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OVA Signing


I heard from the forum that for any *.ova file which we give to sign (using ovftool), we might get one signed *.ova per vSphere/vCenter version.


for example, if the signing has to be done on 6.0 and 6.5 then 2 signed OVA files per version will be made available. And, we cant use the same signed image across 6.0/6.5 & 6.7 ?


May i know why this restriction or technical guidance on this one ?

VMWare VCenter Server Appliance Build 1398493 Networking not working


We have 3 ESXi Hosts which are managed by VCenter Server Appliance version 5.5. I was told that this virtual machine was migrated between the hosts and that the web browser (https://STATIC_IP_ADDRESS:5480/) is not being reached. Furthermore, I noticed that we can't ping from within the VCenter Server Appliance VM to other Virtual Machines on the same network. Ping from the Virtual Machines to the VCenter Server doesn't work either. The Hosts are still able to be managed by the VCenter Server Appliance according to the VSphere Client  Host Management dialog box. Another VM which utilizes the VCenter Server Appliance isn't working because it can't find a route to it as well. Any suggestions on what the issue could be and how to resolve it?

write-host causing error


Not really sure how it went this way but all other write-host was able to show output as i expected but not from these lines


#Create report

#Write-Host "Creating Report" -ForegroundColor Red

Export-Csv -Path $reportName -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture



#Send results via email

#Write-Host "email the report" -ForegroundColor Cyan

Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $smtpServer -Subject "$smtpSubject $(Get-Date -f dd_MM_yyyy)" -To $to -From $from -Attachments $reportName



#delete the old snapshot report

#Write-Host "delete report in the folder" -ForegroundColor Yellow

Get-ChildItem -Path $att -Filter .csv* | Remove-Item



Disconnect-VIServer -Server * -Confirm:$false -Force


i have to bracket it with # since it doesnt work like it should,

but here are errors i received


Write-Host : The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline input or the input and its properties do not

match any of the parameters that take pipeline input.

At C:\Batch\Scripts\snapshots\VM_snapshot.ps1:82 char:1

+ Write-Host "Creating Report" -ForegroundColor Red

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (@{Name=SYMC-INC..._Service_IEDC1}:PSObject) [Write-Host], ParameterBindingException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InputObjectNotBound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteHostCommand


Write-Host : The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline input or the input and its properties do not

match any of the parameters that take pipeline input.

At C:\Batch\Scripts\snapshots\VM_snapshot.ps1:82 char:1

+ Write-Host "Creating Report" -ForegroundColor Red

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (@{Name=SYMC-FUL..._Service_IEDC1}:PSObject) [Write-Host], ParameterBindingException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InputObjectNotBound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteHostCommand


Write-Host : The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline input or the input and its properties do not

match any of the parameters that take pipeline input.

At C:\Batch\Scripts\snapshots\VM_snapshot.ps1:82 char:1

+ Write-Host "Creating Report" -ForegroundColor Red

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (@{Name=ASAUpgra...eGB=2.3; User=}:PSObject) [Write-Host], ParameterBindingException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InputObjectNotBound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteHostCommand


Write-Host : The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline input or the input and its properties do not

match any of the parameters that take pipeline input.

At C:\Batch\Scripts\snapshots\VM_snapshot.ps1:82 char:1

+ Write-Host "Creating Report" -ForegroundColor Red

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (@{Name=ASAUpgra...eGB=2.3; User=}:PSObject) [Write-Host], ParameterBindingException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InputObjectNotBound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteHostCommand


Write-Host : The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline input or the input and its properties do not

match any of the parameters that take pipeline input.

At C:\Batch\Scripts\snapshots\VM_snapshot.ps1:82 char:1

+ Write-Host "Creating Report" -ForegroundColor Red

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (@{Name=pre-upgr...eGB=7.4; User=}:PSObject) [Write-Host], ParameterBindingException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InputObjectNotBound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteHostCommand


Write-Host : The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline input or the input and its properties do not

match any of the parameters that take pipeline input.

At C:\Batch\Scripts\snapshots\VM_snapshot.ps1:82 char:1

+ Write-Host "Creating Report" -ForegroundColor Red

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (@{Name=PFSense2...AU\~RKrawiecki}:PSObject) [Write-Host], ParameterBindingException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InputObjectNotBound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteHostCommand


Write-Host : The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline input or the input and its properties do not

match any of the parameters that take pipeline input.

At C:\Batch\Scripts\snapshots\VM_snapshot.ps1:82 char:1

+ Write-Host "Creating Report" -ForegroundColor Red

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (@{Name=PFSense2...AU\~RKrawiecki}:PSObject) [Write-Host], ParameterBindingException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InputObjectNotBound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteHostCommand


Write-Host : The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline input or the input and its properties do not

match any of the parameters that take pipeline input.

At C:\Batch\Scripts\snapshots\VM_snapshot.ps1:82 char:1

+ Write-Host "Creating Report" -ForegroundColor Red

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (@{Name=about to...U\~KSutherland}:PSObject) [Write-Host], ParameterBindingException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InputObjectNotBound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteHostCommand


Write-Host : The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline input or the input and its properties do not

match any of the parameters that take pipeline input.

At C:\Batch\Scripts\snapshots\VM_snapshot.ps1:82 char:1

+ Write-Host "Creating Report" -ForegroundColor Red

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (@{Name=pre cert...GB=10.7; User=}:PSObject) [Write-Host], ParameterBindingException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InputObjectNotBound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteHostCommand

Plugin Version Caching Issue



I'm having some strange issue with deploying an HTML5 plugin to my vCenter Server.

vSphere Client version running on Windows Server 2012r2

According to docs if redeploying the same version it's necesary to unregister the plugin and delete the cached files in:


I've also deleted the files in:


I use the unregisterPlugin argument with extension-registration-jar-with-dependencies.jar and get a succesful response... the extension no longer shows in the moid extension manager portal either.

The problem is I can't succesfully redeploy using the same version. If I deploy again using registerPlugin (same jar) it gives a succesful response and shows back up in the moid portal but doesn't appear in my vCenter. Nothing shows up in virgo log indicating the plugin is being downloaded either. If I bump the version number of my plugin it will download and deploy succesfully.


Are there some additional cached files I need to remove? or something I'm missing here? It's a pain to have to bump the version number each time I want to test remote deployment.

нет доступа через клиент


Добрый день

Пропал доступ через веб интерфейс и через клиент.

В настройках выглядит все как обычно пингуеться хорошо, виртуальки работают как нужно. По ssh доступ имею зашел проверил,

/etc/init.d/hostd restart

/etc/init.d/vpxa restart


при попытке выполнить команду

esxcli network ip interface ipv4 get


Connect to localhost failed: Connection failure


VVD 4.3 for vRA 7.4


Hello.  What is the ETA for the next version of VVD including vRA 7.4?  There are several advisories/CVEs recommending vRA 7.4 to remediate a couple of vulnerabilities, but 7.4 is not included in the latest VVDs.  Please advise.

vSphere HA isolation Address




You know the recommendation for stretched cluster is to use two isolation addresses from each site for HA. But I need some clarification on the below point:


I know that when a host stops receiving network heartbeats, it will failsafe and start pinging the isolation address which is by default the MGMT network gateway to check if it is isolated or not.


Additional isolation addresses can be configured so that host will try to ping them if the MGMT gateway is not pingable.


However in my humble opininon, if the host can't ping its MGMT gateway, how can it ping the isolation address which is for example the site router IP address which may be in another VLAN? Will it still use the MGMT network to ping that isolation IP address? Do we need to add a static route on the host for that purpose?


Any clarification is highly appreciated.


Thank you




Переполняется диск с дампами


Добрый день .

Возникла следующая  проблема . У vCenter все время переполняется системный диск с дампами (/dev/mapper/core_vg-core) . Как можно отключить сбор дампов ?

Users can't see tags asigned to VMs


Users of our vCenter have only VM interaction rights for the virtual machines they own. I would like them to be able to see the tag assignments administrators perform. So, I don't like them to create delete or modify tag categories, tags and tag assignments, instead I want them to see the tags their virtual machines own. However, when they login, the tag window of the Virtual machine is empty. Moreover, I can't find any "read right" for tags to assign to them.


Do you know if it is possible for client users to only see tags of their virtual machines?


Thanks in advance,



Will eSXi 6.7 work with the Intel i211*2 Dual Lan on the Shuttle DH270 ?


A very good day to you Sir,

I hope you are doing Great Sir,


May I please kindly ask - Will eSXi 6.7 work with the Intel i211*2 Dual Lan on the Shuttle DH270 ?


Does anyone have any experiences running eSXI 6.7 on this Shuttle DH270 Setup ?


Hope to hear from you soon.


Thank you very much for your time and kind help.


Kind Regards as Always.


Dr. David Bowman

HTML 5 Console SDK not working in vSphere 6.5


Greetings guys!


I'm successfully using HTML 5 Console SDK with vSphere 5.5. However when I try to connect to vCenter 6.5 I keep getting errors. I'm aware of the following ways to connect - Showing Web Console of a VM via vSphere HTML Console SDK - Samples - VMware {code} I'm interested in either 1 or 3 (I don't want to connect to a VM directly using its IP). So I tried the following uris:


(Getting 500 error)  wss://vcenter_ip:9443/vsphere-client/webconsole/authd?vmId=vm-808&vmName=staging01&serverGuid=ef6a5492-165c-4d0a-813e-10f79a5cfdd0&host=vcenter_ip:443&sessionTicket=cst-VCT-52e79734-6f0d-69bb-10a2-eb92f9939beb--tp-D6-7A-CB-EC-ED-43-35-AD-0D-FB-B3-21-F9-F0-24-88-F6-FB-77-51


(Getting 500 error) wss://vcenter_ip:9443/vsphere-client/webconsole/authd?mksTicket=52c10d92-1867-4a0e-4c2e-d97df164a817&host=vcenter_ip&port=902&cfgFile=%2Fvmfs%2Fvolumes%2F56600453-39658cc7-9ec6-002219644073%2FNode1%2FNode1.vmx&sslThumbprint=9F:C5:E9:6C:97:ED:CE:0B:BD:86:9F:5F:E7:AB:1C:E2:CA:46:E2:C2


I've also noticed that if I go directly to https://vcenter_ip/vsphere-client/webconsole/authd it opens a page and prompts for several mandatory query string parameters like host, port, cfgFile, ticket and thumbprint. As far as I get, it's the same parameters that are required in MKS ticket approach, but for some reason mksTicket and sslThumbrint parameters are renamed to ticket and thumbprint. Anyways, if I rename them it still doesn't work returning 403 error.


Getting 403 (Forbidden) instead of 500 (Internal Server Error) is a better result, however I still don't see what I am missing here. Has something changed in 6.5 compared to 6.0? Do you guys have any ideas?


P.S. The user I'm connecting under has console interaction permission enabled.

Weird Pinging and routes issue


We are installing new, NSX 6.4 with an ACI Underlay.


I am trying to ping from outside the environment.  It does not ping.  However, when I force sync ESG02, while ESG02 is rebooting that IP address starts pinging.  It will only ping until ESG02 is back up and running.


What is going on? 

High Sierra and Fusion "stuck" keys


Hi to all,

inside the Windows VM, sometimes when I strike Ctrl+c, some seconds after I release the key combination it results in typing repeatedly "cccccccccccccc..." or after having struck Ctrl+v it results in "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv..." and it doesn't stop until I press another key. It happens with the delete key or the tab key, too.

This happens very frequently (an average of once every 2 - 3 minutes, but it can happen twice in a minute or more) but randomly and in combination with a "special key" (i.e. Ctrl, Delete, End, Backslash, etc.) and is VERY, VERY annoying.

Almost every time that this happens, I noticed that when I press the ESC key, it opens up the Windows Start Menu.

To "re-enable" a (temporary) correct working state of the keyboard, I have to repeatedly press ESC, then repeatedly press CTRL, then repeatedly press the Windows key, then repeatedly press the ALT key. After that, I can continue working for a couple of minutes befor it happens again

It started happening as I upgraded to High Sierra (from El Capitan) and to Fusion 10.0.0 (and it's upgrade to 10.0.1) from fusion 8.x.

I later downgraded to Fusion 8.5.8 (ev. upgraded to 8.5.9) to resolve the CAPS LOCK issue, but this one remained, unfortunately.

In the meantime I have upgraded Windows 10 on both my VMs to version 1709 (OS build 16299.64) from Version 1703 (OS build 15063.674), but the issue remains.

This is making me NUTS, I cannot work anymore and I am a bit desperate.

This issue seems only to happen inside the VMs, not in the Mac host.


I already tried switching keyboard with a Mac one (usb), but the problem stays the same.

I already tried uninstalling and reinstalling last version of vmware Tools, with no success

I already tried searching on the internet for a solution, but until now, no tweak has worked for me.


Can someone help me, please?



Mac (27-inch, Late 2013), 3.4 GHz Intel Core i5, 32 GB 1600 MHz DDR3

Osx: 10.13.1 High Sierra

Fusion: 8.5.9 (7098239)

VM: Windows 10, Version 1709 (OS build 16299.64)

com.sun.xml.internal.ws.fault.ServerSOAPFaultException - vCenter webclient




In a vCenter, we are getting this error for few hosts in a cluster at this line of code:





This is the error that we got from logs:

Internal Error com.sun.xml.internal.ws.fault.ServerSOAPFaultException: Client received SOAP Fault from server: The session is not authenticated. Please see the server log to find more detail regarding exact cause of the failure.

    at com.sun.xml.internal.ws.fault.SOAP11Fault.getProtocolException(SOAP11Fault.java:178)


We are not getting what is causing this.


vCenter Server 5.5 の環境から vCenter Server Appliance 6.5 環境への移行について


Windows(物理) 上にある vCenter Server バージョン 5.5 の環境から

vCenter Server Appliance 6.5 環境(ESXi)への移行を進めております。





 >アプライアンスの一時的なネットワーク設定に固定 IP アドレスを割り当てる場合は、

 >IP アドレス用にDNS レコードの正引きおよび逆引きが設定されていることを確認します。



 移行用の一時的な IPアドレスに対しても、VCSと同じDNSの設定をしておく必要がある




2.移行時のターゲットの vCenter Server Appliance の名前ですが、











Shutdwon/Start multiple VM's



Please guide us, how to shutdown/start multiple VM's at one time.



try to disconnect CD-ROM but unable to override the guest OS lock or answering the VM



I'm trying to add mount and unmount ISO to VMs (vRO through vRA)

I have a perfectly working wokflow to mount ISO to VMs, but when I want to detach or unmount it using the default "Disconnect all detachable devices from a running virtual machine" workflow I must answer a question from the VM.

this is where my problems begin.

I did not found a way (property or method) to force the disconnect from the (reconfigVM_Task) and I'm not able to answer the VM question.


I tried to use the workflow "Wait for task and answer virtual machine question" to answer the question, but it doesn't find any task that need to be answered.


I'm totally stuck.


any idea?


thank you in advance.



VCloud Director 9.1 and CSE Kubernetes : Failure during Ubuntu Guest Customization


I´m testing  Vcloud Director Container Service Extesion for Kubernetes.

in a Vcloud Director 9.1GA .


I have followed this guide step by step.




cse version 1.0.1 dev4

vcd-cli  version 20.2.0

python 3.6.4


the problem occurs  building the ubuntu template using cse install.

In the guest Customization phase of the ubuntu-temp vm,  the script fail with the following error:



waiting for process 1293 on vm 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-7257' to finish (16)

exception, will retry in a few seconds, vm 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-7257'

  exception: (vim.fault.GuestOperationsUnavailable) {

   dynamicType = <unset>,

   dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],

   msg = 'The guest operations agent could not be contacted.',

   faultCause = <unset>,

   faultMessage = (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) []


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/root/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vsphere_guest_run/vsphere.py", line 86, in execute_program_in_guest

    processes = pm.ListProcessesInGuest(vm, creds, [pid])

  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyVmomi/VmomiSupport.py", line 580, in <lambda>

    self.f(*(self.args + (obj,) + args), **kwargs)

  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyVmomi/VmomiSupport.py", line 386, in _InvokeMethod

    return self._stub.InvokeMethod(self, info, args)

  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyVmomi/SoapAdapter.py", line 1366, in InvokeMethod

    raise obj # pylint: disable-msg=E0702

pyVmomi.VmomiSupport.vim.fault.GuestOperationsUnavailable: (vim.fault.GuestOperationsUnavailable) {

   dynamicType = <unset>,

   dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],

   msg = 'The guest operations agent could not be contacted.',

   faultCause = <unset>,

   faultMessage = (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) []


There´s someone testing CSE , and  having similar problems? I think that the problem is in the code,

Number of active connections has changed - Message


Dear All,


How can I get back the message "number of active connections has changed. There are now 2 active connections to this console" in web console under vSphere 6.5 / ESXi 6.5 ?

Any ideas?

Not enough physical memory is available


Anyone else get this message after upgrading to 14.0.0? I'm running Workstation under Linux host and never saw this issue before then.


I had to reboot even though 31GB was free at the time.

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