I recently decided that my home server was using to much power so I am making a low power one.
The components are:
Sapphire pure white fusion E350
8GB Kingston value RAM
3TB seagate
and a new HP NC380T
I fitted all of the components in 1U case with a 260W power supply.
Then I disabled the onboard NIC because it's a marvell one that's not supported and added the HP NC380T to the first and only PCI-e slot.
But when I tried installing VMware ESXI 5.1 it cannot find any connected NIC's?
So now I have no clue what I can do. I thought that adding a supported network card would help but apparently it doesn't.
I hope you guys can help me.
some more information: I'm installing from a USB to a USB stick and I'm using the standard ESXI 5.1 image but still I am getting the 'No Network Adapters' message...
Tried the NC380T in my destop and guess what it Can't find the card either... so I'm guessing the card might be flawed so I'm contacting the seller.
Kind regards,