I have a VM that has high-disk processing requirements. I can't meet the requirements or afford to do network-based SSD access for this VM. However, I did purchase a 200 GB eMLC SSD drive for two of our ESX hosts. I would like to create a VM depending on which of the two servers it is booted on to use 160 GB of local SSD storage space for a VMDK that is just for temporary ingesting and processing of data (think forensics).
I am a bit new to vSphere, so how do I configure the VM so when it boots on ESXHOST1 or ESXHOST2 that it accesses/mounts the D: drive from a local VMDK on an SSD drive, then when I shutdown and move it to the other host, it does the same thing? I am assuming I can't do a VMotion this way (unless I create some script to copy the contents of the disk also)?
Any thoughts on this?
- Elan