I am in the process of migrating a bunch of VMs off old VMFS3 luns onto newly provisioned VMFS5 luns - we have about 500 to do and so far every one of the 100+ we've done has been fine.
Last night I got a very odd one. I triggered the svmotion and it ran through & reported a success in the evnt log. The VMs files are on the new datastore and the settings point at thos files. However a full set of files was left on the old datastore.
I have seen svmotion leave traces behind before so I thought little of it and went to delete one of the files. The client threw and error telling me I could not delete the file.
The twist is that while the old file remained in place the newly copied equivalent file on the new datastore had been deleted - in this case a disk file on a running vm. The OS showed no errors at the deletion even though it hosted the paging file and on a reboot the paging file relocated back to the C drive.
I have considerd that I may be cracking up but the event logs in VMware confirm the sequence of events.
Anyone seen anything like this?