenter to the other, we receive "The vCenter server is unable to decrypt passwords stored in the customization specification". Deploying the VM template to the vCenter where the template lives, works just fine.


We are using default certs, I have tried FQDN and non-FQDN of the vCenter URLs also. Same result.



Any ideas?

Dell IDSM modules keep going offline


I recently rebuilt 3 Dell R720 hosts with the latest Dell 6.5 U1 A10 image. Ever since then randomly the IDSM will show offline on all hosts. If I run a services.sh restart, they come back online. In the DRAC they show healthy. I did not have any of these issues pre rebuilding with the new image.


Anyone else been seeing this lately?

Dell IDSM randomly looses connectivity


I recently rebuilt 3 Dell R720 hosts with the latest Dell 6.5 U1 A10 image. Ever since then randomly the IDSM will show offline on all hosts. If I run a services.sh restart, they come back online. In the DRAC they show healthy. I did not have any of these issues pre rebuilding with the new image.


Anyone else been seeing this lately?

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