I've just recently started using SIGAR and I'm still learning, but so far it seems like a great project. One of the things I recently attempted was to retrieve the file system list and see what sort of data I would be working with. It works great for my Windows 7 drives which includes one of them being a network resource. However, I threw in a USB thumbdrive and queried the list again-- but the USB device doesn't show up, although it appears in Windows, and I can read/write with the device.
As I'm new to SIGAR, I'm willing to consider that I'm doing something wrong-- perhaps it doesn't get included with getFileSystemList()? But given no apparent alternate methods for USB specific devices, and the inclusion of CD, network, and other types-- I can't rule out that it may be a bug.
Here's a snippet of what I see via WMIC (LOGICALDISK LIST):
Caption Compressed ConfigManagerErrorCode ConfigManagerUserConfig Description DeviceID DriveTyp
C: FALSE Local Fixed Disk C: 3
D: CD-ROM Disc D: 5
E: FALSE Removable Disk E: 2
H: FALSE Network Connection H: 4
However, displaying everything via SIGAR getFileSystemList() (printing getDevName() + getDirName()).
C:\, C:\
D:\, D:\
\\srv11123\HOME5$\z888731, H:\
Does anyone have some experience they could share with this?
Thanks in advance,