Curently running ESXi and have the following setup with 3 virtual machines;
Nic1 = to 12/24 GW - VLAN 50 (Layer 3)
Nic2 = to 12/24 No GW set - VLAN 60 (Layer 2)
The 3 VM's run on a host farm consisting of 5 hosts and all hosts are setup with the above VLAN's.
When I VMotion to another host, the vm that is VMotioned is not reachable by the other two vm's.
lets say I vmotioned a VM with the secondary ip of When I run a tracert to another vm at ip address192.168.99.11
the route being used is the NIC with the 10.10 address, even though the IP is directly connected and one hop away. The only
way that I have found to clear this is to disconnect the NIC from the VM and reconnect. Once I reconnect and run that tracert
cmd again, it than shows a direct hop to the 192 ip address and I am able to ping that host. Disabling the NIC in the OS does not
resolve the problem. Under normal circumstances, everything works as it should where the 192 addresses communicate directly.
The problem only occurs when I VMotion.
Any thoughts or assistance would be appreciated.
thanks in advance