I'm currently trying to install a new installation of vCenter 5.1.0A into a test environment before updating the live environment,
I have successfully installed 5.1 before, so I can hopefully be pretty sure that the SQL DB stuff is all OK. However, 5.1 was a no-go becuase of the way it broke when using third party certificates.
Basically, the install is saying it's successful right after installing SSO, but the commands listed on Derek Seaman's blog prove that it has not installed correctly.
the commands I type immediately after a supposedly successful install, and their response are as follows:
C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\SSOServer\ssolscli>ssolscli.cmd listServices https://fqdn:7444/lookupservice/sdk
Intializing registration provider...
Getting SSL certificates for https://fqdn:7444/lookupservice/sdk
Unable to connect to server
Unable to connect to server
Return code is: OperationFailed
The service is started, and I can see the ssotomcat and JAVA processes OK.
I have tried rebooting and restarting the sso service, but nothing seems to work. I have tried the bundled SQL express and seperately hosted SQL2008R2 deployments. I have tried a number of different passwords, with the last password being 10 characters with numbers letters and an underscore. This password is meeting all local windows complexity rules.
Anyone any ideas?