Hi I need to gather the VLAN information against my environment to check to see if VLAN's have been configured
$report = @()
foreach($esx in Get-VMHost){
$vms = Get-VM -Location $esx
foreach($pg in (Get-VirtualPortGroup -VMHost $esx)){
$vms | where {$_.Guest.Nics | where {$_.NetworkName -eq $pg.Name}} | foreach {
$Report += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
"VLAN ID"=$pg.VlanId
"Port Group"=$pg.Name
"IP"=[string]::Join(',',($_.Guest.Nics | where {$_.NetworkName -eq $pg.Name} | %{$_.IPAddress | %{$_}}))
$report | Export-Csv "C:\testVLAN-report.csv" -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture
this gathers most of the information but isn't pull back the VLAN ID? anybody know why?