I have a strange issue with my Loadbalancer FW rules.
My client facing port is VMNIC-1
My Cell server facing port is VMNIC-2
I have configured the FW rules to allow HTTPS traffic from VMNIC-1 to VMNIC-2
This allows me to see the Portal page without issue.
When I type in my username and password I get an authentication error and it fails to authenticate me.
If I change the FW rule to allow HTTPS from VMNIC-1 to Any it works!
I thought the authentication route should be from the VC facing port of the Cell server and handled at the backend?
I dont know why the authentication is requiring the client HTTPS to be able to access somewhere other than just the portal nic of the Cell server?
I am slowly opening ports to different servers etc to see what is causing this but I thought I'd post on here in case anyone can give a better description as to the authentication model involved.