need path for vcap dcd
hi , need your assistance in preparing for vcap dcd, any training institute or study group i can join to prepare for the certification.I am planning to attend vmware design workshop , however i would...
View ArticleESX5.1 has difference disk function like Hyper-V ?
I am begginer of Vmware.ESX5.1 has difference disk function like Hyper-V ?I would like to make template Windows2008R2 VM disk and apply additional difference disk like Hyper-V to reduce disk usage.
View ArticleVCOPS for a small env
Hi, My customer are mostly SMB with 2-3 ESXi host usually less than 100 VM. Do I need as much as 16GB of RAM to run vCOPS ? For some customer vCOPS would be one of the largest workload... Anyone run...
View ArticleFeature Request - Increase Allowable Video Memory
Please increase allowable video memory above 256Mb. (257 Mb as detected by Directx DirectDraw settings would be fine) Presently video memory cannot be increased above some 251Mb despite entering custom...
View ArticleIsolation d'un réseau virtuel
Bonjour à tous, Je cherche des information pour configurer correctement mon environnement suivant : J'ai un réseau interne en sur lequel est monté mon ESXi 5.1. Je souhaite créer 3 VM...
View ArticleVMware Fusion 5 doesn't see a bootcamp partition on a new Macbook Air 2013...
HiI installed on my Macbook Air 2013 (the one with the PCI-Express SSD) a Windows 8 Bootcamp that works well.But VMware Fusion doesn't detect it. I made some tests and searches within this forum and...
View ArticleFault Tolerance and compability
Hi,I searched but I can not find that if my two cpu's are compatibe for vmotion,FT,and HA or not?one of those are Intel X5560 and another one is E5-2960, can I have vmotion,FT,and HA between these two...
View Articlefree vmware player
Hi, I've just downloaded the free vmware player for Windows XP so I can run mobile phone browsers. I have the Blackberry simulator files downloaded, when I run the player the Blackberry is listed in...
View ArticleVMware Data Protection について語り合いましょう。
この書き込みを見てらっしゃっる方、こんばんわ。 標題の件、vCenter Server 5.1 から 新登場した Virtual New Backup Appliance 『VMware Data Protection』 について 実際の実践的なところはどうよっ?? ってところの情報交換を致したく、宜しくお願いします!! 取り急ぎ、今日、ではなく昨日から...
View ArticleVDP integrity check fails
One of my VDP appliances won't run integrity checks. When I try to run an integrity check manually I get the following error. My issue is almost identical to the following...
View ArticleWindows 8 EVent ApplicationExperienceInfrastructure
I'm getting the following event in the windows applications event log The application (VMware Workstation, from vendor VMware, Inc.) has the following problem: To function properly, VMware Workstation...
View ArticleThick Provision Eager Zeroed - Provisioned Size???
Buongiorno a tutti! Premetto che sto usando esxi5 con VMFS5 e tutte le vm hanno i dischi configurati in Thick Provision Eager Zeroed...Una di queste ha 2 hdd configurati (uno da 40gb e l'altro da...
View ArticlevCenter 5.1 / ESXi's user login/logout logs
Hi, we're monitoring our vSphere 5.1 environment with Nagios. Most of the checks (cpu, memory, hardware, etc.) are performed against the hosts and not through the vCenter. The checks use a local user...
View ArticlevConverter and vmotion
What is the difference between these two besides the vmotion required GigBits Ethernet network?
View ArticleWhich Api to use?Beginner
Hello and nice to meet you.After reading i'm not quit sureif i have to use assembly Vmware.Vim or VimService51.Of course...
View ArticleBest Practice
Hello, I have following configuration. VM Workstation 8.03 running on Windows 7 x64Guest OS Windows XP 32. Are there any tweaks that would make this a better marriage? Prior to W7-64; Workstation was...
View ArticlePing (ip/dns) esxi impossible
BOnjour, JAi installé sur un dell un esxi, paramètre en ip fixe, paramétrage du dns etc...JAi pu me connecter dessus via vsphere depuis mon Pc, que ce soit via son ip ou son nom dns, et j'ai mis en...
View ArticleVmware Player Prevents Aptitude from Installing Debian Packages
I am running a fresh install of debian wheezy. I installed VMware Player 4.0.1 build-528992 and then Windows 7 in a vm. Everything is working properly, until I tried to use aptitude to install...
View ArticleESX 3.5 et carte réseau ISCSI dépendante
Bonjour, Je voudrais savoir si une carte réseau ISCSI dépendante est compatible avec ESX 3.5, et dans le cas où elle est compatible, quelle est la procédure à suivre s'il vous plait pour paramétrer et...
View ArticleWindows 7 Ultimate 64 bit compliant and blue screen - 3d accelerated display...
Hey guys, I use Fusion 5 to run an Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit (for last 12 months at least !!!) and Windows 8 Pro 64 bit (last 3 months) with no problem at all !!! Last June 27 I had to restart my...
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