Hello all PowerCLI'ers out there. Here's what I hope will be an easy one for you guys.
I have built a hashtable named $hostInfo that contains information about our VMHosts. The information when displayed in a table format shows Name, UsedMemoryGB, TotalMemoryGB, FreeMemoryPct.
The 'Format-Table' output looks like this:
Name UsedMemoryGB TotalMemoryGB FreeMemoryPct
--------- ----------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------
us1esx0201.company.local 89.07421875 95.989414215087890625 92.79587700202785441462201182
us1esx0209.company.local 84.8193359375 95.989414215087890625 88.36321862267168020854706439
us1esx0211.company.local 83.681640625 95.989414215087890625 87.17798864517570982753322143
us1esx0205.company.local 83.3310546875 95.989414215087890625 86.81275468644519191613067240
us1esx0403.company.local 96.3408203125 111.989383697509765625 86.02674390344222204017427325
us1esx0401.company.local 95.689453125 111.989383697509765625 85.44511092539192491691602221
us1-vmhesx-p0515.company.local 81.6171875 95.989383697509765625 85.02730651672824441211219264
us1esx0303.company.local 95.1884765625 111.989383697509765625 84.99776802023479984310570319
us1-vmhesx-p0512.company.local 81.4462890625 95.9893798828125 84.84927099428367955541142883
us1esx0113.company.local 81.3212890625 95.98944091796875 84.71899438605549341860543489
Here is the code snippet that generates this hashtable:
$hostInfo = Get-VMHost |
Select Name, `
@{N="UsedMemoryGB";E={$_.MemoryUsageGB}}, `
@{N="TotalMemoryGB";E={$_.MemoryTotalGB}}, `
@{N="FreeMemoryPct";E={(($_.MemoryUsageGB / $_.MemoryTotalGB) * 100)}} |
Sort-Object -Descending -Property "FreeMemoryPct" | Select -First 10
Here is my challenge...I wish to remove the ".company.local" from all the entries in the 'Name' column and only leave the actual hostname. How would I go about iterating through the 'Name' key and removing only this part of the string?
Any help is appreciated as always!