After performed a complete test,check the score.found that no score for DS2, mailserver and loadgen App,then checked the result log ,found some errors:
Prepping DS2DB
Shutting down service MySQL ..done
Starting service MySQL ..done
Reloading DS2 DB's database
ERROR 1049 (42000) at line 4: Unknown database 'DS2'
DS2DB Reload Completed
Mon Jun 24 11:18:01 CST 2013
About this issue,may be caused by skipped this step:
7 If you used the template virtual machine, remove from /etc/fstab the entry for the temporary disk (it’s
marked “Remove after DB setup”).
8 Remove the 20GB temporary disk from the virtual machine and delete the corresponding .vmdk file.
Thread 3: Error in Login for User user9144071, thread exiting
Thread 2: Login: Username/password incorrect; str_acc length: 1677 str_acc:
Thread 2: Error in Login for User user19414897, thread exiting
Error in parsing customerid: Input string was not in a correct format.; ind_b= 17 ind_e= 0 str_acc[]=
Thread 1: Error in Newcustomer newuser22242975, thread exiting
Error in parsing customerid: Input string was not in a correct format.; ind_b= 17 ind_e= 0 str_acc[]=
Thread 0: Error in Newcustomer newuser18656043, thread exiting
Thread 5: Login: Username/password incorrect; str_acc length: 1677 str_acc:
I used the template virtual machine as the DS2Web VM.
ERROR -- Caught exception SwordfishExceptionTooMuchLoad:
Number of unfinished tasks including those in the queue and those are being executed is greater than 1.5 times the number of users.
Engine State: Started
Total Test Runtime: 00:06:30
Task Interval: 32
Total Users: 1000
Active Users: 1000
Task Q Length (shared): 0 (busy workers: 0 of 69)
Task Q Length (MAILSERVER1): 1682 (busy workers: 80 of 80)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.TaskEngine.dispatchExchUsers()
at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.TaskEngine.dispatchExchTasks()
at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.TaskEngine.<dispatchTasks>b__18()
at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.IL.ILUtil.DoTryFilterCatch(ThreadStart tryClause, Predicate`1 filterClause, Action`1 catchClause)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.TaskEngine.dispatchTasks()
at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.TaskEngine.Start()
at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.Cmd.SwordfishCmd.Main(String[] args)
Simulation has failed.
The Initialization completed successfully for loadgen during configuration.However, the Mailserver job is failed to run.
Please see the Attached file for detail,thank you!