Hey folks,
in our vCloud environment we need to put a datastore into maintenance mode and make a few adjustments. I've come to find out SDRS only works on VMs and not the vAPPTemplates or Media within the vCloud catalogs. The solution is to move the items in the catalogs back into the catalog itself after disabling the datastore in vCloud director to move it to another datastore.
Since our environment is large it would take a very long time to do this on each catalog/item within our environment. I'm trying to identify the datastore each vAPPTemplate is on so I only need to modify those respective vAPPTemplates.
I started with the following code (not complete), and ran into some errors on a few vAPPTemplates.
$templates = Get-Org | Get-Catalog | Get-CIVAppTemplate
foreach($template in $templates) {
Get-CIvm $template | Get-VM | Get-Datastore
I ran some additional commands to try and identify the differences between a working $template and a non-working $template, I couldn't identify any significant difference between the two.
PS C:\Users\super> $templates[4] | select *
ExtensionData : VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.VAppTemplate
Status : Resolved
Published : False
IsGoldMaster : False
Created : 6/8/2013 1:04:04 PM
StorageUsedGB : 101.734375
Catalog : MYCUST
Owner : system
OrgVdc : 31337-SS-ALLOC-01
CustomizeOnInstantiate : True
Description : MYCUSTXGMB01
StorageLease :
Href : https://sd1.mycloud.net/api/vAppTemplate/vappTemplate-096baf80-f1fe-494f-1680a-947234b678
Id : urn:vcloud:vapptemplate:096baf80-f1fe-494f-1680a-947234b678
Client : /CIServer=super:system@sd1.mycloud.net:443/
Uid : /CIServer=super:system@sd1.mycloud.net:443/CIVAppTemplate=urn:vcloud:vapptemplate:096baf80-f1fe-494f-1680a-947234b678/
PS C:\Users\super> $templates[5] | select *
ExtensionData : VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.VAppTemplate
Status : Resolved
Published : False
IsGoldMaster : False
Created : 6/8/2013 2:17:04 PM
StorageUsedGB : 8
Catalog : rambler
Owner : system
OrgVdc : 31314-SS-ALLOC-01
CustomizeOnInstantiate : False
Description : Has vmware tools builtin
StorageLease :
Href : https://sd1.mycloud.net/api/vAppTemplate/vappTemplate-61db057d-cc31-4a79-7c781-d47b47bb76
Id : urn:vcloud:vapptemplate:61db057d-cc31-4a79-7c781-d47b47bb76
Name : Ubuntu 12 LTS
Client : /CIServer=super:system@sd1.mycloud.net:443/
Uid : /CIServer=super:system@sd1.mycloud.net:443/CIVAppTemplate=urn:vcloud:vapptemplate:61db057d-cc31-4a79-7c781-d47b47bb76/
PS C:\Users\super> get-civm $templates[4]
Name Status GuestOSFullName CpuCount MemoryGB
---- ------ --------------- -------- --------
MYCUSTXGMB01 PoweredOff Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (32-bit) 4 3.750
PS C:\Users\super> get-civm $templates[5]
get-civm : 8/20/2013 10:07:05 AM Get-CIVM CIVM with name 'Ubuntu 12 LTS' was not found using the specified filter(s).
At line:1 char:1
+ get-civm $templates[5]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (:) [Get-CIVM], VimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Core_OutputHelper_WriteNotFoundError,VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Commands.Cmdlets.GetCIVM
PS C:\Users\super>
I tried doing it manually as well
PS C:\Users\super> $mytmp = get-org -name orgName | get-catalog -name catalogName | Get-CIVAppTemplate
PS C:\Users\super> Get-CIVM $mytmp
Get-CIVM : 8/20/2013 10:21:15 AM Get-CIVM CIVM with name 'Ubuntu 12 LTS' was not found using the specified filter(s)
I'm able to identify the VM template in vCenter named "Ubuntu 12 LTS", not seems out of the oridinary with it. I'm not able to figure out why some of these vAPPTemplates return an error and some do not.
Any insight or direction is greatly appreciated.