Trying to set a list of all the advanced settings in vCenter for a "build-as" report in a 2 column format with a list of option and then the value.
When trying to run this I get the information I want in the when I type $contents from the PS C:> prompt, but when I try to get in Word I get a bunch of VMWare.VIim.OptionDef[] and vmware.vim.optionvalue[]
Also get an error: method invocation failed because vmware.vim.optionmanager doesn't contain a method named 'op_addition'
Still learning, but here is what I have and help would be greatly appreciated:
$vcenter = ''
Connect-VIServer -Server $vcenter
$vcenterSettings = get-View -Id 'OptionManager-VpxSettings'
$settings = @()
foreach ($settings in $vcenterSettings)
$a = "" | Select-object SupportedOption,Setting
$a.SupportedOption = $settings.SupportedOption
$a.Setting = $Settings.Setting
$settings += $a
$Contents = @($a.SupportedOption,$a.Setting)
$ColumnHeaders = @('Option','Setting')
$ColumnProperties = @('Option','Setting')
$columncount = $columnHeaders.Count
$msWord = New-Object -ComObject Word.Application
$wordDoc = $msWord.Documents.Add()
$msWord.Visible = $true
$doctable = $wordDoc.Tables.Add($wordDoc.Application.Selection.Range,$contents.Count,$Columncount)
for($col =0; $col -lt $columncount; col++)
$cell = $doctable.cell(1,$col+1).Range
$cell.font.bold = $true
#Insert Data into 1st Row
for ($row =0; $row -le ($contents.count); $row++)
$cell = $doctable.cell($row,1).Range
$cell.font.bold = $false
$cell.Text = $contents[$row -1]
#Insert Data into 2nd row
for ($row =0; $row -le ($contents.count); $row++)
$cell = $doctable.cell($row,2).Range
$cell.font.bold = $false
$cell.Text = $contents[$row -1]
#Table formatting stuff
$objSelection = $msWord.Selection
$msWord.Selection.EndKey(6) > Null
$objSelection = TypeParagraph()
$msWord.Selection.EndKey(6) > Null