I am trying to use vmrun on a Linux box with Workstation 8.0.2 against a vCenter installation.
I can use vmrun against Workstation 8 and VMware Server 2.0.2.
I can also use vmrun from a Windows machine to access vCenter.
Trying to access vcenter from linux invariably fails:
GUI (CTRL-L, "Connect to server"):
Server name: myvcenterhost.mydomain.com
User name: MYDOMAIN\myuser
Password: ********
Unable to retrieve any hosts on this connection. This could potentially be caused by insufficient permissions.
Command line:
$ vmrun -T vc -h https://myvcenterhost.mydomain.com/ -u MYDOMAIN\myuser list
Host password: ********
Unable to connect to host.
Error: Insufficient permissions in the host operating system
I can run the exact same vmrun line on a Windows host with the same user specified, and I get a list back.
Are there anyone here who accesses vCenter or ESX on a windows domain remotely from a Linux host?
If so, are there any special hoops that must be jumped through?