We have after lots of trial an error, discovered a bug in vCloud Director 5.1 and 5.1.1. It relates to vCDNI Pools and connectivity. We re-created and experienced the bug both times in a vCD manual installer environment & using the Appliances (VC/VCD/vShield) and the issue persists so it is not a configuration issue on our side.
From a fresh install we created various NAT’d vApps using isolated-backed networks, all vApps deploy correctly and connectivity is fine. If we stop all the vApps and delete ALL the NetPools, create a new NetPool whether it’s with the original VLAN tagging or a new VLAN tag, any vApp we start after that has connectivity issues and we are unable to connect to the vApps. To resolve the problem all hosts have to be re-prepared within vCD, and the connectivity is restored, without doing anything else to the currently running vApps.
While everything is working we are able to delete and create as many NetPools as we like as long as that at any point we always have at least 1 NetPool configured. The bug only occurs if all NetPools are deletes. Connectivity between VM’s and the Default Gateway is broken, even if the affected VM’s are on the same physical host, attached to the same portgroup on the same vDS.
3 ESXi Hosts in Clusters.
2 in Maintenance mode to isolate that it's not a cross host issue.
To reproduce:
Deploy a vApps – isolated-backed network and NAT
Confirm connectivity
Stop the vApp
Using the Provider vDC set "Networks & Pool" to none.
Delete all the Pools except vDC-VXLAN-NP as it can’t be deleted.
Create a new NetPool with any VLAN tag
Start the vApp and at this point connectivity will be broken
Re-Prepare the hosts from vCD. As soon as the vApps VM’s are migrated to a new prepared host connectivity to those VM’s is restored.
Attached is the pic of our setup. Logged a support request with VMWare too...
If you have a spare lab please attempt to reproduce and confirm.