Good Afternoon All,
I have a question in regards to clustering of a Physical server with a Virtual one using ESXi VMFS RDM.
I have a 3 node Veritas cluster with 3 SQL instances running on Windows 2008 R2 SP1 that will be on RAID-5 VSP owned LUNs. Each server is the fail over for the other one but the order is always physical to physical and lastly to VM.
If the fail over of an instance occurs to the VM, I have a concern that the Windows NTFS bock size will not be the same from the VM size. As you know NTFS has a 4KB block size for up to 16TB where VMFS has 1MB+.
My question is that when the LUN(s) are presented to VM via RDM, would VMFS force its blocksize or would OS be the determining factor since VMFS is only a mapping at that point to present LUN via Fiber directly to OS? In addition since Veritas has it abstraction layer as volume manager, wont it stop creation of any other block sizes?
Thank you!