I was hoping to garner some assistance with this. I have a virtual Exchange server whose mailstores are located on a couple of different SAN volumes. This is because the company, which I just joined, was having severe storage issues and the server configuration was not set up properly. So far, things have been going pretty well. The company has a couple of different backup solutions, including BackupExec and Veeam. I hope to eventually replace these multiple solutions with a really cool cloud-based one from Barracuda, but that's out of bounds for this post. Yesterday, I started receiving a message on the Exchange VM that I needed to perform a disk consolidation. Since Veeam handles the snapshots and none were listed in the VM's snapshot manager, I am relatively certain that they existed because of Veeam. I nonetheless went to do a snapshot consolidation and received the error:
The available Memory resources in the parent resource pool are insufficient for the operation. I am hoping someone could provide me with further insight to this error and its cause, as well as a resolution. I've migrated as many VMs off of the host as possible, and I'm left with 20% CPU utilization and 47% memory utilization.
Thanks in advance.