VMWare Experts,
Getting smashed on the vCenter 5.1 SSO Install and was wondering if I could get some assistance.
This is what I've done so far:
1.) Execute the "rsaIMSLiteMSSQLSetupTables.sql"
2.) Change only the "C:\Changeme" portion of the script which was "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQL2K8R2\MSSQL\DATA
3.) Execute the script which created a database named RSA
I then went to vCenter Simple Install which started out installing the SSO which I got held up on.
Under Database Type: I chose MSSQL:
I am drawing a blank next on the syntax remaining fields.
The relevant server names are:
SQL Servername: TEST-SQL01.test.local
SQL Named Instance: SQL2K8R2
vCenter Server: TEST-VC01.test.local (where I will be installing the SSO, Inventory service, etc)
No idea on what to set for the Database Name, Windows Authentication, JDBC URL, etc.
I tried to follow the install guide and there was no mention of if I needed to set up ODBC connections or anything like that.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.