Esxi5.1 Essentials is host on dell t420 with raid 10 1tb space setup just one vm with windows 2008r2 as backup dc dns print and file server
I am doing a migration and in the last stage of bring over the shares and the printers. I downloaded and tried to install the sp1 for 2008r2 and when I did my datastore went from 925gb free to 4.21 gb free?
I created a folder on the datastore just like when I created one for the install of 2008r2 ( I deleted from disk the 2008r2 folder) and then created and labled the new folder sp1 and then checked the box to power the iso up on reboot and when I did the sp1 update crashed and the error of no space for VM came up I went from 925gb to 4gb??? Error message when I try to delete the sp1 iso is
Error Caused by file (See attached picture)
Also this is thin provisioned
How do i fix this???