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Unable to modify vm name in vapp with vcloud apis




I am unable to modify vm name and guest customization while deploying a vapp from catalog. I am using vloud director 5.5.

Below is the xml i am posting, Please help.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>











         <ovf:Info>Configuration parameters for logical networks



            networkName="Kronos Network">



                  href="https://mycomp.com/api/network/9ebd22dc-ded9-4c7f-8e9b-505be09a5b3d" />







      href="https://mycomp.com/api/vAppTemplate/vappTemplate-a93c729e-254d-461c-b1d7-73d1da5b6e53" />

   <SourcedItem sourceDelete="false">

      <Source href="https://mycompcom/api/vAppTemplate/vm-f5a3697d-c7ff-425c-9395-34910f482de6"/>



         <Description>Primary </Description>







I am getting error that

cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element \'SourcedItem\'.


Please help.

problem with virtual disk file


Hi all,


I'm running Workstation Pro 12.5.9 build-7535481 on Windows 7.  The client is CentOS 6.9 64-bit.  The vmdk is a single file, but with incremental allocation: it's about ~6GB in size now, with a limit of 20GB.  The symptoms scream file corruption, but I can't figure it out.


I was trying to back up the (host side) files with the VM shut down.  The backup proceeded to about 80% and then got stuck.  The host became unusable due to I/O (virtually no CPU activity: huge numbers of interrupts and DPCs according to Process Explorer).  I killed the backup and tried again with the same result.


I ran vmware-vdiskmanager -R on the file and it found no errors.

I ran vmware-vdiskmanager -e on the file and it said the chain consistency was ok.  [not sure what this means anyway].

I tried to run defrag on the vmdk with vmware-vdiskmanager -d.  It got to ~83% and hung there for hours until I finally killed it.  It left a temporary file about 4.8GB in size.


I ran chkdsk on Windows and found no errors on the host disk.

I restarted the VM, ran fdsk in CentOS and found no errors on the client disk.


The client runs fine - I can find no problems with it.  But any attempt to copy or archive the vmdk file from the host side sends the host into spasms.


I have a few other VMs that likewise are incrementally allocated.  Am I likely to see this with them eventually also?  Is it a bad idea to incrementally allocate disk space?


Anything I can do about the bad file?  Apart from abandoning it and creating a new VM?



Running Workstation Pro 14 and Vista x64 guest


Running Workstation Pro 14 on a Windows 10 x64 host.  After Installing Vista x64 as a guest with no 3rd party applications installed, I installed Vmware Tools v10.2.5 with no errors.  Rebooted virtual vista machine and boot failed. Left with choice of rolling back to last working configuration (before VMware tools) or booting in safe mode.


Tried this multiple times, but always have same results. Vista x64 will not run normally if tools are installed.  Any help would be appreciated.



Author :

URL : http:////docs.vmware.com/jp/vRealize-Operations-Manager/6.6/com.vmware.vcom.core.doc/GUID-682E8424-E215-46F9-80C3-66FEA4DE94FB.html

Topic Name : グローバル設定のリスト

Publication Name : vRealize Operations Manager 6.6 のヘルプ

Product/Version : vRealize Operations Manager/6.6

Question :

グローバル設定のリスト(https://docs.vmware.com/jp/vRealize-Operations-Manager/6.6/com.vmware.vcom.core.doc/GUID-682E8424-E215-46F9-80C3-66FEA4DE94FB.html) に記載されている「時系列データの保持」と「追加の時系列データの保持」のデフォルト値が実機と異なっていますが、どちらが正の値でしょうか。

Configuring Two NICs




I have two NICs on my host machine working fine and are also pinging their respective IPs/Gateway.


I created a VM on this host and added one more Network Adapter in addition to the default one and selected Bridged option in Network connection for both adapters.


In Network Connections, I set the same IPs for both adapters as set in the host.


I accessed Virtual Network Editor and set the following attributes:


First Adapter

Name: VMnet0

Type: Bridged

External Connection: Ethernet1


Second Adapter

Name: VMnet1

Type: Bridged

External Connection: Ethernet2



Every thing is working fine with Ethernet1. The problem lies with Ethernet2. I get Request timed out if I try to ping its default gateway (which is a router). As I mentioned earlier, I can ping the default gateway from the host machine but not from the virtual machine.




Silent install option for enhanced keyboard driver with Player 14




does anyone know an option to install the enhanced keyboard driver with silent install of Workstation Player 14?

I do not find anywhere anything.



Appstack and Horizon USB issues when UEM in installed but not configured


Word of warning for anyone starting a UEM migration, it appears that UEM can mess with PCoIP USB if it is left in a running but unconfigured state.


We installed UEM in a Gold master image and left the service to automatic startup, with no UEM GPO's were applied to the linked clone pools.  (We were preparing for UEM migration/testing)


USB devices fail to attach in the initial login session, a reconnect on PCoIP allows the devices to pass through from the Zero client.   The issue also seems to delay the attachment of Appvolumes appstacks.  PCoIP server log reports:


LVL:1 RC:   0        SOFT_USB :VHUBLIB(error): GetUemStatus : Failed to open key path is Software\VMware, Inc.\VMware UEM\SessionData\1

LVL:1 RC:   0        SOFT_USB :VHUBLIB(error): The UEM component is still not ready yet


Workaround is to set the service to manual/disabled until UEM is required for a desktop pool.   If UEM is enabled at login (say via the GP extension method), the issue does not occur.   We didn't raise a case for this, but an interesting one anyway.


(UEM 9, Appvol 2.9, Horizon 7)



Missing drive mapping


Have a number of drive mappings set up and most of the time they all work, but periodically, staff will not get the drive mapping established for their home drive. Nothing horribly unique about this particular mapping, except that it uses an environmental variable to point to their specific home drive hidden share - so the "remote path" is "\\FileServerName\%username%$". This mapping seems to work 99% of the time. If it is missing, logging off generally resolves the issue. Its also possible to manually create the drive mapping when it is missing. The data is accessible via the UNC - so I can verify the resource is available.


No other drive mappings are missing when the home drive mapping is missing. The majority of the mappings that do succeed are pointing to other shares are on the same file server.


The logs don't show anything useful - other than seeing NO reference to indicate an attempt was made to create the drive mapping.


While not the worst thing, it has the potential to interfere with other things such as shortcuts which may be checking for the existence of files/folders on the mapped drive - plus it freaks out staff when they think their home drive is missing.


Any thoughts?

Get the host name from rescan command




Please help me to get the host name from below rescan command.


Command : Get-Cluster MyCluster | Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostStorage -RescanAllHba


Output :








Need help scripting the datastore.maxTotalLatency.latest from datastores


Hi Guys,


I am hoping someone can help, I am trying to retrieve the datastore.maxTotalLatency.latest for all my datastores from each host to write this to a BI report.

But I cant seem find the correct scripts.


Thanks in advance


PowerCLI Script to get ESXi Network/Storage Firmware and Driver Version


Hi Admin,


Found this script which gets me firmware and driver info.



$vmhosts = Get-Cluster "clust01" | get-vmHost



$report = @()



foreach( $ESXHost in $vmhosts) {



$HWModel = get-vmHost $ESXHost | Select Name, Model

$esxcli = Get-ESXcli -vmhost $ESXHost



if($HWModel.Model -eq "ProLiant BL460c Gen9")




$info = $esxcli.network.nic.get("vmnic0").DriverInfo | select Driver, FirmwareVersion, Version

$ModuleName = "$($info.Driver)"

$Firmware = "$($info.FirmwareVersion)"

$Driver = "$($info.Version)"

$elxnet = $esxcli.software.vib.list() | where { $_.name -eq "elxnet"}

$report += $info | select @{N="Hostname"; E={$ESXHost}},@{N="Hardware-Model"; E={$HWModel.Model}},@{N="Adapter-Firmware"; E={$Firmware}}, @{N="Network-Driver"; E={$Driver}}, @{N="FC-Driver"; E={$elxnet.version.substring(0,14)}}







$report | out-gridview



Above works fine for my blade servers with CNAs.


But on some om my VMhost I have separate FC HBAs , and to get the driver info I use something like this :
$esxcli.system.module.get("lpfc") | Select-object @{N="VMHostName";E={$VMHostName}}, Module, Version


Possible to combine this line with my script someway?  




vmexe HP files execution with PowerCLI


At the end I'm submitting a new thread as I saw that old thread was not moved to the top after the update.


I created a script to upload the file CPxxxx.vmexe successfully to all involved ESXi hosts. Then I'm running this but it produces no result:



$vmhost = Get-VMHost xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    
# Login credentials to SSH each host. It will convert the string from secure to plain text for plink  
$user = Read-Host "ESXi Host SSH User"  
$rootpword = Read-Host "ESXi Host SSH Password" -AsSecureString  
$rootbstr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($rootpword)  
$rootpword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($rootbstr)    
# The "echo y" command automatically accepts the key for plink.    echo y | C:\Users\xxxxxx\Documents\VI-Tools\powerCLI\tested\ESXi\plink.exe -ssh $vmhost -l $user -pw $rootpword exit | Out-Null    
#execute patching  
C:\Users\xxxxxx\Documents\VI-Tools\powerCLI\tested\ESXi\plink.exe -ssh $vmhost -l $user -pw $rootpword -batch "chmod +x /tmp/CP035395.vmexe"  
start-process "cmd.exe" "/c echo y | C:\Users\xxxxx\Documents\VI-Tools\powerCLI\tested\ESXi\plink.exe -ssh $vmhost -l $user -pw $rootpword -batch /tmp/CP035395.vmexe"    
sleep -Seconds 60    
$VMhost | Restart-VMHost -Confirm:$false | Out-Null 


the host gets rebooted but patch is not applied. Is there a way to successfully execute these kind of files with PowerCLI? Executing those commands from within a ssh session works fine.

max. supported VM hardware version on Vcloud Director 9.1




as the title says, what ist the highest supported VM hardware version on Vcloud Director 9.1?


Thank you

VMkernel.log spew with messages "File hbrtmp.* (groupID=GID-*) (offset=0) already exists on server and is identical"




I have vSphere Replication 8.1 installed with vSphere 6.7 doing replications from one ESXi 6.7 host to another (managed by the same vCenter 6.7 server).


Replications are working fine and without issues, but on the source host /var/log/vmkernel.log gets flooded with messages like this one:

Hbr: 1198: File hbrtmp.1.9852 (groupID=GID-f777dbb7-9594-4b28-8671-1c9898d9496b) (offset=0) already exists on server and is identical

I tried to stop all replication jobs, clean up all Files created by vSphere Replication, and re-create jobs, but this did not help.


Does anyone know whether and how it is possible to prevent these messages from appearing?




esxcli --proxy not working in 6.5.0


I manage ESXi 6.5.0 Update 1 (Build 7967591) under free license.

I would like to upgrade it to 6.7 (because better macOS client support). There is no .zip file patch yet.

Hypervisor is in restricted network where all HTTP comunication must go through proxy


First I disable firewall to be able to connect to port 3128. I verify this by running nc -vz 3128.


When I run either of these commands:

esxcli software sources profile list --depot https://hostupdate.vmware.com/software/VUM/PRODUCTION/main/vmw-d
epot-index.xml --proxy=
esxcli software sources profile list --depot https://hostupdate.vmware.com/software/VUM/PRODUCTION/main/vmw-d
epot-index.xml --proxy=
esxcli software sources profile list --depot https://hostupdate.vmware.com/software/VUM/PRODUCTION/main/vmw-d
epot-index.xml --proxy=

I get:

 Could not download from depot at https://hostupdate.vmware.com/software/VUM/PRODUCTION/main/vmw-depot-index.xml, skipping (('https://hostupdate.vmware.com/software/VUM/PRODUCTION/main/vmw-depot-index.xml', '', 'file not found'))        url = https://hostupdate.vmware.com/software/VUM/PRODUCTION/main/vmw-depot-index.xml
 Please refer to the log file for more details.

I am able to use http_proxy enviroment varible to use `wget` to download files from the internet.

Is there something wrong with my command or is --proxy switch broken in 6.5.0?

Embedded Link Mode - VCSA already deployed


Hi everyone,

I was wondering if it's possible to link already deployed Vcenter VCSA with Embedded PSC as Embedded link mode is now supported on 6.5u2.

All I could found mention the link process at the deployment of the VCSA, but nothing about already deployed appliances.


Joining a vCenter Embedded Linked Mode Domain


Thanks in advance,

Best regards.

Is it possible to run VMWare Workstation on same host with KVM (or Xen)


I have VMWare Workstation 12.5.7 installed on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS host. Now I need to run VMs made either for KVM (or Xen) on the same host.


Is it possible to run VMWare Workstation virtual machines and KVM virtual machines on the same host?


I found an old (2011) serverfault topic on this: https://serverfault.com/questions/270105/can-i-run-vmware-and-kvm-on-a-single-host


You can install as many hypervisors (VirtualBox, KVM, VMware Player/Workstation, ...) as you like on the same machine,

however if they use hardware acceleration (known as VT-x on Intel chips) then you can only run VMs on one of them at a time.

Otherwise, the kernel modules they install will interfere with each other as they try to respond to the same hardware virtualization VMEXIT events.


All the hypervisors listed do use VT-x, so you have to selectively disable the ones you're not using so they don't interfere with the one you're currently running VMs inside of.

Here are the commands that you can use to disable/enable each of the popular Linux hypervisors' kernel modules (tested on Ubuntu 14.04):




# to disable

sudo /etc/init.d/vmware stop

# to enable

sudo /etc/init.d/vmware start




# to disable

sudo rmmod kvm_intel

sudo rmmod kvm

# to enable

sudo insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/arch/x86/kvm/kvm.ko

sudo insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/arch/x86/kvm/kvm-intel.ko


So it seems that on 2011 it was not possible (without performance penalty) run VMWare and KVM VMs simultaneously but  it was possible to run them on same host if  VT was enabled only for one hypervisor at a time (VMWare VT enabled, KVM VT disabled and vice versa).


- Do you have any knowledge if this is still possible with VMWare Workstation 12.5.7 on Ubuntu 16.04?

- Are these instructions for VMWare VT enable/disable valid also for VMWare Workstation 12.5.7 on Ubuntu 16.04?


Thank you for your support.

VMware v14 installer does not work on Ubuntu LTS 16.04


When running the VMware-Workstation-Full-14.1.2-8497320.x86_64.bundle from the command line as root after a few minutes the script stops without any messages.


I have re-downloaded and re-installed several times to make sure that it wasn't a corrupt file or temporary glitch.


My Laptop specs

Ubuntu LTS 16.04

7th generation i7-7700HQ: 2.8 up to 3.8 GHz – 6 MB cache – 4 cores – 8 threads

16 gigs of memory


Steps to reproduce

1. Download VMware bundle

2. Disable KVM with sudo rmmod kvm_intel kvm

3. CD to Downloads folder

4. su to root

5. Verify permissions

6. Run script ./VMware-Workstation-Full-14.1.2-8497320.x86_64.bundle

7. Alternatively, run script via su VMware-Workstation-Full-14.1.2-8497320.x86_64.bundle

8. Script runs and stops after a few minutes with no message

9. Look in /var/logs for vm-install log (none)

10. Look for application in /usr/bin  ( only see vmctrl and vmstat )

Hooking up 2TB or 4TB USB drive as datastore in VMWare 6.7?


Good day folks, trying to add 2TB or 4TB USB drive as datastore in VMWare 6.7 and it is not detecting it.   However 80gig USB drive seems to work fine.   I know there might be a limitation but I would expect it should be to do it by now.   Is there another option to workaround this issue?




Configuring Orchestrated Restart via PowerCLI


Clearly this isn't possible using New-DRSRule as the 'KeepTogether' parameter is boolean which only allows for specifying an affinity or anti-affinity rule.


So is it even possible to define an Orchestrated Restart rule via PowerCLI?


If it is possible, how is it done?

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