I use vmware workstation for long time, now I want to use the ESXi, when I am doing some testing in the ESXi environment, I found a problem that can not be resolved. the problem is:
I want to talk with the named pipe (the named pipe is created by adding VM's serial port) on ESXi host, but I can not see the named pipe was getting created in the ESXi host terminal( by ls command).
My environment are:
ESXi host version: ESXi 4.1,
File system of my datastore is : vmfs3,
My datastore's location is:
VM is linux,, i call it VM1 in this discussion,
At first, I added two serial ports for the VM1 and connect them via named pipe, serial port1 is configured as server, and serial port2 is client, the far ends are all application. these two serial ports can talk to eachother after VM1 reboot.so, I think there must be the named pipe was created, but I cann not see the named pipe in the specfied folder "/vmfs/volumes/51a80a98-91ad1f48-de4d-68b5997916a0/mypipe" . and I also try to search the pipe name "mypipe" by "find / -name 'mypipe' -print 2>/dev/null" comand, find nothing too.
I just want to know how to access the named pipe on ESXi host. any suggestion is appreciated. thanks
Other info, I found the named pipe's name can not be "/tmp/" or "/var/" , if I set these path, there will be a "Incompatible device backing specified for device '0'."
and I dont want to use the "serial port connect via network" too.