I have created a script to retrieve VM paramters "VM Name, DNS Name, Creation Date, Power State ,OS Full Name ,VM Hardware Version , Tools Version , VM Tools Status ,
CPU HOT Enabled, Memory Hot Enabled , Thin Provisioned, HardDiskName, CPU Reservation, CPU Limits, Memory Limits and Memory Reservation". The script is working on 1
vCenter but not on another vcenter.
If I run manually one by one parameter on the powercli command prompt, i'm getting values. But if i try to get all the parameter values in a script, getting empty CSV
$VMview =Get-VM VMNAME | Get-View
$VMMemReservationsGB = $VMView.Config.MemoryAllocation.Reservation/1024
What might be the reason..
I'm not getting any error message while executing the script. Could you please let us know what are pointer we have to check.
Thanks in Advance..