Hi there,
I tried the vShield Edge integrated VPN SSL+ feature and I have to say it's quite impressive so far ! Light, fast and easy to use.
Everything is working fine but I would like to do something a bit more complicated : I'm trying to have a single public IP and be able to connect to each vShield appliance from this IP.
In order to do that I'm currently trying to use Citrix Netscaler Content Switching :
- the users open a webpage like https://mylogin.vlab.com to access their own vShield Appliance (already working)
- then they use the client to connect the VPN (not working)
Problem is :content switching on HTTPS protocol is quite easy to setup but I'm not sure how I could do the same for the VPN SSL since it does not seem to be implemented on top of HTTPS.
On HTTPS I just have to get the FQDN of the request to know where it should be redirected but how can I handle the VPN SSL traffic the same way ?
Maybe If I could have technical details about how the VPN SSL protocol is working (such as how the packet payload is segmented), I could find a way.
Thank you in advance for your help,