I'm stuck with a very old network so I thought, lets start updating/reinstalling it with some "new" hard and software. So I pulled out a "server", installed ESXi 5 on it and hooked it onto my production network. Then I installed Windows SBS2011 on the ESXi server to start configuring the new network but told myself this will not be such a good idea because I will have 2 DC's in the same network in a couple of minutes so I started to use a different IP range 192.168.2.x instead of the old network 192.168.1.x
The only problem left now is that the new network isn't having an internet connection and that is a thing I realy want fix. Is there some way to get this done or is there someone who can give me some tip or hint? I already spent hours on the internet to find a simular question but couldn't find an answer.
Some information:
Old Network:
- Windows2003 DC with Exchange2003 on it (IP
- Router/Gateway with IP
- About 6 workstations
New Network:
- VMWare ESXi 5 server (IP
- Windows SBS2011 as a VM (IP
- no workstations yet
I don't want to migrate, I just want to start with a new situation. I'm new to VMWare so please don't shoot me yet!
Any help is appreciated!