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slow work with writable volume




user that work with writable volume have a issues - explorer Between folders and User Folder is very slow!!


Agent and manager that we use-


Horizon 7.5

AppVol 2.14

uem 9.4


The problem was also in earlier versions of the Horizon ,appvol and uem.


OS -


Win10 - 1607,1703 -PRO    

Win8.1 - PRO



Does anyone have any idea what the problem is???


I have attached a video of the issue.




Please Help: LSI SIMS Provider doesn´t work anymore after Update ESXi 6.5 Build 7967591 to Update2 Build 8294253


Tried the update on two different Hosts:

Host01 with LSI 9260-8i (VMW-ESX-5.5.0-lsiprovider-500.04.V0.66-0002-5751577)

Host02 with LSI 9361-8i (VMW-ESX-6.0.0-lsiprovider-500.04.V0.69-0003-offline_bundle-7952656)


On both Hosts the Controller doesn’t appear in the Mega Raid Storage Manager anymore.

On Host03 with ESXi 6.5 Build 7967591 and LSI 9361-8i (VMW-ESX-6.0.0-lsiprovider-500.04.V0.69-0003-offline_bundle-7952656) the SIMS Provider works without any problems and i can get the Controller in the MSM.


Already tried to disable the Firewall on the both Hosts, to restart the CIM Server Service and different (older) SIMS Provider from LSI.

The DNS settings ( I modified the Hosts File on the Windows VM where MSM is installed) must be ok, because everything worked bevor the Update and still works on Host03 with  ESXi 6.5 Build 7967591

Any Idea?

Port number for storage to add into SRM 6.5


Kindly let me know what is the port requirement to add storage array into Site Recovery Manger 6.5.

NSX-T SR's but no DR's

Hi all,



I'm experimenting with NSX-T at the moment, and I'm having some issues with my T0 and T1 routers. This is NSX-T 2.2 running withing vCenter/ESXi 6.7



Background tasks completed:


  • NSX-T Manager and Controller deployed
  • ESXi hosts prepped
  • Two transport zones created - One for Overlay, one for VLAN
  • Edge device deployed
  • Edge cluster created
  • Transport nodes created for edge & esxi
  • edge device in both overlay and vlan transport zone
  • ESXi hosts only belonging to overlay transport zone
  • Two routers created
  • T0
  • Interface to logical switch in the VLAN transport zone
  • T1
  • Connected to T0 logical router, sharing routes
  • Attached a VM to overlay logical switch


Which basically looks like this:


Perhaps my interpretation is incorrect, but I would assume to have SR's and DR's for both T0 and T1. However, from the edge device:





This contradicts what's reported in the UI:



I would expect the transit switch/port information to be populated - can anyone clarify for me, please?


I have also noticed that even though my T1 router has a downlink interface to a overlay logical switch, and has a interface on that network, it is not advertising this network:


Anyone got an ideas?


NSX DFW heap size issue


Hi all,


I have a issue with DFW heap size issue, NSX version is 6.2.3.


When I update the firewall rule set I will receive following error: Last publish operation failed on host *

VMkernal log shows “Heap vsip-rules already at its maximum size. Cannot expand”.


Any idea?

Unable to login to vRA 7.3 Appliance


I just have installed vRA 7.3 in my lab, Deploying OVA completed. I am able to login with root from VM console but not on management console on 5480 port. Its accepting the password on VM console but not accepting same password on 5480.



OVA machine settings not deployed on standalone ESXi


Hi all,


I have a standalone ESXi 6.5 and I am deploying a linux ova. During the deployment I fill in the hostname, ip adres, login account etc. (This OVA is provided to us by our vendor) After that the system boots but non of the settings are implemented, so I can never login. I know this works on vCenter Server but it does not on standalone ESXi. Does anyone recognize this and does anyone know a solution?


Best regards,



VMWare Workstation 12.5 Auto Suspend of Guests when Windows Host Shuts Down


I have created a work-around and will share here, because this is an important (essential) capability to have.




Question:  How do I set up VMWare Workstation 12.5 (running on a Windows host) to automatically suspend all guest VM's when the host OS shuts down or restarts?


I have read several posts on this over the years:  I know they exist, but none are helpful.


Fact:  Windows 10 will automatically apply updates and restart the machine whenever it feels like it, with little ability for the user to control or disable this behavior.


I am a developer and business user, and use VMWare Workstation (NOT Server) so that I can have multiple VM's open for various interactive purposes:  different development environments, different applications, etc.


If Windows 10 chooses to apply an update in my absence (which it regularly does, without my ability to prevent this from happening), this essentially halts all the running VM's, causing loss of work and potential data corruption.  This is entirely unacceptable.


To be clear, this is not a matter of convenience (i.e. that I am lazy and don't want to suspend the gust VM's before I explicitly shutdown), but is rather that the host OS may spontaneously shutdown or restart without my control.  Thus random loss of work and data is an inherent and regularly-encountered aspect of running VMWare Workstation 12.5 on a Windows 10 host.  There must be a way to correct this problem.


Should be Automatic


According to:  VMware Workstation 12 Pro Release Notes a new feature of VMWare Workstation Pro 12 was:  "Automatically suspend virtual machines upon host shutdown".  But this does not seem to actually work / to be present, and I can find no menu options or documentation pertaining to this feature.




A Windows "shutdown" script won't always work for Windows 10 because of the way fastboot works and because of other changes to the shutdown sequence in Windows 10 (not well-understood).  This means that old answers that say "Create a shutdown script...configure in GPO", etc. are not satisfactory.


Even disabling fastboot does not allow shutdown scripts to run reliably.  There are a number of potential factors, including whether or not you are booting the host from a VHD or from a physical disk, edition of Windows, etc.


Furthermore, even if you could get the shutdown script to run reliably, it may run too late in the shutdown sequence--after the applications, including VMWare Workstation have been terminated...which means that the Windows shutdown script approach is not a useful option.


Solution:  Create a Scheduled Task in Windows Task Scheduler


The heart of this work-around is to create a scheduled task using the Windows Task Scheduler.  The scheduled task should be triggered by certain system events (not by a specific time-of-day schedule).


There are several different events that must trigger this task, as some events apply to only certain shutdown sequences (i.e. command line-initiated, Windows UI initiated, power button, system updates, etc.)


The actual script to execute is below.


The scheduled task should have the following:


Launch "Task Scheduler"

Click on "Task Scheduler Library" treeview (left side of screen)

Click on "Create Task" in the Actions window (right side of screen)


Under "General" tab, provide an appropriate name

Under "General" tab, check:  "Run only when the user is logged on"

Under "General" tab, check:  "Run with highest privileges"


Under "Triggers", you will click "New" to add a new trigger, and will repeat this and the following settings 6 times (6 individual triggering events should be set).  For each:


"Begin the task:" should be set to "On an event"


Select the Log, and the Source, and type in the Event ID for each of the 6 events.  The rest of the settings on the screen can be left at their defaults.




Event ID:1074


Log:  Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon/Operational


Event ID:7002


Log:  Microsoft-Windows-Eventlog-ForwardingPlugin/Operational


Event ID:6005


Log:  Microsoft-Windows-Eventlog-ForwardingPlugin/Operational


Event ID:6006



Source:Microsoft Windows security auditing.

Event ID:4634



Source:Microsoft Windows security auditing.

Event ID:4647



Under "Actions" tab click "New", the default Action of "Start a program", and click Browse or type in the path to the batch file (see below for the batch file itself).


By using a scheduled task that is triggered by these events, it seems like Windows 10 does reliably launch the batch file at shutdown (or more technically correct, at user logoff).


Batch File


Create a batch file and save it somewhere on you local hard drive.  You can use Notepad to do this.  Name it something that ends in .bat (not .txt)...so when in Notepad you click Save, make sure "Save as file type" is set to "All Files (*.*)" so that Notepad does not append a .txt to the filename.


The contents of the file should be something like this:


@echo off


echo SuspendRunningVMs Command (x64)...




REM Specify where vmrun.exe can be located

SET WSPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation"


REM Get the list of currently running VMs

%WSPath%\vmrun.exe list | FIND /V "Total running VMs:" > %temp%\vmlist.txt


REM Suspend all running VMs

FOR /F "delims=*" %%v IN (%temp%\vmlist.txt) DO CALL :SuspendVM "%%v"



echo Waiting for the VMs to suspend...

REM Pause until no more VMs are running

%WSPath%\vmrun.exe list | FIND "Total running VMs: 0"


timeout /t 10 /nobreak

GOTO WaitLoop



echo End of script; all VMs suspended.





REM Suspend a VM


REM Suspend any running VM.  Workaround a "vmrun list" quirk that outputs

REM a blank line, by not trying to suspend a blank VM

IF %1x==x GOTO :EOF

echo Suspending VM %1

%WSPath%\vmrun.exe suspend %1

REM Allow some time after suspend call (allow disk to write vmem).

echo Wait a little bit for the VM to commit...

timeout /t 15 /nobreak



REM Resume a VM (not used now, but may have use in future)


REM Resume any suspended VM.  Workaround a "vmrun list" quirk that outputs

REM a blank line, by not trying to start a blank VM

IF %1x==x GOTO :EOF

echo Starting VM %1

%WSPath%\vmrun.exe start %1








I cannot understand how auto-suspend of all VM's upon shutdown of the Windows host has not been and is still not a built-in feature of VMWare Workstation running on Windows.  This seems to be critical to anyone who does not want to loose work and risk corrupting data in their VM's.  This need has intensified with Windows 10 as the host, because Windows will spontaneously reboot the computer when it applies updates, and Microsoft does not provide a way to prevent this spontaneous reboot from occurring.


Please, VMWare, make this capability a feature of future VMWare Workstation releases.  This is not a "server-only" feature:  even interactive users of VM's don't want to loose unsaved data and state of their virtual machines.





I did a lot of research on this, and was aided by a number of different posts from different people.  I will provide the URL's here:


Question about Task Scheduler during logoff event


https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/a9eaa5ac-b772-4647-a0b1-72257cdc091a/windows-10-shutdown-scripts-not-always-running?forum=win10itprosetupWindows CMD Script to Aid Backups (esp. post #3)


Windows 10 Shutdown Scripts not always running




VMware Workstation 12 Pro Release Notes (see "Automatically suspend virtual machines upon host shutdown")


Improvement Suggestion: Suspend VMs Automatically On Host Log-off/Shut-down

Upgrade Options for View 5.1


I have a small VMWare environment for VDI. I have 2 esxi 5.1 hosts, vcenter 5.0, and View 5.1. I would like to get vcenter upgraded to vcenter 6, which I have a spare license for, but I am assuming I would then have to upgrade everything else and no one knows the license info for our view connection server. This is an environment that I inherited, so I have had to do a ton of digging to find anything. I have looked everywhere to try to find the account for my View license but have had no luck. Could I get away with NOT upgrading View if I upgrade to vcenter 6?

hi all


svp si je veux virtualiser mon serveur physique sachant que ce serveur héberge un certain service (asterisk par exemple) est ce que mon service sera toujours accessible après virtualisation ou bine je dois le réinstaller et configurer

VMware ESXI Control Panel (Automatically install VM Operating System & Traffic Monitoring)


AutoVM is an open source Virtual Private Server (VPS) manager based on in VMware ESXI, gives you full control and automation of hosting companies and VPS Sellers.

With AutoVM you can assign unique panel for each user to make them fulfilled all about VPS Related.

This must be noticeable as AutoVM additional tools , except Automatic Monitoring you can give your billing managements to AutoVM! So you can give more-fast services to your customers.


Some of the features

  • Bandwidth monitoring and manage VPS traffic usage.
  • Install easily without any changes on the ESXI servers.
  • Free modules for manage VPS on the WHMCS client area.
  • Auto Provisioning VM After Payment Successfully.
  • Auto assign IP and Network adapter once VM created.
  • Auto installation of the operating system.
  • Ability to assign the existing VM created for WHMCS users.



the AutoVM platform is designed to be compatible with default VMware ESXI settings and does not require any changes on the network design. To launch the AutoVM platform, you can run it on the hosting control panel such as CPanel or DirectAdmin.


Get Started with free licence

To get and setup the system, please visit the installation article. If you have any questions, please read the FAQ section. If you do not find your answer, please contact us from Client area.



vmdk shared disk on Windows 2016 WSFC


Running vSphere 6.5


I would like to use vmdks for my shared 2016 WSFC disks. its a 4 node cluster and the Windows vms live on any number of hosts (CAB).


This was not a supported config a few years ago, is it now?


If I still have to use RDMs for the above config then I'm going with a physical server farm. Thanks for the help

No PXE Boot from VM with EFI. Using Microsoft WDS




I have the problem, that I am not able to get a VM on our ESXi 6.0.0 to boot over PXE from our WDS if I choose EFI as start option. If I choose BIOS instead, everything works fine.


When I use EFI I get this screen when starting up:

After that I am presented the Boot Manager and can select EFI Network manualy, then I get the following screen. Nothing happens there. After a few seconds I get back to the Boot Manager where I can select another boot media.

Unfortunately I dont have access to our WDS-Server to view any log, but I will ask for this if I cant solve the problem otherwise. If you need any more information feel free to ask.




Bridging issues in Windows 10 and WS11


Hi all...


Just wondering if anyone else is having issues with Bridging on Workstation 11.1 and Windows 10 Build 10049?


I have reinstalled twice and made sure that Windows Defender wasnt running (other ppl with bridging issues said that some virus protection software causes issues)  I have no luck with getting bridging to work.


The networking interfaces doesnt have the vmware bridge protocol installed and I am unable to manually get VMnet0 to bridge also.

macOS 10.14 Mojave Developer Preview/Beta guest...


... Just to say that it works surprisingly well, in Fusion 10.1.2 (and probably also in 8.5.10): it's also rather snappy (on a 2013 MacBook Pro); and HiDPI works out of the box, after installing the Tools.


Only one major glitch: some persistent visual artifacts in the menu extras, in the Finder tabs and in Dashboard, both in normal and dark mode...

VMware Workstation - WDS PXE UEFI


Hello All


Been banging my head a against this problem for a couple days now.


I'm trying to get a VM to spin up on VMworkstation 14.1.2 using UEFI boot and install Windows 10, via WDS. My WDS server also a workstation vm on the same host, which works perfectly deploying to BIOS based vm's.    


In the create a new VM wizard on Workstation i have selected windows 10 and UEFI boot. Ensured its on the right network but when it trys to PXE boot it just says:


>>Start PXE over IPv4.


It then just returns me to the boot menu to select hdd, cd or network. I also tried loading the win10 iso into the vm's virtual cd drive and tried to boot with UEFI and i have the same problem.


I have read numerous forum posts, one said you need to add DHCP options 66 & 67 which i did but had not effect. And as mentioned above i load the win10 "cd" to its local "cd drive" and it still couldnt boot UEFI.


Driving me crazy now!!


Can anyone offer any ideas??


Its a very basic network setup that i have created just to test the fundamentals of WDS, which is list below: Both servers are domain joined and are VM's on Workstation 14.1.2 all on the same network (VMNET02) on the same host


Server 2012: DC with DHCP and DNS

Server 2012: WDS


Thanks in advance

Recovering deleted VM's from SSD


Hey guys,


I believe I have learned a very valuable lesson today about triple checking before executing commands. I wanted to post this here, perhaps you have experience with this and can help.

I am a VMware beginner and have an ESXi host on a Dell r420 server which, over the last 4 months I have setup a windows deployment solution using Microsoft server 2k16 for MDT, WDS, DC and WSUS. The host is running a RAID1 2TB SAS SSD array. I just finished my fully automated windows build, capture and deploy TS's and was very happy.

I noticed in the vSphere web client that there was an invalid VM entry there from an old VM that I had. I tried to delete this entry and managed to delete all of my VMs from the datastore. Poof, gone.

I used rm -rf... I thought I had selected the directory that the stale VM was in but it was the directory that had all my VMs inside. Sweating heavily followed.... also severe cringing!! I removed 1 of the SSD drives as soon as I realised that the shit had hit the fan to avoid any more writes on that drive. I tried to run some recovery software on the running drive but with little success thus far.

I am fully aware that not having a proper backup solution is extremely retarded. This was a lab environment initially that grew into something I used in production to create and deploy images to our studio machines last week. I put about <200hrs into it.

My question is this. Do any of you know if it is possible to recover the VMware files needed to restore the VMs or is this impossible or basically going to cost an arm and a leg to get data recovery done? Am I screwed as its an SSD? I am assuming its cry in the shower time but hey, maybe one of you has some good news.

I would imagine this is beyond hilarious for some of you.. I understand why! Please have some mercy

Thanks in advance for any input guys, it's really appreciated.

Atom C3758/X553 GbE driver for ESXi 6.5/6.7


A few days ago, I bought Atom C3758 based Mother Board.

Unfortunately, ESXi 6.5/6.7 have no inbox driver for X553 GbE.

So I build x553 only driver from ixgbe-5.3.6 linux driver.

I'm using it with following parts.


Asrock Rack C3758D4I-4L

Kingston KVR24R17D4K4/128

Intel ET Dual Port Server Adapter

(initial connection by igb inbox driver)

Transcend JetFlash 720S

SilverStone SST-CS280 / SST-ST45SF


I have tested with IPv4, MTU9000, no VLAN only. (mainly iSCSI connections)

Other setting may cause problems.

However, if you are interested in the driver, try it.


To use this driver:


# esxcli software acceptance set --level=CommunitySupported

# esxcli software vib install -v /tmp/net65-x553-5.3.6.x86_64.vib

vmware connectivity




I am trying to connect Linux box which is install in VM Virtualbox via winscp, but i am getting below error.

Firewall is disabled.


error :

Authenticating with pre-entered password.

Access denied.


Please help.



capacity planning software


I am looking a software which can provide me a monthly report of my storage overview:

i.e clusterA sotrageXIO is having this percentage % left.

This can be done very well through vmware capacity Planner but unfortunately i can get it, so looking to find something similar.

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