Hi all,
My problem seems to be a strange one.
I have a user that uses windows xp on their physical machine (with a roaming profile) and can log in fine. However, when they log in to their virtual desktop (also Windows XP) it hangs on a grey screen. Opening task manager and starting explorer.exe kicks everything in to life.
I have tried unassigning and reassiging the user to another desktop in the pool and it still does the same. I've even recomposed the pool since and same again.
I have 50 users successfully using the pool.
My initial thoughts were edit the registry, but the reg key that relates to the shell where explorer is is HKLM, which is local only to the machine, and since I have done a recompose it should of got rid of any anomoloies anyway. I'm not aware of HKLM being pulled through to a roaming profile, and yet the user can still log in to their normal physical desktop fine anyway.
Don't suppose any of you have any thoughts?