My home server recently crashed and my work put me through a week long vSphere class(and gave me the licenses and such to get familiar with ), so I'm putting it all together now. Of course I find questions after the class. So with little actual hands on I am still very new.
I would like to have storage that can be see by all VMs, encase I need to blow a VM away I won't have to worry about moving data. I would like for this data to be dynamically expandable, but manually expandable is fine too. Eventually I will add more drives to act as storage. I've been looking for the past few days and most information online I find, unfortunately, says this cannot be done without running a dedicated NFS server or NetAPP. I cannot do this. With such low specs, I'm trying to avoid running any extra VMs. Please someone tell me I'm wrong and maybe guide me through this small scale project of mine.