Dear Friends,
Took the VCAP5-DCA exam today at Reading, UK and thought I will share my experience.
Prepared for almost 4 weeks and it was a good experience all together. Attended 23 questions and ran out of time. Used many materials for preparation, but I think the most import ones were TrainSignal course from Jason Nash and this forum. There were times when I couldn’t study anymore ( my brain was abt to explode) and I just use to listen to Jason and walk around or go to bed with laptop near me . You can’t go wrong with a $49 investment/month. This is my 14th certification ( if I pass) and I am gonna start DCD after couple of days along with EMCTA.
- Don’t try to go thru all question in the beginning itself. If you take 30 seconds to read one question to understand and take a conscious decision whether it is easy or not ,
You will waster average 13 minutes or more that you don’t have !
- Try to time at least 8 questions /hour , and make sure you push yourself to get to it ( skip the question if you have to struggle when you read it )
- Allocate at least 10 min to refer the PDF’s ( unless you are a Robert from Palo Alto- that know everything ). Combine your pdf searches if possible towards the 2nd hour and use your pad to write it down- especially the cmd options-Ask for two writing pads and on one, write down the IP’s and password- along with a simple diagram – takes ~2 minutes
- Take your fluid intake to a minimum, I wasted 4 min for a bathroom break ( yea, I counted it )
- It is not the questions that killing you, but the time limit- take it easy
- Remember, this is the best chance to show the world and your company that you are not a testking clone. Attending the exam itself shows that you have the it in you J
- Ensure that you go thru the forum and get as much details as you can ….it’s not hard, provided you are committed and spend at least 3-4 weeks for study
- Try it in the lab again and again.. even the simplest things will come and haunt you whilst you are in that chair, don’t take anything for granted…
Best For Luck !