I am newish to the whole vmware/iscsi thing but got it to work once.
HB BL460c (32gb ram, 2 x 146gb local SAS HD, nc382m HBA)
vSphere ESXi 5.1
MSA2012i (12 x 1TB HD)
I created a vswitch (VMkernel Port) for port1 of the nc382m (vmnic2) and then added the virtual iscsi adapter to connect them. A re-scan an I was able to add the available lun on the MSA as storage on the esxi host. All was well.
But, I have created a second lun on the MSA (it is shared to all hosts) and I have re-scanned on the esxi but when I try to add storage no luns are listed. I followed the same procedure as the initial setup which worked fine and now no joy. I have searched the forums for ideas but so far non seem applicable, since I was able to do this for one lun but now can add a second lun.