I've just recently bought components and put together a server that I want to run ESXi 5.1, which will host 10 to 15 VM's. I've installed ESXi onto a USB stick and gone through the basic configurations, but have not installed any HDD's with VM's onto the server as yet. I am not sure of the ideal ethernet cable configuration between the router, server and the computer that I will use to access the server.
Can anyone help with the exact configuration of ethernet cables if I have 1 router, a server and a computer that will access the server?
-All connections should be hard wired.
-The VM's on the server need to access the internet.
-The computer used to access the server needs to be able to connect to the internet outside of Vsphere client (it needs to be able to access the internet as a standalone pc)
(At present I am just accessing ESXi directly by connecting my monitor and keyboard to the server)
Thanks in advance.