I've used Vmware WS 7.1 for years in testing and created 500+ full clones to network paths but I get an error for every attempted variation I try in WS9.0.2
Using the clone wizard at the dialog page where you enter the VM name and Location, the error is "The specified location already exists. Specify a different location"
The location I'm specifying is an empty folder which I've verified I have write access to and I'm cutting and pasting the path from windows explorer so there are no type-o issues. As an example, the location I'm providing is: \\server_name\virtual machines\clean\Win732bit and the name I input in the vmname field is Win732bit and this results in the error.
I've made sure I am logged into the server and can even browse to ths folder via the Location browse button. I've tried a server alias name, a fully qualified server name and even an IP address and all result in the same "specified location already exists".
What changed from WS7.1 to 9.0 to break this and/or what is the solution. I've tried this wiht both the 30 day demo WS9.0 and a paid for installed WS9.0 on a different pc and both have the same error.
Thanks in advance,